Wow am I sore. Not mad sore, but exercise sore.

Last night, Earl and I went to see Spiderman with Tobey Maguire. What an excellent movie! As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been on a “health and exercise” kick lately, and seeing Spiderman last night just put me more so in that frame of mind. On Friday night we watched “Pleasantville” on DVD, and then Spiderman last night. Boy did Tobey Maguire buff up for Spiderman. And I figured, if he can do it, so can I. So I’m concentrating more on my health kick. I dusted off my bike and did a 6 mile ride today, and got out the Ab Roller and rolled some abs. I also picked up the Ab Roller Plus which is suppose to be good for you and a couple of 12 pound weights. I just spent the last 30 minutes working out with all my gadgets. It’s something that I plan to do each morning before going to work. Then after work I’m going to continue my gym routine, because I really like doing that to unwind after a long day at the office. I must admit that I was getting a little bit burned out going to the gym twice a day; I think this change in routine will mix it up enough for me to keep me interested. My goal is to be able to run up the side of the barn and flip over by Memorial Day weekend. I did that four or five years ago, let’s see if I can do it again. If you’re looking at my webcam, you’ll see me working out every morning between 7 and 8 a.m. EDT. That should be a kick.

I’ve been doing more reading on my spirituality. I find it all so fascinating. There’s a couple of websites with message boards I’ve been following – my favorite being Gnostically Speaking. I think the concept of a Father AND Mother God frightens the majority of Western culture, but it really shouldn’t since they are simply two halves that make up the whole of “God”. If you think about it, it really makes sense. I remember being a kid and going to Sunday school classes to the church down the road from our house. I believe it was Baptist church (I don’t know why we were going there – we were all Methodist, and it was usually just my mom and us kids) and being so confused about things. I mean, why did the minister have a special “in” with God, was he more special than I? Why was there a “King James version” of the Bible? What if he made a mistake while he was editing it? Why did the kids in Sunday School tell me that I wasn’t really baptized because I just had holy water sprinkled on me as a baby (per the Methodist tradition) rather than being dunked in a bathtub that had been installed in the front of the church? Why is God white? Religion can be so confusing! But finally, reading these books by Sylvia Browne and Edgar Cayce, and doing research and meditating and thinking, it’s all beginning to make a lot more sense to me. In a way, I wonder why I waited until I was 33 to start this quest, but then I realized that I must have been building up to this all along.

Let’s see, what else is happening. The washer is still rattling. Good ol’ Sears sent us a dryer heating unit instead of a brick for the washer. So I took a half day off from work for nothing. That was kind of crazy. But it made the weekend extra long I guess.

We went shopping at P&C today and picked up some stuff. I’m trying to go a little more natural and not spread so many chemicals into the household. I picked up some really good cleaning products from Citrus Magic. I also ordered some stuff from ECOS, which is all natural laundry detergent and such. I’ll let you know how they work out.

Tonight is the last installment of Survivor: Marquesas. I am really looking forward to it, and I hope that Kathy wins! At least she made it into the final four, but I hope she goes all the way!

Well I’m finally able to sit down and write a bit in my journal. My family just left from a festive Mother’s Day celebration this afternoon. Earl made a WONDERFUL chicken salad with roasted vegetables for everyone, along with some wonderful desserts. It was great!

Where to begin. This morning Earl and I took our first bath and shower in the new bathroom. The bathroom isn’t quite completed yet, as Lowe’s hasn’t delivered the vanity top nor the cabinet and vanity top for the laundry area, so our contractor Mike has left a few touch ups to do when comes to install those, whenever they arrive. They were suppose to be here the end of April and here it is mid May. We shall see what Lowe’s actually knows. The bathroom is absolutely beautiful. The shower is great, the whirlpool whirls nicely, we are very, very pleased with the end result. I’ll be posting pictures by the end of the week.

