Fun and Games Dept


I appreciate that Starbucks is open on key holidays in the United States to serve those who don’t celebrate that holiday, but I really hope they don’t force any of their employees to work, and instead ask for volunteers.



The Southwest agent was wrong for what she did, but the Mom’s outrage has be questioned. Did she not think her daughter would suffer ridicule her entire life when she named her daughter Abcde? In an even more shocking twist, 373 children in the United States have been named “Abcde” since 1990. I wonder if the family dog is named Lmnop.

And I thought the woman screaming at her kid a few years ago in a Utica Wal*mart was nuts when she called the kid by his name: Ampersand.

Dear CNN.

Dear CNN,

A couple of things:

  1. Not everything is “Breaking News”. I know y’all get off by trotting Wolf Blitzer out there so he can exclaim “Breaking News!” and get all breathless over things like Trump walking down a staircase, but you’re killing any credibility you have by constantly crying, er, wolf.
  2. Stop paying people just to offer the other side of a story. If there’s a credible reason for someone to offer the “other side” of a story, they’ll come forward without having to be coaxed out of the shadows with cash.
  3. Along those lines, if someone is claiming the world is round, you don’t need to give airtime to the person that says that’s false and instead says the world is flat. That’s not news. That’s opinion. There’s a big difference between news and opinion. That’s not even a debate. If established fact has been presented, you don’t need to have a debate to question the fact. If someone says the sky is brown, when it’s very obviously blue, there’s no reason to have the other side on there saying it’s brown.


Sometimes I look at Monday with a little bit of dread. I’m like most people in that regard, I suppose, because it means the weekend is over and it’s time to get to work. Who came up with the idea to work 1/3 of the day for over 2/3 of the week, anyway? I should read up on the history of that.

Today I was up at 6:00 a.m. and headed out for my morning walk. I try to walk two to three miles before starting the workday. On the days I skip my morning walk I’m a big lethargic during the day. On the other hand, if I get up at 6:00 a.m. after a restless night’s sleep, I’m lethargic as well. It’s a balancing act.

The walk worked today, as I found my balance, but only for most of the morning. Come lunch time I was tired. I snuck a power nap on the couch around lunch time and then I made it through the afternoon. I crossed off the requisite items on my To Do list at the end of the day, and more importantly, I achieved Inbox Zero nirvana, so there’s that.

I’m currently sitting in a Starbucks in Lincoln Square because I needed a change of view for a few moments. Some decorations are up on the street light poles, signaling the arrival of the Holiday Season (even though it’s not Thanksgiving yet). As long as I’m not being assaulted with Christmas music I’m good. I like the twinkling of the lights. They make me smile.

This Starbucks has indie sounding music playing. There is not sign of that Mariah Carey tune that gives me HTSD (Holiday Traumatic Stress Disorder). I wouldn’t mind if I never heard that song again.

Holiday spirit on a lively Monday or not, I’m not ready for crass commercialism.

Happy Endings.

Oh, “Happy Endings”, how I miss thee. Your eppys always brought me such joy. I watch your three seasons over and over and they always make me smile. 

‘Tis a shame ABC cancelled your series a few years ago. I keep hoping Netflix or something will come to their senses and revive the series, but alas, ’tis not the year of Penny.

Until someone comes to their senses, we’ll just have to be content with reruns, and my straight crush on Eliza Coupe shall endure. 


I have been refraining from writing about politics (too much) because honestly I was feeling PTSD-like responses to anything to do with yesterday’s election. My husband, the retired political junkie that he is, was completely enthralled with yesterday’s activities and of course we watched everything as it happened last night.

I commented earlier today that I no longer feel completely hopelessness. I feel some hope that we are starting to head in a sane direction again. I feel like the gears of our democracy will start turning again. I’m hoping someone is going to hold Trump accountable. There is hope.

While the Democrats did not win majority of the Senate, and honestly, I never really thought they had a chance, they did gain majority of the House and that’s huge. Very huge.

The fact that Beto O’Rourke lost by a very slim margin to Ted Cruz in solidly red Texas speaks volumes.

I’m really energized by Jared Polis’ win as Governor of Colorado. Polis will be the first openly gay governor in the United States. I’m also happy J.B. Pritzker won as Governor for our home state of Illinois.

I just watched Trump become unhinged at his latest press conference. The man is really unstable. It’s funny how people don’t convey any worry about him being so close to the nuclear codes. I still think he might do something before the 2020 elections, just to create more chaos and confusion.

For now, I’m happy with where the elections brought us last night. I feel hope. And I haven’t felt that for a long time.


You know you should vote. You know why you should vote. I could write volumes about what’s going on in this country and why this election is so incredibly important, but I’m just going to say this:

Please vote.

UA 3811.

I am my flight home from Greenville, SC to Chicago. I’m seated in the exit row on this Canadair CL-65. I drew the lucky straw and I have a lap child sitting behind me kicking the seat and making an occasional screaming sound. So much for my planned nap.

I’m suppose to wave and smile. Since I’ve missed my planned nap I’ll just mind my own business.

We are flying over the Appalachian Mountains.

They’re no Rocky Mountains but they’re interesting I guess. I have relatives that live in the mountains and love it. I’m more of a prairies and plains kind of guy. I don’t think any state deserves the nickname “Flyover State”, as there is value in every part of this country, but honestly I don’t feel the need to rush back to Nebraska. That’s the only state in the middle of the country that doesn’t really blow my skirt up. 

I wish I was flying the airplane right now. Any seat on an airplane is an awesome seat, but my favorite seat is up front.

I need to fly more.