
“Stop Your Loving!”

I was led to an interesting advice column by my blogger friend Thom. In a nutshell, a woman wrote in because of a gay couple that live next door. Apparently they were the model neighbors, helping out in the neighborhood, renovating their home beautifully and always friendly to everyone. Then they (gasp) kissed and hugged each other before leaving for work (double gasp) and the writer, so upset by this, went to church to ask her minister what to do. The minister told her to write a letter or get the others in the neighborhood together to sign a petition (surprise, surprise) asking the couple to stop this unnatural, offensive behavior. Now the writer is very surprised that the couple no longer acknowledge the presence of anyone else in the neighborhood. What to do?

I was happy to see the columnist zing right back at the writer with this response:

You’re lucky that these gentlemen merely choose to ignore you.

Your neighbors could respond to your hospitality by hosting weekly outdoor “gay pride” barbecues and inviting all of their friends to enjoy life on our quiet suburban street.

I can hold out hope that they will choose to do this, but I’m spiteful in that way. Your neighbors sound much more kind.

Good for her! Full article at this link.


Sweetheart Corner.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

This sign has stood at the corner of Route 11 and Taft Rd. in North Syracuse, N.Y. for at least 60 years. At this location was a locally owned grocery store, Sweetheart Market, that closed in 2003 due to competition from the big, corporate owned supermarkets. If you listen to the traffic reports on the radio, it’s Sweetheart Corner. If you’re going to one of the area businesses, you’re going to Sweetheart Corner. It’s a landmark of the Syracuse area.

Shortly after the closing of Sweetheart Market, the building was demolished and Eckerd built a brand new store on the site. I believe Eckerd had a store next to the original Sweetheart Market, most likely it was a Carl’s Drugs that became a Fays Drugs that was bought by Eckerd in the 1990s. I was happy to see that they decided to let the landmark live and they kept the original sign from the grocery store.

It shall always be “Sweetheart Corner.”


I’m making like a real internet café junkie today and hanging out at a local Barnes and Noble, enjoying a Tazo Chai and a granola bar. The internet connection is acceptably fast.

One of the things that I love about hanging out in a café like this is the people watching. I’m fascinated, and often frustrated by the general public. The folks seem rather tame in this Barnes and Noble though, there obnoxiousness level is at a minimum.

Three tables ahead of me there are two women, which I would describe as “two old broads” because that’s what I do, who are wearing a lot of hairspray, a week’s worth of makeup and those fancy coats that look like floor length ponchos. They carry an air of “old money”. Not the regal type, but the “we just dragged those old two dollar bills out from under the mattress” type old money. They’ve rearranged their chairs twice, moved the table east and west a couple of times, knocking their neighbor, who was content reading his book entitled “The Emperors’ New Mind”, and now they’re cackling more than the hens I heard at last year’s State Fair. The blonde (not really) woman is reading a book called “The Jell-O Collection”. I bet tonight she is going to make one of those jello concoctions where they put lettuce salad in clear jello. Just like in high school. You know the type of salad, it’s a few shreds of lettuce, a hunk of carrot and radish, all engulfed in a clear or green colored jello, suspended right there in mid-air, suspending your belief that anything like that could taste good.

They just turned their table counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Ponchos are swaying and the Emperor guy just gave them a nasty look. They’ve now left the building and have mounted their brooms parallel parked outside, ready for take-off.

Meow. I’m vicious.

To my right is a very good looking bearded young man. He’s very intellectual looking. I would upgrade his “very good” to an “exceptional” if it wasn’t for his floor length pony tail hanging behind him. Oh well, there’s always scissors.

Straight ahead is a young student banging on his laptop keyboard in a seemingly frustrated way. Let me check again, yep, it’s a Dell running Windows.

Gosh, I love my PowerBook. Have I mentioned that recently?

I see another woman in the far corner using an IBM ThinkPad. I don’t think I’ve seen one of those in use for a while. Every PC-centric person in this area seems hell bent on owning a Dell.

Sip check. Tazo Chai made with soy milk, not as sexy as whole milk. But a whole lot healthier.

A group of four older women have installed themselves in the back corner and have set up a Scrabble game. They look to be having a good time. I hope to be able to retire someday to do the same. I’m pretty good at Scrabble.


Earl the Birthday Boy.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

For most, one’s birthday is a milepost in this journey of life. For many, birthdays are not celebrated but rather despised because it’s a reminder that we are getting older. These folks pine for the good ol’ days and fear what lies ahead.

Not us.

Today is Earl’s birthday. Since he’s the emotionally stable one in the relationship (who would have guessed?), there were no hysterics, no depression and no regrets. He believes as I do, you’re only as old as you feel. The body is nothing more than a vehicle for the young spirit inside. He’s the playful, young-at-heart guy I met over 10 years ago. Does he have a serious side? Of course he does; he’s the responsible half of this dynamic duo, but he’s still a kid at heart that likes a good adventure.