Our new washer and dryer are installed as well. They are working wonderfully, except the washer is making a rattling noise it shouldn’t be. Apparently this model has been recalled because the bricks inside that stabilize the drum crack and break apart in shipping and this is what my washer did. So we’re waiting to get that fixed. Here we had a week off and now I have to ask for next Friday afternoon off as well. I hope that this doesn’t create a problem at work; I don’t think that it will.

Earl and I did see John Edward last weekend in Providence, R.I. We didn’t get a reading, but we witnessed serveral and we heard what John had to say about his mediumship and how he came to where he is today. It’s quite an interesting story. And it was absolutely fascinating to see him at work doing what he does. He connected with quite a few loved ones for people in the audience, and they were obviously emotionally moved, so he must have been doing his work right.

I feel like I’m continuing to grow spiritually. I had a wondeful meditation last week where I met my spirit guide. I’m looking forward to continuing my meditation and such, especially since the house is getting back to normal and I can relax enough to go ahead and do that. I did pick up an additional Native American flute CD while we were shopping yesterday. It’s called “Sacred Journey” by Billy Whitefoe… very relaxing. I find the Native American music the most spiritual and inspirational for me, especially during meditation. Plus, I’ve always been big on incense, especially Sandalwood.

This past Thursday through Saturday we went to Bristol, Pa. to see Earl’s family. It was great, since we haven’t been down there since New Year’s. We went to the Philly vs. the Diamondbacks Friday night at Vets Stadium. I really like the Sports Complex area of Philly. It’s so well organized. And it was a great game as well. I really enjoyed it.

While we were down there we went to Chick-Fil-A, TWICE. Once Friday afternoon and once on Saturday afternoon. It was great both times. Earl is so patient to allow me to go to Chick-Fil-A whenever we’re near one.

We went shopping at Wegman’s in DeWitt on the way home to pick up stuff for today’s get together. Mom really wanted to spend time with us at home for Mother’s Day, so that’s what we decided to do. It was a wonderful get together; Mom seemed a little more energetic than the last time we saw her, and that was great.

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve written in my journal. A little over a week as a matter of fact. I didn’t mean for it to go on for this long, but life has been hectic. We are still in the “construction phase” of the bathroom project. Translation – the bathroom isn’t finished YET! We’ve been promised that it will be completed by Friday. After it’s done we’ll take the final pictures and I’ll post them on the site here so you can see what we started with and what we ended up with.

The new washer and dryer are allegedly being delivered tomorrow. They were suppose to arrive yesterday, but apparently the directions that the salesperson at Sears typed into the computer were missing the house number, so they didn’t know where to deliver it to. I guess they’ve never heard of calling for directions before. Oh well.

Last night Earl and I purchased tickets to attend Sylvia Browne’s lecture in New York in October. I am very, very excited about this. This year must be a “spiritual year” for us, because on Sunday we’re going to see John Edward in Providence, R.I. and now Sylvia Browne as well. My soul is resonating with truth these days as I read more and more about Gnostic Christianity. It’s absolutely wonderful. I haven’t felt this good, spiritually, in years.

I’m also feeling pretty physically fit. I’m not a jock by any means, but I’m feeling much better in this body. I began working out 3 weeks ago. I weighed 217 at the time. On Monday I weighed myself, even though I said I wasn’t going to, and I was shocked to see the scale say 199! That seemed like a very, very big jump. But I’ve received many comments about my gut being gone, or at least smaller. The ego enjoys the stroking, I will admit, but at the very least I feel better about myself. I look forward to keeping up the exercise regime.

Earl and I decided to donate our old computer to the gym. It’s a not-for-profit agency and they also have a tutoring center, so I’m sure the computer will be put to good use.

We’re looking forward to vacation. A week off beginning on Saturday – I’m very excited about that. We plan on going to New England this weekend, spending some time at home during the week and then going to Philly next weekend to visit Earl’s family. We haven’t seen them since Christmas, so we’re overdue for a visit. I’m going to be writing more journal entries on my Palm Pilot as we’re traveling. I always enjoy doing that.

