Splash of Color.

Splash of Color.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Mother Nature graced us with some sunshine during my lunch break today and I had to take a moment and capture some of the vivid colors in our back lawn. We are just past the peak of leaf peeping season here in Upstate New York. Last night was a pretty good frost, which added to the brilliance of the colors in the back yard.

It’s days like this that make me appreciate the area that we live in. Normally I’m complaining about this area and how I don’t really like it here. The closest city is relatively small and economically depressed. Our shopping selection is limited to “lite” versions of the all the popular retail chains in the area. Our sales tax is the highest in the state (at a whopping 9.5 percent!). Various government agencies can’t seem to get their act together.

But then I see scenes like these and it makes me realize that it isn’t so bad after all. As Earl is constantly reminding me, its what you make of it.

Still Haven’t Heard From CBS.

I’ve written the fine folks at CBS over 30 e-mails regarding the cancellation of Judging Amy. I’ve sent two typed letters and three handwritten letters. I’ve received over *100* e-mails and countless blog entry comments from dismayed fans about the cancellation of this show. Google searches turn up disappointment all over the internet.

I still have yet to hear from the “fine” folks at CBS.

I hear the new show that replaced “Judging Amy” is tanking in the ratings. I’m not surprised. “Judging Amy” is still in my TiVo season pass list, awaiting new episodes to be aired. I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to shut up. Not until someone official says something.

Just think what I would have been like during the cancellation of the original series of Star Trek!

At the very least someone could send me an autographed photo from Amy Brenneman.



Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

I decided to celebrate my feeling better today by going for a walk during lunch. The sun was shining brightly, the breeze was mild and the enchantment of October was riding the wind. So I decided I needed to enjoy our downtown area. This is about a block from where I work. As you can see, the streets aren’t that busy at lunch time!

As I look at this photo, I realize that downtown looks like a city scape you’d see on a “behind the scenes” movie tour set you’d see at Walt Disney World or Universal Studios. All that’s missing is the fountain that the Friends played on.

A Little Help From My Friends.

Yesterday when I arrived home from work early because I was feeling so lousy, I took a few moments, meditated and asked for help with getting better from the Universe. I said aloud that I would stop taking cold medicine and chemical medication in efforts to ease or cure my sniffles. I asked to have these sniffles and associated symptoms purged from my body so that I could go out in the world and strive to be a positive influence on all those around me.

This morning I feel like a million bucks. No sniffles, no achy, no fever. I thanked the Universe for the help.

I had to share the experience.


I did something I haven’t done in a long while today. I left work at noon today and went home sick. I never get sick. I don’t like getting sick. I refuse to be sick. So I will admit that I had the “sniffles”, but I most certainly was not sick. I used sniffle time.

I figured in order for me to get rid of the sniffles, I had to have some down time and let my body heal and do it’s thing. So that’s what I did. I came home, had a bowl of soup, watched a couple episodes of “Green Acres” and then slept for four hours until Earl came home from work. I feel much better this evening, though I am still a little sweaty. I’m currently medication free, so I’m hoping that I have this thing licked. I’m drinking a lot of orange juice and herbal tea to give my body the support it needs to fight these sniffles off naturally.

I’m looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow. I’m hoping that I can sleep through the night tonight so that I’m well rested and ready to take on the day.

I’m Not Breathless.

Madonna’s new single, “Hung Up”, officially began radio airplay today. Knowing the radio business like I do, this is the week they went for “adds” so that they could get it to debut as far up the charts as possible. Record companies like that whole saturation thing.

If you haven’t heard the single, it has a sample of Abba’s “Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)” in it. It’s only the second time that Abba has consented to one of their songs being sampled and the writing credits include “B. Ulvaeus and B. Andersson”. Madonna + Abba = trés gay, correct? Yes it is a nice combination, but honestly, this single doesn’t move me like I thought it would. It doesn’t have as strong of a hook that you’d find in a classic Madonna dance track. I’d still rather spin up “Holiday”, “Express Yourself” or “Deeper and Deeper” before playing this song. It did make me wish that Abba would get back together and do something, anything, even if it’s a one night show to raise money for a charity or something. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Nevertheless, I’m sure “Hung Up” is going to top the charts, as well as the album it’s from, “Confessions On A Dance Floor”, coming out in November. If you pre-order the album on iTunes, you get “Hung Up” for free.

