Philadelphia, Pa.

View., originally uploaded by iMachias.

So I am sitting on our balcony at Embassy Suites in Center City Philadelphia. The hotel is right on the Ben Franklin Parkway. Our view is the picture you see up there. I took the photo yesterday.

Earl, Jamie and I are in town for the weekend, we’ll be heading back up home in a few hours. Earl and I visited with his family yesterday. I haven’t seen anyone since New Year’s, it was good to see everyone. Jamie visited with some friends and rode his bike around the city while we were doing the suburb thing with the family. The day was quite enjoyable.

As a quick aside, I don’t know how the fine folks of this area deal with driving the Schuykill (Interstate 76) on a daily basis as it’s a clogged mess of frustration. I was posting photos from my iPhone to my Facebook account whilst sitting in traffic. If you were following that, you will know that:

“Whomever thought the Schuykill was a good idea should be flogged.”
“I’d rather drive on 128 around Boston.”
“God I miss the 401” (referring to Toronto. At 18 lanes at it’s widest point, the 401 is busiest freeway in North America)

And referring to the Ben Franklin Parkway, “I don’t drive across your park, don’t have a festival in my street. M’kay?” I had to explain to Earl that “M’kay” was a sarcastic was of saying okay. He didn’t know. I’m vague like that.

Anyways, after we got back to Center City we went out to dinner at an Irish Pub called “Moriarty’s”. I may have mentioned before that I enjoy a good Irish Pub.

Moriarty's in Philadelphia.

After dinner we went for a walk around the gayborhood. One of the beautiful things about Philadelphia is the small residential streets in Center City; I know the houses are quite expensive but when you stand on one of these streets you hear hardly any noise from the hustle and the bustle of the city. Now that is an environment that I could definitely live in.

We got back to the hotel room a little after 10 and decided to watch a movie; “Titanic” was on so we watched that. I still think it’s one of the better movies out there; I haven’t seen it in a long time and I have to admit I found the green screen effects a little startling. I guess I never noticed how far we’ve come in the past 10 years or so in that department. It didn’t detract from the movie though, and that’s what’s most important.

After “Titanic” it was time for bed. Embassy Suites provides robes and slippers for our furry friends. I think it’s cute.



Okay, my dear friend Shirley sent me a bunch of photos. I have to admit, we were having fun at the Saranac last night.

This is Ryan, Shirley and me.

Ryan JP 2.jpg

In Moderation.

Earl and I had pretty much decided that we weren’t going to go to Saranac Thursdays for the most part this summer. While the activity is enjoyable, it also chews up a Thursday night and quite a few brain cells at the same time. The supper afterwards invariably is too big and then we end up feeling lethargic the next day.

Guess where we ended up last night.



Rumour had it that a former co-worker was in town for the weekend and would be out and about so we decided to head down and join the fun. Moderation is the key. I cut my beer consumption in half (and still had whacky dreams during the night) and we cut our food consumption down at Zebb’s afterwards. Hopefully I was only half as silly and/or obnoxious.

I also got to chat with my friend Christine (another former co-worker), who is now making a go at it with an internet based business: On Location Vacations. I find this to be wicked cool. She’s writing for other sites as well; quite impressive. I have always been impressed with Christine.

Earl took a couple of photos using our friend Shirley’s camera, but I don’t know that I’ll get to see them. Apparently one of the photos made Shirley blush. I’ll see if I can convince her to share with the class.

I think we’ll end up at Saranac Thursdays again during the summer, but judging by the way I feel today I’ll probably stick to bottled water while hanging out with my friends.

All in all it was a good night with a little lesson thrown in for good measure: moderation is the key.


Once in a while I use my blog as a therapy session. Okay, maybe more than once in a while I indulge myself this way but it’s a lot cheaper than paying someone, so instead of chewing about it I invite you to sit down on the couch with me. If you’re bored with this entry (which is kind of random in it’s construct) then I invite you to use a search engine to find something more engaging. There’s plenty out there.