So we’re still plugging along with the bathroom. It’s not gnawing on my nerves as much as I thought it would, though it will be nice to have heat in the house once again. πŸ™‚ Especially on these cold 30 degree nights! Thank goodness for my grandmother’s space heater I inherited.

I’ve been working out like a maniac. I did 25 minutes on the treadmill this morning (7 minutes of it running), and then I did a 50 minute workout this afternoon… 20 minutes on the stair stepper, 11 minutes on the bike and then 20 minutes on the treadmill. I’m still not jumping on a scale until mid May but I’m feeling great and that’s what’s important.

I got two more Sylvia Browne books – her newest one called “Prayers”, and “Past Lives, Future Healing”. I’m just starting “Past Lives…”, it’s about how our past lives affect our phobia and fears in this life. I was chatting with my friend Donna online and she shared a meditation with me on how to find out about your past life. I’m going to try it when the world isn’t running by in such a blur and the house is actually clean enough that I can take deep, cleansing breaths without inhaling plaster dust.

Earl and I are making an Earth-friendly move and decided to buy a new Energy Star washing machine from Sears. It’s a Kenmore front-loader. Uses a third of the water that our current top loader uses, and much less electricity. We got the matching dryer as well. We decided to give our old set to my sister, it’s only six years old and it should work fine for her for many years to come.

Had an odd dream about being on “Survivor” last night and getting voted off. I think I’m becoming obsessed with the show again. At least this one is worth being obsessed about I suppose.

Saturday night we went and saw “Murder by Numbers” with Sandra Bullock at Crossgates. It was o.k. I suppose. The theatre was crowded. Earl and Dennis and Vic liked it much better than I did. I thought it was a little predictible. Had a nice supper at Bugaboo Creek. I’m still counting the calories to match my efforts at the gym, but it’s not easy to count calories at Bugaboo Creek! πŸ™‚

Just got off the phone with my Mom who sounded absolutely wonderful. She had a nice sunny disposition which was nice to hear.

Dare I say I’ve become addicted to working out? I’ve been going to the gym faithfully every morning before work. Not only am I feeling much better health wise, but I must say that I am really enjoying this! Today was a change though – I walked for 15 minutes on the treadmill and then ran the last five minutes. A pretty good pace too. Then I went back this afternoon after work! I swam for 15 minutes (mostly back stroke), then did the treadmill for another 20 minutes, running for 10 of it, and then did the stairstepper for 10. I am completely wiped out but I feel great. I have decided that I am not even getting on a scale until May 15, so I don’t care if I’m losing weight or not. I feel great.

I’ve been eating a little more sensibly too. Which is probably good for me as well.

I’ve gotten over the whole shy thing while at the gym. I now parade around in the locker rooms just like the other guys do. There’s one weirdo in there that I avoid (he seems to take showers and that’s it), but other than that things are going very well. I’m very pleased.

The bathroom is coming along slowly but surely. In fact, the guys are working on it as we speak. They’ve got the floor in and the new studs; hopefully we’ll see some sheetrock up tomorrow. They’ve run some plumbing too, which is nice. We’ve been without heat for the past week, but that’s o.k. because we’ve been enjoying record high temperatures (as I type it’s 81 degrees at 7:05 p.m. – in the middle of April!) I wonder if this means we’re going to have another sweltering summer.

I’m currently waiting for Earl to get home from the gym. I met up with him there – he’s on the company volleyball team so he plays volleyball ’til 8. I’m TiVoing Survivor for him. πŸ™‚ I’m still routing for Kathy – I hope she goes all the way. I really don’t like anyone else on the show – Kathy’s it. I was routing for Hunter too, but they got rid of him so fast. You know, it’s funny because I always condemn these reality shows. But this Survivor is much better than the past two – much more like the first one. I don’t like the other reality shows, though I’ll probably get hooked on Big Brother when it starts up again in July.