We drove home from suburban Philly today by taking “the scenic route”. A five hour trip took nearly nine hours. We passed through his old stomping ground of Williamsport, Pa. in the central part of the state. He showed me a few key spots from that time in his life. I showed him a good time later on by picking up the tab for dinner at Benchwarmer’s in Ithaca, N.Y. Of course, I used his casino winnings to do so, but it was the thought that counts.

Happy birthday sweetheart!

Animal Impersonations.

Jones The Owl.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

While we were visiting Rick and Helen today, getting ready for our trip to Atlantic City, our nephew Jones decided to entertain his Uncle J.P. by doing animal impersonations.

“But Jones, you are an animal”, I said to him, feeling the need to point out the obvious.

“But Uncle J.P., actually we are all animals”, he responded.

Since he felt so wise (and I agreed with him after thinking about it), he decided to do an impersonation of an owl.

Philadelphia Freedom.

Central Phila.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl and I have spent a wonderful weekend in the greater Philadelphia area. Last night we went to the Philadelphia Wings lacrosse game (they didn’t do as well as we’d like) and enjoyed the amenities of the “Victor’s Lounge” with Earl’s brother Dave and his friend John. The Wings didn’t win but the buffet and the whole lacrosse fan experience made up for it.

Today we kicked off the morning by stopping in to see Earl’s dad and his stepmother. Then we met up with Rick and Helen and headed for Atlantic City, where I quickly lost my shirt but Earl won a good chunk of change at three-card poker. He made up for everything I lost, everything we tapped the ATM for to play and then doubled it all! A good way to enjoy his birthday weekend (his birthday is tomorrow).

Tomorrow we are going to get up early and take the long way home. I wonder how many states we’ll pass through. 🙂


Earl and I are in our hotel room in Bucks County, Pa., just back from the Philadelphia Wings lacrosse game. Like a true married couple, we don’t have plans to go into center city tonight to hit the clubs or anything, we are sitting around in our jammies catching up on e-mail and ready to call it a night.

I wanted to share pictures from tonight’s game but I discovered that the batteries in my camera are dead, so I was unable to take any photos. A stop for AA batteries is in order for tomorrow! I want to have the camera ready for when we hit the jackpot at one of the Atlantic City casinos tomorrow.


Earl and I are meeting up with his brother and going to a Philadelphia Wings game tonight in, well, Philadelphia. It’s only the second lacrosse game I’ll have ever attended in my life. I’m thinking it’s going to be a good time.

The Molson Canadians I’ve already had tonight certainly won’t hurt matters much.

You Are Here.

Today while Earl and I were driving to his home turf outside of Philadelphia, I let him do the driving so I could play around with the GPS program on my PowerBook. I haven’t played around with this as much as I’d like to, but inspired by yesterday’s speed boost of my computer, I thought I’d give it another whirl and see what I could find out about our surroundings.

Click the image to enlarge.

For example, just south of Binghamton, N.Y., the New York-Pennsylvania state line is very, very close to the 42nd parallel. It’s literally inches from it. I’m wondering if the signs are actually off a little bit and when the state borders were negotiated if it really does follow the 42nd parallel.

I also found out that the “mountainous” area in New York’s Southern Tier isn’t really that mountainous at all but rather just a bunch of precocious hills, with the highest point on I-81 between Syracuse and Binghamton clocking in at around 1300 feet.

I’m looking forward to doing more of this investigative work as we get into traveling season this spring. I’m also going to have to look into this activity called geocaching. It sounds quite interesting.


Latham Circle Diner.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl and I went to Albany this afternoon basically just to goof off. We stopped at Crossgates Mall while we were there and made a very necessary stop at the Apple store.

I’ve been thinking about getting my computer skills officially certified so that I would be more valuable as I follow my career path to employment nirvana. Because of this, I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a Windows based laptop to add to our stable of computers so that I’d have something to practice my PC skills on.

I’ve been looking around online for the past week or so and had a couple of ideas in mind. Earl and I went to Best Buy, CompUSA and Circuit City in search of this particular Gateway Tablet PC I had decided on.

I couldn’t bring myself to make the purchase.

I’m in love with my PowerBook G4. We’ve been through a lot together and I couldn’t stand the thought of casting it aside when it came to improving and enhancing my computer skills. So instead we quadrupled the memory in my PowerBook so that I could run Virtual PC if the need arises.

After a five minute install job, I’m now kickin’ the limit at 2GB of RAM. (That’s a really big chunk of memory for those not familiar with how this sort of thing works. It’s a good thing.)

My PowerBook and I have a solid relationship once again. Once you go Mac, you never go back.

Here I am pictured at the Latham Circle Diner, ready to have a Greek salad after enjoying a cup of French Onion Soup. Below is a picture of Earl enjoying his salad. We love the Latham Circle Diner. If you’re looking for it, take I-87 toward Montréal and get off at Exit 6 and head toward Latham. It’s on the circle about 3/4 mile east of the Northway (I-87), hence the name. It’s your basic diner, but oh so good.

Latham Circle Diner.