Juvenility Sensibility.

I’ve been haunting the American Idol message boards again on idolonfox.com. I take a perverse pleasure in getting all the teenyboppers wired up with my flippant comments.

For example, one of the remaining contestants is named “Anwar”. I just refer to him as “Anwart”. You’d think I had just set their hair on fire the way they go on about it. He’s not even that good of a performer, the way he sings through his nose and bats his eyes like a really bad Disney character. News for Anwart, batting eyes does not work well on the radio. I’ve tried.

Then there’s Constantine which I refer to as Constantscream. Someone posted that he reminds them of “Lnt. Dan” on Forrest Gump, I thought she typed “Lint” and commented that he does look like belly button lint. The teenage cell phone set really didn’t like that one.

It’s the one liners, little zingers, that work the best. I especially like responding with “Who the hell is Fantasia?” in her fan club. Like the American public remembers that mess of a winner from last year. Thank God I’m not in radio anymore.

One thing we all seem to agree on is that Paula Abdul is looking either very drunk or very stoned these days. Hell, Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly seemed much more sober on the old “Match Game”, and they were drinking three meals a day at the time, with a beer chaser no less.

I was really excited about American Idol at the beginning of this season but I’ve kind of lost interest. The remaining contestants are mediocre at best, each deserving a “Meh” as far as I’m concerned. No one will remember who they were next year.

Speaking of radio – I heard a really, really good dance song on Sirius 66 “The Beat” today that has Wings’ “Silly Love Songs” in the background. I need to find the name and artist of that track.

I found the title: “Come Rain Come Shine” by Jenn Cuneta. Fabulous! Update: Now I know why I like the vocalist. She was “J Cee” back in 1998 and performed at Wow FM’s Summer Bash II! I’ve met her. I’ve talked with her! It’s a fabulous track and she’s fabulous!

Now back to my juvenile behavior over on idolonfox.com.