

A little after 8 a.m. we all sat down in “Statics” class (think physics for engineers) for our midterm. This is the class where many talk when they shouldn’t. On Monday the full class meets and then on Wednesday and Thursday we are split in half for lab time, my lab obviously being on Thursday. The professor decided to give the exam during lab so that we could go on Spring Break with a clear head.

I think I was a little shocked today when the professor made this announcement: “From now on, if you have to go the bathroom during the exam you’re just going to have to hold it, because you can’t leave the room until you finish the exam. And if you leave the room, you can’t come back in.”

Apparently in yesterday’s lab someone completed the exam and then waited outside while students would make like they were going to the bathroom, help them out a bit, and then the same student would return and answer questions on the exam.

I find this disturbing in many respects, especially since being a transportation or civil engineer involves design and building things that the public uses on a daily basis. Safety is of the utmost importance! If you’re going to cheat your way to your degree, how safe is that bridge you designed going to be?

I finished the exam with relative ease. One question was tripping me up and after futzing with the problem a LOT I finally just went with my gut instinct. As I handed the exam in, I showed the professor my answer to this question and whispered, “Is this right?” She nodded. I can go on spring break with a clear conscience about that exam. I feel good.

Now it’s time for Professor Frightful’s midterm. I’m so excited I could pee.

American Idol: Top 12.

So I’m going to try blogging while I’m watching American Idol. I’m currently watching it in TiVo time delay. I’m not going to edit; I’m just going to jot down notes and post them at the end of the show. They are singing Lennon/McCartney tracks for the first time.

1. Syesha Mercado. “Got To Get You Into My Life”. Wow, pitch is all over the place, she’s nervous. I’m not impressed.

2. Chikezie. “She’s A Woman”. I don’t remember a Beatles hoe down song. He’s in tune. I’m having Taylor Hicks déjà vu with the arrangement of the track. Soul Patrol! Not too bad, the ball squeezed note at the end was quite decent. I’m somewhat impressed.

Paula seems somewhat “grounded” tonight. WTF. Ryan Seacrest needs to learn the meaning of the phrase “non-partiality” as he rubs Chikezie’s head.

3. Ramiele Malubay. “In My Life”. First thought – Deniece Williams or Stephanie Mills sounding voice. The little person fills the stage very well. I thought she did very well, and I haven’t been a fan of hers. I don’t really agree with the judges.

4. Jason Castro. “If I Fell”. I’m not caring for the unplugged approach to the performances this season. I don’t believe it allows us to focus on the vocals nor does it level the playing field amongst the contestants. On the other hand, I found his vocals to be pretty good and they fit his appearance well. He doesn’t blow my skirt up or anything, maybe I don’t get him.

5. Carly Smithson. “Come Together”. I think it’s a well established fact that I love me Irish. Carly is no exception. I like her take of this song and I find her vocals flawless. She could easily make this a single and do well on an active rock station. I think she’ll be in the final two with David Archuletta.

6. David Cook. “Eleanor Rigby”. (Not a fan of his hairstyle). He’s holding back too much and his pitch accuracy is missing. I’m not enjoying the performance at all. His take on the chorus of the song was kind of good, but I HATED the verse.

Wouldn’t it be groovy if one of the contestants sang the Stars on 45 medley of Beatles tracks?

7. Brooke White. “Let It Be”. She doesn’t seem confident playing the piano tonight. I’m not one to talk, but if you’re going to sing and play piano simultaneously you can’t look at the keys. She’s struggling, both vocally and with the showmanship aspect of her performance. She’s missing quite a few notes with pitch issues. Mumbled words. I like her, but I’m disappointed. I think she knows she blew it.

Crimminy, here Ryan goes with the shoes and feet again.

I don’t like the new American Idol graphic used before commercials. It looks bare without the oval.

8. David Hernandez. “I Saw Her Standing There”. I don’t remember “pizza bistro” being a wink-wink code for “gay bar strip club”. His vocals are decent but I don’t find him to be suited to this type of music. He’s trying too hard.

9. Amanda Overmyer. “You Can’t Do That”. She’s a natural on the stage. I love the way she approaches a track and she definitely has her own style. Not sure it’s marketable in today’s pop climate. Her embellishing on the melody is impressive. She reminds me of a girl I went to college with. Her name was Kayleigh.

I’m glad Simon told Paula to shut up. She needs another distemper shot.

10. Michael Johns. “Across The Universe”. (I prefer Carly’s Irish accent, but that’s probably predictable). He totally reminds me of Michael Hutchence. The performance is not engaging me but the vocals are good. Kind of boring.

11. Kristy Lee Cook. “Eight Days A Week”. Not liking the country spin of the track at all. It doesn’t twang well, though she is nailing the vocals for what it is. Paula was on target with her comments. It reminded me of Carmen Rasmusen.

