

I often improve my mind by watching clips of old shows on YouTube. This clip from a late 1980s version of “Password” always puts me in a better. It’s a celebrity version of the show featuring Dick Martin, Betty White, Lucille Ball, and Carol Channing. No one apparently mentions that Carol Channing is dressed like the Skipper from “Gilligan’s Island”, but her reaction to the buzzer is priceless.

We just don’t have folks like this in the entertainment business anymore.

And while I’m talking about it, can I just say that Betty White has an amazing sense of comedic timing and is still greatly missed as everyone’s Grandma of the United States?

And while I’m even still writing more about it, I lived in Jamestown, New York for a total of five years, and you could still feel Lucy’s presence in her hometown. I wish I had met her in person.


When one has been fasting for the past eight hours for blood work, it’s just mean to stack up a display of Cheez-Its next to the blood testing lab.

I haven’t figured out why blood labs are adjacent to finer produce in the local Safeway, but that’s probably another blog entry.


Here is a gratuitous shot of singer Jessie Ware, because she is awesome. I am enjoying her music and I’ve been enjoying her interviews.

I’m a little bit surprised she is not more popular in the United States. She has to have such an amazing energy. Whether she’s big in the states or not, she made it to Barack Obama’s list, and that’s alright by me.


Truman has been sticking very close to me since we returned from vacation on Monday. His purrs have increased in velocity and frequency. He seems very content and I feel like he’s happy we’re home.


I am really enjoying YouTube these days. The mix of engaging and entertaining content is far more interesting than streaming and network offerings these days. Since I have a YouTube Premium subscription, I don’t see ads outside of sponsorship mentions embedded in videos.

My subscription list is relatively short, as I am constantly tweaking who I am following based on their content, but more importantly, my state of mind at any given moment. I find a large subscription list to be overwhelming and as mentioned in a previous video, occasionally I find tech oriented channels to be “triggering”.

A few of the channels I follow are focused on better ways to make video content. I have a few aviation stalwarts, and of course, I have my storm chasing interests as well.

Here’s a few of my top mentions (in no particular order).

I recently discovered SAMTIME, but from what I can tell from his content list, he’s been around for quite a while. I love the way he presents his spin on what’s happening in the tech world, and there’s more truth in his videos than most would probably like to admit.


I have been following Tornado Titans for a number of years, and in 2023 I had the opportunity to meet Raychel Sanner in person. She is super knowledgeable and more importantly, her videos are educational when it comes to storm chasing. Highly recommended for those interested in learning about the weather when Mother Nature is in a feisty mood.


If there was ever a channel that inspires my hiking videos, it’s Jeff Aiello and Outside Beyond The Lens. The cinematography is gorgeous and really pushes me in a creative mood.


I have been following Flight Chops since he first started making videos a decade ago. We’ve chatted online a few times and I look forward to our paths crossing in person in the future. (Hello, Airventure in Oshkosh next year)? His videos are informative and the production value is top notch.


I just started following Becca when she started her channel a few months ago. I don’t know a lot about her but her content is fantastic. I think she may have worked for The Verge or something. Like other videography channels I follow, I find her inspiring.


Like Becca, I didn’t start following Phil Edwards until he had his own channel. I think he came from an online magazine. His personal content is outstanding and informative, and he tackles subjects I wouldn’t think of. Another YouTube creator that inspires.


I don’t like the word “triggered”, as in, “he was triggered by something she said”. It has a strong Millennial connotation to me, and as a solid Gen-Xer with a weird need to belong to something, it’s strange to me to identify with something I consider to be “Millennial”.

Someday I’m going to share more detail around how my brain works. In the meanwhile, I’ll try to stick to topic.

Whether or not I enjoy the word and any connontation around it is irrelevant, the truth of the matter is, as an impressionable type of person I can be triggered into a mood rather easily.

Whether it’s the never ending litany and monotony of this never-ending presidential election, some other assfoolery going on in the news, or even blog entries highlighting the latest fad in “optimal productivity”, my mind wants to go along with that crowd and my attitude usually adjusts accordingly.

Upon returning home from vacation I decided that I would need to scale back from Mastodon and Instagram a bit so that I could let the good vibes from my vacation marinate and simmer into something that would hopefully echo some permanence in my psyche. Instagram has figured out that I enjoy animals and, as all corporately controlled algorithms are designed to do, the outrage machine is cranked up to 11 with ads that would make Sarah McLachlan weep. I know there are many animals out there in the world that don’t have it as good as Truman and Lucky and Jinx have it here in the house, and my heart aches a lot for these poor little souls. My heart also can’t take the constant barrage of these images without tears constantly being in the back of my throat, so I’ve stepped away from Instagram until it settles down.

Mastodon, and the Fediverse in general, triggers me a bit in a different way. I’ve been pretty deep in the Apple ecosystem for a while and every time I go on Mastodon and see some of my Linux friends doing their thing, I feel bad because I haven’t abandoned the evil fruit and corporate America in general. Then I feel triggered even further because I’m just too tired for the amount of outrage required to be what I guess is a responsible American citizen in this day and age by clutching my pearls, my husband’s pearls, and the pearl’s of a random stranger on the street every time Trump belches, J.D. Maybelline farts, or someone says Kamala Harris’ name incorrectly (even though they’re solidly on her side of this election turned football game turned WWE fake wrestling match).

This country is one news story away from a complete Idiocracy.

Yes, Your Honor, I object to the word “triggered” but I there’s a lot of things triggering me in a bad way on this Internet thingee, and by taking a step back I’ve gained a slight bit of sanity. 

Not much, mind you, but a bit.

There’s a part of me that feels like this Election nonsense is the appetizer to the sheer chaos that’s coming after the election, no matter who wins what where, and for that?

I’m looking at the wine list.