At nearly 41 years old you’d think that by now I have this whole life thing pretty much down pat and I’d be enjoying myself. The latter is true, I’m enjoying life very much these days but as far as life goes, I still feel like a kid that’s trying to find his groove from time to time. There will be times that I see something, anything in a person and I ponder it and perhaps try it on for a bit, incorporating whatever it was I saw in that person into my own life to see if it works for me. I think this is due to the fact that I am always looking for approval of some sort and I figure that if the original person carries that trait or whatever off successfully then I should be able to do that as well. As far as I can tell, this carries about an 80 percent success rate. I can do better.

That’s one thing that I’m always trying to do: do better. I am always looking to better myself and better my situation. I figure if you sit stagnant then quite frankly why bother living at all.

If anyone were to identify a superpower in me it would probably be mimicry. That’s how I learned my broadcasting skills in radio, I’d listen to other stations, hear how they did it and then do the same. That is how I’ve made technology decisions in the past: if program X works well on Mac Y for user Z, then it’s going to work well for me. I’ve adapted the skill to all sorts of situations: if bozo B is fired up about subject A, then there must be something to it and perhaps I should be fired up too. Though my personality trait is to be a loner and hardly a follower, this approach is exactly what I’ve been doing. It was during my drive home from Toronto this past weekend that I realised that’s what’s wrong: I’m trying to use the skills of a follower in concert with the personality traits of a loner and more importantly I’ve been doing that a lot in the past 18 to 24 months.

Once I came to this realisation, as I watched the trees go by and the black pavement pass underneath me, I felt like a great weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It was a defining moment in my life and I have felt immensely better ever since.

When I returned to work yesterday I sat down and cheerfully went about my duties and I was more productive yesterday (and today) than I have been in weeks. My feelings on various topics ranging from politics to interpersonal relationships to money to being gay to being out to health care all suddenly felt _aligned_. I have commented before that I don’t fit in the crowd that’s looking at the big picture. I’m not looking at a particular corner, I’m not looking at a particular colour in the big picture, I’m often not even looking at the same picture that everyone else is.

I have been trying to take photographs as I brush up and improve upon my photography skills. I go to post them and become hesitant as I realise that people may find them boring. Folks take pictures of cityscapes and flowers and people and all sorts of things and the crowd oohs and aahs over the display of an amazing talent. I worry that my pictures of powerlines and road signs and lake shores and men shaving and just random moments of life are going to bore people, so I invariably end up not posting them. I enjoy them but who else would? Well, I don’t care anymore, probably just as much as I don’t care about the amount of readers I have of my blog. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that I have made many friends and connected with many people through my blog. I cherish my readers and value what they have to say. But am I trying to amp up readership? Nah. There’s others in _that_ big picture that are doing that.

For the first time in a long time, I feel a sense of identity. MY identity. And quite frankly, I don’t feel that I’m all that different from the happy-go-lucky guy I was five, ten or twenty years ago. But now I’m happier than before because of one simple fact.

I’m just me.

Oakville, Ontario.

119.365, originally uploaded by iMachias.

So I have been thinking about doing a road trip this weekend. I considered several locations and pretty much had my mind made up for Ohio and Indiana, but when California made their idiotic decision this week I decided that I didn’t want to spend any more money in the U.S. than I absolutely had to, so I decided to visit my family outside of Toronto.

I love it up here. My sister and I just got back from a run to the market so she can make supper and it was a good experience. My nephews are both handsome and my mom is up here visiting as well so it’s a little family reunion of sorts.

I made the right decision for where to go on a trip today.


So I am sitting in the Jeep just back from a chiropractor visit during my lunch hour. I still have 25 minutes left before going back to the office, it’s not enough time to run home so I’m sitting in the parking lot where Earl and I used to meet for lunch once in a while.

I don’t know what happened to that routine. I miss it.

I am listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR as I type. They are talking about North Korea. I just heard this intellectual type mispronounce “myriad”. “Meye-ree-ahd”. Hmmm. Perhaps I say it wrong.