I’ve been doing more meditating and reading about Sylvia Browne and Novus Spiritus. I’m feeling more and more spirituality “centered” everyday, and I think it’s showing in my demeanor.

Earl and I are getting together with Dennis and Vic this weekend and hitting the town Saturday night. That should be fun!

Well it’s been a while since I’ve done a journal entry. What a time we’ve been having. Our bathroom has been completely gutted. On purpose. We decided to go ahead and remodel the bathroom, so the guys were here on Tuesday and started ripping it out. Now for the fun part – we have NO hot water right now! They had to take the radiator out to replace the floor, and since the hot water and the heat are all on one furnace, that means no hot water while the radiator is missing. So this prompted me to do what I needed to do anyways – join the gym. I’ve been wanting to get more in shape anyways and now I have a place to take a shower. I did some swimming during the week and today Earl and I went and worked out together. I am so sore right now it’s not even funny, but as they say, no pain, no gain. Whoever says that is a fool, but I suppose they’re right. πŸ™‚ On the bright side, I was able to do 15 minutes on the treadmill after working on the machines and I didn’t make an ass of myself, so I suppose I’m making progress. We went to the laundromat today too (our washer and dryer live in the gutted bathroom) – and the laundromat is always such an experience. Why do you suppose that a laundromat would have 26 washers but only 14 dryers? Doesn’t make sense to me.

Today is the six year anniversary of Earl and my first date. Can’t believe it. To celebrate, we went to O’Connor’s Alexander Hamilton Inn in the village of Clinton. Oh my goodness… it was the best meal we’ve had in years! πŸ™‚ Afterwards, we went to see “Tim Miller’s Glory Box” at Hamilton College. It’s a one-man performance about the issues around gay couples and immigration. Tim’s lover is from Australia and can’t get a green card because the United States does not recognize their relationship as a “true” or legal relationship. Which sucks. Did you know that the United States is the ONLY western country to not recognize a gay relationship when it comes to immigration? That sucks too. I think we’re going to call our congressman on this one and let him know what we think.

I’ve been doing more reading on Novus Spiritus and such. It’s all making such sense to me. It’s really making me a stronger person. I’m feeling so good.

I’m finally recovering from the jump to daylight savings time. I’m trying to be more carefree about my schedule, but work doesn’t cooperate (be in at 9 blah blah blah). I guess I don’t understand the need for daylight savings time anymore. Granted, it’s nice to have it light later, but it wreaks havoc with everyone’s internal clock, and I know that there are a lot of unhappy animals because their food is delayed an hour. I say leave it here and don’t go back to standard time.

A new page in the journal section of the web site. How very nice. Like the Spring Equinox we celebrated a couple of weeks ago, it gives one a feeling of renewal, rebirth. A clean slate. Let’s see if I can appreciate this opportunity.

I haven’t really mentioned it to anyone besides Earl, but I have quietly gone back to being a vegetarian. I just feel like it’s the right thing to do, and I’m going to do my best to stick to it. Earl is very supportive of me whatever I decide to do.

We took a long weekend together last weekend by taking Good Friday off. Actually, Earl had the day off from work, and I took a personal day. Originally we were going to drive down to Bristol, Pa. and spend a couple of days with his family, but he worked late on Thursday night so the timing didn’t work out right, especially since we were going to be home for Easter dinner with my dad and his girlfriend Karen. So on Friday we took the opportunity to go to Syracuse. Started off with getting Earl’s haircut and then had a wonderful, wonderful lunch with my mother and sister (Mom was working – we met her for lunch hour.) She seems better. I hope she’s catching Spring Fever. She seems to be getting her fire back a little bit, and that makes me happy. I wish she would just sit back and realize what a special person she is. She has a lot to contribute to the world, she just needs to square up her shoulders and face it. I’m trying to get her to meditate and such, but I don’t think she’s really into that sort of thing. Jennifer and her have been spending quality time together, which is a very good thing, so I’m sure the family will just keep coaxing her along a little bit.