I Am Not Sick.

I remark from time to time that I refuse to be sick. I don’t have time for the sniffles, I don’t need the chills and I’m not hot for a fever. I just refuse to be sick and that’s that.

Apparently Mother Nature has another thought on the subject.

I’m a little congested today. It might be a side effect from the whacky work hours I had last week. It could be because I partied two nights in a row at the only bar in town (the last time that happened, Monica Lewinsky had a clean dress.) Whatever the reason, I have a little bit of a sniffly thing going on but I’m not letting it get the best of me. I lubed up my mustache with Vicks Vapo-rub last night. I’m drinking my herbal teas. I’m eating chicken-flavored soup (it’s a vegetarian chicken soup bowl). I’m drinking lots of orange juice. I plan on going to bed early tonight. I’m going to have this thing kicked by tomorrow morning so I can get back on course of not being sick.

Surprisingly, I’m not in a horrid mood for it being Monday and having the sniffles. I haven’t growled (at least in a non-affectionate way) nor have I barked at anyone. Perhaps having a cheery disposition is aiding in my little recovery here.


Part of my spiritual beliefs include reincarnation. I believe that souls come to Earth on numerous occasions throughout the ages to learn lessons and to experience “life” in order to enhance our timeless souls. In preparation for our arrival here, we meet with others beforehand and plan out a rough outline of our life. We plant little cues along the way to let us know that we are on our path and making good strides along our journey. These little cues pop up as déja vu or as intution and remind or assure our soul “yes, you’re on the right track, you’re doing the right thing.” I also believe that we recognize key people along our journey of life, and while we may be meeting someone for the first time, we’ve actually known their soul for a long, long time and we just happen to be meeting up in this life for the first time. I believe these theories support that feeling of “love at first sight” or “becoming fast friends” or even that uneasy feeling you get before something bad happens. While I have read numerous books by several authors on this subject, these readings have basically confirmed what I inherently know, rather than steering me into these beliefs.

There are several people in my life right now that I feel I have known forever, though I’ve actually known them for just a short time. When I first met Earl, I knew that I had met my kindred soul, my life partner and that I would no longer be on this journey alone. It wasn’t learned, it didn’t creep up on me, I just knew this to be true.

These feelings came flooding in when I started my current job back in August 2004. I remember going home after work that first day, almost in tears from the elation I was feeling because everything just felt “right” for the first time in a while. When I met people through my office, I felt like I knew them already.

As Earl and I have opened up a little bit and allowed ourselves to make friends over the past year or so, we’ve met a couple of people that we’ve just “clicked” with. While we’ve known each other for only a short while, there’s a comfortable, calming feeling that can’t be described. We “get” them and I believe they “get” us. It’s an honor to call them our friends.

I don’t know why I’m feeling all deep tonight. Perhaps its the enchantment of the autumn wind that’s stirring up my spirituality. Perhaps it’s the centeredness I feel after a relaxing weekend with friends and family. Maybe it’s the sniffles I refuse to acknowledge because after all, I refuse to be sick.

Whatever it is, it’s all good.

Bed And Breakfast Mode.

Earl and I are very excited about our friends Steve and Tim coming to visit from Buffalo. They’re spending the weekend with us to get away from it all and we’re looking forward to seeing them.

It’s also a wonderful reason to clean the house and spend money redecorating.

The spare bedroom has never looked so good. The bed is made, the scented candles are lit to give it a warm, homey feeling. I’m a little disappointed that I don’t have mints for the pillows, so I’m going to leave a couple of Butterfingers instead.

Yesterday I went to the local Kohls to get new towels and bathroom accessories. They had the ideal shower curtain on display that matched the color of our bathroom perfectly. Of course our mini-me version of Kohls didn’t have any of what was displayed actually in stock, so we jumped into the car last night and drove to Syracuse to go the real Kohls. While we were in Syracuse we also went to Carrabba’s for some pasta fun. Whenever we go to Carrabba’s we shun waiting for a table and opt to eat at their pasta bar instead. I had a couple of glasses of wine, Earl ended up driving home after a stop at Wegmans to grocery shop. Wegmans is grocery nirvana and can not be duplicated by any chain, regardless of how many times they try. (I should get paid by someone for all these retail endorsements.)

So now we’re armed and ready for fun with our friends. I might even cook breakfast in the morning!