I’m in a dancing mood tonight. From 1995, here’s Dreamworld with “Movin’ Up”.
May 2, 2013
So it’s lunch time and I’m sitting in the Jeep on probably the most gorgeous day thus far of 2013. Today simply rocks. The sky is clear, the humidity is low and the sunshine is abundant.
I’m hiding in the shade of the big sign that pronounces the existence of the shopping center I’m relaxing in. I went to the “alternate” Dunkin’ Donuts today for a little change of pace. A change of scenery is good.
As I look out I see the beginning of the Adirondack Mountains less than a mile away. The trees are starting to show a more cheery color; the combination of rain earlier this week and sun for the past two days have started the whole spring thing around here. The days are getting longer, the birds are singing more, there’s little to complain about.
My iced tea even tastes a little better. I even had a friend stop by that wanted to share a PopChip.
It’s a good day to let the stress melt away.
I recently stumbled across the short film from last summer. It’s a graduation project from two art academy students. I love the technology demonstrated in this film and it’s impact on society, and society’s impact on the direction of the technology demonstrated.
Do you think we are headed in this direction?