After lunch Earl and I went to Barnes and Noble to do some browsing. Of course I bought three books. “The Adventures of a Psychic” by Sylvia Browne, a book about psychic awareness and RedHat Linux 7.2 in 15 hours. I’m almost through Sylvia’s book, getting ready to read the psychic awareness book, plus I’ve been messing around with the newest version of RedHat Linux. I’m really getting more and more into my new found spirituality, and it feels really good. I haven’t felt this good about myself in a long time. And I think my new positive outlook on life is really giving Earl and my relationship an extra boost. We’ve always been very much in love, don’t get me wrong, but I just seem to have recently discovered his special qualities all over again. After spending the whole weekend together, it was hard for me to go back to work on Monday. I am certainly a lucky guy.

Sunday we had a wonderful dinner with my dad, his girlfriend Karen, her son Colin and my sister Jennifer. We haven’t had a family type dinner in Dad’s house since he and Mom split up several years ago. It was very nice. And Karen and Colin are very, very nice people. I am very happy for my Dad, he seems so very happy.

As I type this journal entry I am listening to my Native American Flute CD. You know, I really like this type of music. I find it really relaxing. I made an odd comment to Earl on the phone from work yesterday. I’m sometimes worried that my work has no meaning. It’s something that I meditated on this morning, and I am feeling better about it today. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy my job, but sometimes I feel I need to be making a more substantial contribution to the community. I am very lucky in the fact that I found very good friends in all my co-workers, and the couple that owns the radio station. We’ve become like a big extended family. I should just be happy to have that and find more ways to contribute I guess. I guess the Rosie O’Donnell interview a couple of weeks ago really touched both of us. I admire what Rosie is doing for the world, and we wish that we could make even 1% of the contribution that she is making.

Well Earl and I went on a date last night! That’s right, the two love birds of almost six years together decided to go on a date. We started off at the Turning Stone Casino, where we had a lovely dinner at the Peach Blossom Chinese Restaurant. Have I ever mentioned that Chinese is my favorite food? We got way too much food and stuffed ourselves beyond belief, but we hadn’t eaten all day so we could get away with it.

After that we went on the casino floor and did some gambling. I did a little bit of roulette but mostly the video games. I broke even, came home with the same amount I went in, so that’s good. Earl did the same – he played mostly roulette as well.

After we left the casino, we threw caution to the wind and went to Syracuse – we decided to go to “Rain”, one of the clubs there. We hadn’t been there since they changed the name to Rain, it was Mr. T’s the last time we were there. Anyway, it was fun, we stayed for a drink or two, enjoyed the eye candy and then decided to call it a night.

Today we did a bit of shopping… at Wal*Mart! Now I’ve been boycotting Wal*Mart in Utica because I think that store is really crowded and dirty. Well, it’s still both, but I put a smile on my face and we did some shopping. We then had a little lunch at Burger King in North Utica – a store that should be avoided at all costs because the staff is an absolute mess in there, and then came home. Also watched Rosie O’Donnell from Friday off of TiVo. Actually, it was Caroline Rhea. I LOVE HER! She is very funny, I’ve been a fan for a long, long time. She’s getting the hang of doing the talk-show host thing – I think she’s going to be fabulous when Rosie retires at the end of this season. It’s sad to see Rosie go, but it’s great that Caroline is going to be taking over the reins.

Tonight I taught Earl how to use “LimeWire”. He’s going crazy with his music now. πŸ™‚

We had a long, long chat about my spending habits. I don’t know how he puts up with me. I had better get my act together. So I threw some more items up on ebay, trying to put more money in ‘kitty’. We really need to remodel the bathroom, and the house in general, so I should concentrate on that as well.

So it’s St. Patrick’s Day today! Since I’m seven parts Irish, I suppose I should be celebrating but I’m not one to be going out and getting drunk and acting foolish in public. I don’t mean to sound stuffy, but I have so much more I can do today. πŸ™‚

How do you like this… I started this entry with Adobe GoLive but ended up installing Macromedia Dreamweaver and using that to finish it up. After trying several different web site managers, I think I’ve settled on Dreamweaver for now.

