This Ain’t No CNN.


I did not write a blog entry on 9/11. I was too consumed by what was happening on that day. I did write a blog entry on 9/12/2001, and here it is.

I’m not going to make this a long entry as I’ll be late for work otherwise, and with news feeds and such, work is plenty busy.

I am still in shock and disbelief as to what occurred yesterday in New York, Washington, D.C. and southwest Pennsylvania. It’s amazing how fragile life can be sometimes, even living in the greatest nation on the planet. To see the second airliner crash into the World Trade Center tower, live on television, was astounding. The number of innocent victims killed or injured will be staggering. To think that human beings could commit such acts against other human beings is terrifying. There is already a renewed sense of unity in our great nation. I believe our lives changed yesterday at 8:48 a.m. forever. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.


This has been bouncing around in my head for nearly a week. After the DNC, I read too many awful statements and opinions on Gus Walz’s display of pride, happiness, joy, and amazing outpouring of emotion while his father spoke at the Democratic National Convention. The reaction from too many people was so incredibly toxic. Prime suspects like Ann Coulter and her ilk said such horrible things.

Gus’ position on the Autism Spectrum is irrelevant in this discussion. Gus is a human being. Full stop. He is a human being that is very proud of his father. Full Stop. People making fun of his display of emotion has bothered me so much, because no human deserves to be mocked for being true with their emotions. Especially when it was clearly so much love and pride that was on display.

Whether you support Harris/Walz or not is also irrelevant in this discussion. Hateful comments, remarks, and countless memes speak to the character and the moral foundation of those who share these things, of those who believe these things, and of those who support those that share these remarks.

When you come for Gus, you come for me, a fellow human being. Instead of trumpeting around about your political beliefs, let’s take a step back and find our common humanity and put that above all else.

A Rainbow of Fun.

It’s been quite a while since Randy Rainbow came across my bits and bytes, but this latest video is a lot of fun. Enjoy “JD, JD… (Married Lady)”.


Kamala Harris’ speech at the DNC last week was so inspiring. Her words gave me hope. Her passion for this country is inspiring. I haven’t felt hope like this in a very long time.

So after this amazing speech, CNN cuts to a bunch of pundits sharing their comments on the situation and then John King slicing and dicing every word, every number, every scenario.

Why can’t we just seize the moment, let the hope breathe a little bit, before we delve into the nightmare also known as “The Electoral College”. Can we live in the moment? Can we enjoy the feeling of hope? For an hour? For a week? Maybe through November.

Seize the hope. Let is breathe. We can look at the numbers after the nightmare is over.

John King … shut up.


It has been a VERY long time since I’ve felt hope for the United States of America. It has been a VERY long time since I’ve felt patriotic.

We can do this America. Go watch her nomination acceptance speech. Do it. And then vote for her in November.


In case you haven’t heard, we are experiencing what some have termed as “the worst global Internet outage in history”. It’s because of Crowdstrike, a security company used by many, many companies. They sent out a security patch to systems running Microsoft Windows yesterday, and that patch had issues. Computers that applied this patch then crash and can’t be restarted without removing said patch. The kicker is, getting the computer to a state where the patch can be removed is tricky, especially if the computer is not locally accessible by someone that knows how to do this sort of thing.

And because of this, airports and airlines and DMVs and banks and hospitals and telecoms and all sorts of businesses that run Microsoft Windows and use Crowdstrike to keep their systems secure and hurting bad today.

Apple devices (Macs, iPhones, iPads, etc) and Linux computers are not locally affected by this outage, but systems they access could be affected. Microsoft based computers on their own (not managed by Crowdstrike) are also not affected. I’m 99% sure your gaming computer is fine.

We have been dealing with Crowdstrike all day at work today and it looks like the fun and frivolity is going to continue into the weekend. Luckily, the applications my team at work supports all run on Linux based servers, outside of two legacy applications we inherited from another group during a recent re-organization at work.

I’m surprised a patch from a prominent security company made it into the wild with such a defect. Usually these things are caught well before they’re released to the public. As of this writing, Crowdstrike’s stock price is down over 11%. I’m a little surprised by that; I thought it’d be much more.