I really dislike Ryan Seacrest. I twittered the he would be hot naked if he had a gag in his mouth. I was wrong. Even that wouldn’t be hot.

Quick aside during the commercial, the Bimbo Jones remix of Yoko Ono’s “You’re The One” is actually quite fun.

12. David Archuleta. “We Can Work It Out”. Wonder boy forgot the words! He’s stressing himself out way too much. His weakest performance of the competition, still an excellent performer.

Nine Days.

Waiting., originally uploaded by iMachias.

Like his Daddy, Tom patiently sits in the sunshine on the back stairs, waiting for the arrival of spring in nine days.

Say Ahh.

Last night Earl and I joined First Earl for dinner at a local Italian restaurant. The restaurant is called Joey’s, only seats 38 people, is in a charming old store front and is appropriately located in the Italian side of town. We love it there1.

While I was enjoying my New England Clam Chowder, I realised that it was too hot for consumption after I had a big hunk of clam in my throat. (Typing that sentence kind of makes me gag a little). My first instinct was to swallow the clam, which I tried to do, except it was too big to swallow, so it just kind of hovered in the back of my throat where it proceeded to burn. As I grabbed for my drink (which was beer – fuel for the fire), the clam made it’s mark on the back of my throat where it apparently made a burn mark that now rides on my tongue. My throat is sore and it feels like I have the constant presence of a clam in my throat. It won’t go down, it won’t come up, it just sits there. I’m sure it’s just some swelling where the burn mark is and that it’ll all heal in a couple of days but it’s wicked annoying.

I’m such an idiot sometimes.

1 When Olive Garden was staking out potential sites in our area, they ate at Joey’s. After their meal they decided that they could never compete here and abandoned plans to come to the area. They also asked for a jar of Joey’s sauce so they could analyse it.

People Are Still Having Sex.

Here we go with another sex scandal in the media. The “journalists” are jumping with glee as it was revealed today that New York Governor Spitzer talked with a prostitute on a wire-tapped phone.

Oh, by the way, five U.S. soldiers died in Baghdad today. But that’s not so important as to the whereabouts of Governor Spitzer’s dick. God bless the soldiers; their sacrifice was so important they were reduced to page two of the newspaper or the ticker along the bottom of the 24 hour propaganda channel. The media outlets make me feel so informed on the important stuff.

Of course there’s all sorts of politicians calling for the resignation of the governor. Please. I don’t know what having sex with an extracurricular person has to do with running a state. I don’t see the relation between the two, but then again, I’m most likely looking at a different big picture than most.

Sex is not bad. Sex is not dirty. Sex is a natural act. Get over it already.

Cinematic Learning.

Earl and I used to be avid movie goers. We’d go see the latest offerings from Hollywood several times a month. However, we haven’t been to the theatre in ages for a variety of reasons, including “audience participation.”

With the intrusion of cell phones in every nook and cranny of the American existence it seemed that few could resist the urge to talk on their cell phone during the movie. If they weren’t talking on their cell phone they were sending text messages with displays so bright in the dark theatre that it seemed like they were sending out a landing beacon for stray 747s. Those without their cell phones would talk amongst themselves endlessly. What was an enjoyable experience turned into an expensive lesson in frustration. Couple the chatter with the degradation of movie quality and it’s easy to see why we don’t go to the movies anymore.

Which brings me to my latest class at school. It seems that the “chatter amongst yourself” approach that is becoming popular in the theatre is making it’s way to the college classroom. Gone are the days when students would sit quietly, take notes and listen to the lecture that is often pertinent to what the student will do with the rest of their life. People get up to talk on their vibrating cell phone in the hallway, some crossing several times back and forth in front of the instruction. Surly students in the back of the room peck away at their cell phones sending text messages. And in this one class I just finished, groups of students that didn’t do their homework conspire together to come up with a unified answer so they have something to turn in when the professor collects our work.

Sometimes I wish I had a passion for a career that involved all distance learning where I could just sit down without distraction and learn what I need to learn. The engineer in me enjoys sitting down and working out a problem. However, we are fortunate that many of our professors still work in the field. As engineers, the same title that we are striving for, have a lot of valuable information to share with us. At no time in the college setting should the professor have to ask students to stop talking, let alone the FIVE times that she asked today. She finally gave up and said we’re having an exam on Thursday and ended the class 40 minutes early (it’s a two hour class). Sensing my frustration, she pulled me aside at the end of class and told me how she can’t believe how rude the “younger generation” is. I had to agree with her as she took the words out of my mouth.

What’s interesting is that I’ve been asked to be the peer tutor for this class. I’m wondering how many of the chatty ones will show up during tutoring time and basically expect a recap of what they talked through.

I’m A Snob.

Take a peek at the first 30 seconds of this video. Someone might look a little familiar.

Here is where you click

And here’s the video for those that don’t want to click the link above.