Friday night we met up with Dennis and Victor and went to Chili’s in Syracuse for dinner. Followed by “The Time Machine” at Carousel Center. We were rather disappointed in the movie. It seemed like it was all about the special effects; there wasn’t really a plot to it. Oh well, can’t have a great movie everytime you go.

Yesterday was the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Utica. Marched along with the rest of the radio station. It was cold! About 27 degrees, but fun nonetheless. Earl and I then did some work around the house and went to the new Applebee’s for dinner.

I must have had a great night’s sleep last night, because I raked out the flower beds today, installed a new doorbell and threw out a bunch of outdated computer junk. Plus, Earl has completed all the laundry and we’ve picked up the house. It’s nice to feel productive once in a while.

I’m just about coming to the end of Book 2 of Sylvia Browne’s “Journey of the Soul” series. I am really, really, really getting into this religious thought. Finally, something that makes sense to me. We’re hoping to find a church nearby that we’ll feel comfortable with. I want to make sure that we go to the church that meets both our needs.

Thursday night we watched Rosie O’Donnell’s interview on ABC Primetime. We’re really liking Rosie’s attitude toward her homosexuality and such. I think because it parallel’s ours. I’ve always thought that I never had to tell anyone that I’m gay. (I know what you’re thinking – it must really be obvious!) Well, I guess it might be, but I’ve always thought that if I didn’t make a big deal about it, then no one else would make a big deal about it, and that theory has been working right along. I think if gay people didn’t make a such a big deal about it, then the rest of the world wouldn’t make such a big deal about it. Except the Bible beaters of course, who contradict themselves more and more each day with their silly arguments. “The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, therefore you are going to hell.” O.k. The Bible also says that if you cut your hair or beard it’s a sin, and therefore you are going to hell as well. I guess they must skip over that part. There was a hilarious list somewhere on the internet about “all sides of the story” when it came to the Bible – I’ll have to see if I can find it.

Tonight it’s “Six Feet Under” followed by “Queer As Folk”. Not really getting into QAF these days. They have such a negative portrayal of gay life going on. Of course, this just perpetuates the hate and such. Homophobes just love to say “that’s how all gay people live”. Of course, after that whacko in Texas we could say that all mothers drown their children, but of course that’s ridiculous. When you point this out it falls on deaf ears, so what are you to do.

Well I better tidy up what’s left of my mess and call it a night!

I am sitting here waiting for Earl to come home. He had to work late tonight, and then he went to work out at the gym. I’m proud of him for sticking to the work out. It’s good for him and it seems to quiet his mind, which is a good thing.

I’m listening to some Native American flute at the moment – with a nice incense burning as well. I try not to burn incense while Earl is in the room, as it bothers his allergies. I find the Native American flute music so relaxing and centering. I wish I could listen to it at work as well, but working for a radio station sort of forces me to listen to the radio while I’m there. πŸ™‚

Tomorrow night we’re heading off to Syracuse with our friends Vic and Dennis. We’re going to Chili’s for dinner – then maybe a movie afterwards. It should be a fun evening, a great way to kick off the weekend.

Saturday we have the St. Patrick’s Day parade for the radio station. It’ll be fun, though it suppose to rain! Dolly Parton once talked about our St. Patrick’s Day parade on Letterman. It seems she was performing here in town and a snow storm had stranded her. She looked out the window of her downtown hotel room (which is only five floors at the most) and saw the St. Patrick’s Day parade – in progress! She got to Letterman the following Monday and told the whole world about it.

My beard is coming all nicely. I was going to go for the big goatee and sideburns, but have decided on a full beard for now. Just in time for spring! I know, I do everything backwards.

The new computer is humming along nicely. I’m installing software, doing a virus scan and working on my journal all at the same time! Let’s here it for the Pentium 4! πŸ™‚