Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity.
This space intentionally blank.
Just a guy with a husband. We’ve been together 28 years and he still makes me see fireworks on a daily basis. Hiker. Storm Chaser. Private Pilot. Tech Guy. Hackerish.
Weird? Eccentric!
Now that is a sentence I have not read in a while. Since I last did an exam actually!
I used to write training manuals, and I had to put that on any blank pages (Such as at the end of a chapter). If I didn’t, people would always freak the hell out and think that they had a bad copy of the manual.
“Oh my g-d! page 12 is blank.. there must have been a printing error! we need to have all 500 copies reprinted!”
SO, as oxymoronic as the phrase might be.. it DOES come in handy.