Judging by the number of filtered out posts marked with “SCOTUS” on my Mastodon feed, I can only assume the Supreme Court laid out some stupid, partisan, greased palm rulings again today.

As a kid I remember being in awe of the Supreme Court of the United States. They seemed like wise people who knew the law and were to be respected. Fast forward to 2024 and I realize two things: 1. They weren’t really that supreme to begin with and 2. The court now is just a bunch of paid off hacks that are doing whatever they can for monetary gain. They’re a bunch of idiots in robes. Honestly, if their stupidity and paid off rulings didn’t impact the populace I wouldn’t give them nine of them a second thought.

It’s kind of disheartening to realize that even in my mid 50s I’ll probably outlive the United States as we know it today. It’s really a shame the Democrats are too weak to do anything about it and the Republicans are gleefully taking us back to days reminiscent of the Third Reich.

I’m still voting for a large meteor. The 50 states will be nothing more than Spirit of Halloween states come November.


I did not watch the debate last night. There’s no point in me getting worked up and expending mental energy over something as stupid as whatever happened last night. I know everything I need to know about the both of them. I can’t believe there is anyone in the country that doesn’t know what they need to know about these men. One has absolutely no moral foundation whatsoever and the other has a good moral foundation but probably can’t find it.

That’s it, that’s the choice. Any vote for a third party candidate is a vote for the worst of the two main candidates; that’s how our rigged election system works. It’s all a machine.

I miss the days of living in Chicago: “vote early and vote often”.

I would have loved to seen a debate between Pete Buttiegig and Nikki Haley. That would give me hope. But we’re stuck with the geriatric set.

Earl watched the debates last night and at the first commercial break he came downstairs where I was fiddling with one of my computers, passing the evening away with a mental break. He looked a little shaken and I asked him how the debate was going. He responded, “it’s not good”. He was visibly shaken when the whole thing mercifully came to an end 90 minutes later.

I can’t see anything but turbulent times ahead, no matter who wins in November. Couple last night’s travesty with the idiotic rulings coming out of the supreme Court (capitalization is on purpose there, folks) today and we are in for some rough times ahead.

I’m still rooting for the meteor.

And while I’m in a mood, shame on CNN for this whole stunt, zero fact checking, and then patting themselves on the back for a job well done. The only thing this debate accomplished was generating ad clicks, which was the point all along.

Project 2025.

I am generally avoiding news and posts and social media updates around political discourse during this Presidential election season. It’s not because I’m indifferent to the subject. I am very much aware of what can happen if Trump is elected to office again. No, I’m avoiding the subject online to maintain my personal sanity. My head is not in the sand; my mind is very much made up.

For those not aware, ultra conservative groups (I hesitate to call them “think tanks” and the like) have banded together to formulate a Day One plan should Trump be elected to the White House again. This plan is called “Project 2025” and it is horrifyingly alarming. Some high points:

  • Reclassify thousands of government jobs as political appointees, instead of designating them as a civil service positions. If they’re political appointees, Trump would insist they be loyal to him
  • Dismantling key governmental agencies, for example, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), because they’re “pushing the climate change agenda”
  • Other agencies on the dismantled list would include the Department of Education

I’m not a huge fan of John Oliver, but his recent coverage of “Project 2025” is enlightening. Take a few moments to watch this clip. I hope I don’t have to tell you that another Trump presidential administration would be a very bad idea.


Joe Biden is far from perfect as President of the United States. Personally I’d like to see some younger candidates on the ballot, but that’s not going to happen with the political machine that runs Washington, D.C. The eldest generation is going to hang on to every ounce of power possible until their last dying breath.

That being said, choosing between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a convicted felon where he was found guilty in 34 out of 34 charges, and with three more trials looming on the horizon, seems like a no-brainer. It’s not an awesome scenario, but when it comes to common sense, it seems like voting for the guy that isn’t a convicted felon would be the patriotic move.

But brains and common sense no longer prevail in these here United States in the 21st century. We’ve got our toe on a society reminiscent of “Idiocracy” and every day I wonder which is going to expire first, the United States as we know it today, or me.

Don’t be stupid in November.