The chiropractor visit was a quick experience and I cracked really loudly again, especially in the neck. I feel such relief when this happens but the noise is startling at times. While was at the office I took the opportunity to schedule a visit with the massage therapist. She is a tall Swedish woman named Monique. I think I’m going to dig her.

Yesterday I went to the dentist and got that broken tooth pulled in preparation for some cosmetic dental wizardry. You can’t even tell I’m missing a tooth and it’s not really sore. The oral surgeon, an Asian man, made “wow” sounds while he was breaking my tooth apart and taking it out in pieces. It doesn’t really hurt at all and there has been no swelling. I am on an antibiotic for the whole affair. I believe this is my first encounter with a Z-Pak. I think it’s working.

Work is moving along at a reasonable pace. The early shift always moves along nicely. I look forward to getting out at 4. The payroll department read my time sheet wrong and overpaid me by nearly five hours. I mentioned it to my supervisor and it’s considered an advance on future overtime. I can deal with that for now.

For getting snapped and cracked and having a tooth yanked out of my mouth (not to mention the flat tire I had after the dentist yesterday) all within the past 24 hours, I have to admit that I’m feeling really good today. I’m glad it’s the weekend.

By the way, I’m borrowing one of four unsecured home wireless internet connections within the range of my computer at the moment. The owner has quite an impressive iTunes library.

Early To Rise.

So when I get up in the morning and my mind is reviewing the things going on in my head I find myself very decisive and focused on what I want and how I’m feeling about any given topic. As the day progresses, I start to rationalise things a little bit and then I’m not as confident on my stance or decision.

That is something that I don’t like. I need to keep the early morning vibe going all day long.

Yesterday was my workforce reduction day; I took the opportunity to have lunch with my Dad, aunt and uncle at the family lumber yard. I hadn’t been up there in quite a while, it was good to see them all. Per the tradition I observed as a teenager working at the store, we had a lively discussion in the office as we ate our lunch. Yesterday’s topic was health care. We may sit on opposite sides of the aisle on a good number of topics, but we all agreed that the current health care system in the U.S. is broken at best and that the system seems to be working for no one outside of the pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists in Washington.

Everyone still sits in the same seats that they have since the big remodel of 1987, I sat at my cousin’s seat in the corner. In the old days I would sit at my grandmother’s desk, but I thought I would change it up a little.


113.365, originally uploaded by iMachias.

I have been really bad at taking daily photos for my 365 days project. It has been 13 days since my last photo. I’m thinking of renaming the project “smattering of days with 365 days”. I blame the two weeks of on-call within three weeks. On-call messes with my head. After nearly five years of doing on-call you think I’d be used to it by now. Perhaps I should just stop bitching about it and go with the flow. Maybe that will be my new theme in life: “just stop bitching about it.”

I am sitting on the back patio enjoying the glorious sunshine. Earl and I are back from running a few errands, Cubster held down the fort whilst the two of us ran out. I had to pick up some Muscle Milk – the large jug was marked down from $48.99 to $27.99 and the expiration date isn’t until 2010. Sometimes it’s the little things that count, and yes, I’ll pick up another jug if you ask.

We also fixed the push mower. I destroyed the old blade when I hit a rock about a week ago. I’ve been hitting a lot of things lately. It was just a five minute job to swap out the blade for a new one. I even mowed a bit (even though the lawn didn’t really need it) to make sure everything held itself together and nothing came flying out. There was no drama.

There is a very confused wasp on the loveseat here on the patio, it seems the owner of the house wiped out all the nests in the umbrella. His GPS still shows there should be filling stations in the area. I’m a mean Daddy.

I’m feeling much better today than I did yesterday. I’m already scheming for next weekend: I have a three day weekend and I have an adventure in mind. Combined with a really short work week (I have Wednesday off as well) and one can understand why I’m chomping at the bit to get this on-call week over with.

‘Tis good.


Grillmaster, originally uploaded by iMachias.

Earl cooked the Cubster and I a wonderful picnic supper tonight. I took this photo right before the back of the grill fell completely off. It might be time for a new grill, this one has been beaten up pretty bad by storms over the last couple of years.