

I have a habit of judging people. It’s not a habit that I’m proud of and I certainly shouldn’t be judging anyone on cursory observations, but it’s just something I do and I keep to myself. Except when I write about it in my blog of course.

For instance, consider the people that work in the same building as I do.

We have three doors at the main entrance of our building. In the middle is large, revolving door which is flanked by two standard doors. The revolving door is the “old kind” in that a little effort must be given in order to actually push the door to make it revolve so that you’re not stuck in the middle part looking like a window display on Fifth Avenue.

Quick side note: believe it or not, I’ve seen people push the door a little bit expecting it to start moving on its own and after a few moments do realize that something is wrong once they’re stuck between the inside and outside between two panels of the door. They finally figure out that a little effort is required and starting pushing the door, which contradicts my theory that…

… People that don’t use the revolving door are dumb, people that do use the revolving door are smart.

There’s a couple of reasons the revolving door is there. First of all, it gives the appearance of a classy building. Important places have revolving doors. “There’s no common door to our building, we’re too good for that, we have a fancy revolving door.”

Secondly, revolving doors keep the outside air on the outside and the inside air on the inside. At a place such as the Carrier Dome, which is somewhat pressurized, this is important so that the roof doesn’t come crashing down on 60,000 football spectactors. In a building such as the office building I work at, it helps keep the temperature in the lobby under control; in the winter the warm air stays in and the cold air stays out. Using the standard doors on either side defeats any attempt at a happy environment in the building lobby. “Boy, I wish the landlord would heat this lobby!”, clueless people think.

The other day when it was extremely windy outside, I heard a woman complain that the standard door was hard to push open to get out of the building because the wind was holding it shut. She really felt that the landlord should build a vestibule of some sort so that the entrance of the building was protected from the wind. I bit my tongue to refrain from pointing out a couple of things to her; the entrance of the building is inset into the rest of the building by about 15 feet, creating an outside vestibule to protect those coming and going by the elements until they can get appropriate raingear or whatever on.

Secondly, the revolving door works just fine in windy conditions because that’s what it’s designed for.

So at quitting time when the offices in our building are emptying out and people are pushing those standard doors open and complaining about the cold air blowing in, I’m going to continue to bite my tongue and refrain from telling them that they should be using the revolving door. But I’ll continue to think that they’re a little dumb, stumbling through life without a clue as to what is going on around them.

I’ll save my theories on elevator etiquette for another time.

Happy Geek.

I Saw The Sign.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

I’ve mentioned before that I am a big geek when it comes to maps and roads, especially signs. In fact, I maintain a whole website dedicated to the roads in Upstate New York. The website gets quite a few hits from travelers, tourists, chambers of commerce and whatnot and from time to time I get requests to feature product placements on my page.

Usually my answer to these product placements is a hearty “no”, because I want to keep my sites as ad free as possible. However, one sign company here in Upstate New York requested that I put a link on the site for them and offered to pay me for the link. I turned down the payment and asked if they could make a sign or two for me instead. They happily agreed to make two signs for me for one year of “advertising” on my site. One of the signs I requested was the Interstate 81 sign you see in the picture (the second is still under construction). They also included a couple of others signs for my collection, including WRONG WAY, that I’ll be hanging on the garage wall with the others I’ve picked up at various places over the years.

I’m such a happy geek today.


It’s amazing what a good attitude can do for one’s day. Why here it is after 12 noon already! The day is humming along nicely. This morning I went into the office with three primary goals. The first was to get my desk as organized as my state of mind this past weekend. So while I was Mr. Homemaker Saturday and Sunday and doing all sorts of domestic chores, I took that attitude into the office and did the same. I filed away extraneous papers, I cleaned out useless e-mail messages and I labeled file folders and folder bins. I wiped 18 months of crud off the back of my computer and I basically just got my workspace comfortable and organized again. The change is refreshing and my water cup no longer sticks to my desk.

Today is the day that two of our tech support groups combine into one and I approached the integration with a positive outlook and an open mind. At the very least there’s a huge opportunity for learning with this re-organization, as while we were for the same company, our two groups supported different types of customers (voice and data circuits vs internet and network connectivity). I believe our two groups now unified, while having different approaches to similar tasks, can learn from each other and be one step further ahead in this rat race we call the telecom industry.

And lastly, I’m pushing negative vibes and gloomy thoughts aside and ignoring them. I’ve jokingly (at least I think jokingly) been referred to as “Mary Sunshine” around the office in the past because of a positive outlook, a springy step and a smile on my face. Perhaps others not as content in their job would find me a little much. I don’t care. Enjoying your work makes the day go by much faster, helps you sleep better at night, makes the atmosphere around the office much more amicable and probably aids in digestion as well. A number of years ago I was known as the “Gloom and Doom Guy” because I always looked at the negative side of a situation. I like to think that I’ve changed since then and am now a positive influence on those around me.

I don’t know why I’m feeling more upbeat today; it could be because I’m eating healthier, I’m wearing new clothes or because the sun is shining. Who cares? Life is good.


Well it’s happened again. I’ve turned into Mr. Homemaker. Earl went to play poker with a bunch of buddies tonight so I did the following:

  • Finished all the laundry, including the placemats on the kitchen table and the towels in the guest room.
  • Made tomorrow night’s supper of vegetable stew.
  • Made four dozen cookies to take to work tomorrow in honor of our department tripling in size as we combine technical teams.
  • Divided out my Progresso soup into individual, easy to pack lunches for work this week.
  • Changed Tom’s litter box.
  • Swept the kitchen floor. (Notice I didn’t get crazy and announce that I had mopped the floor, however sweeping is a start).

I don’t know what’s going on with me. We don’t have a party planned in the future, no one is coming to visit and I haven’t the vaguest idea of whether the planets are aligned or not. I just feel like cleaning the house.

Oh well. The activity is a good excuse for exercise.



Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Every morning Tom and I go through this little ritual before getting out of bed. He has to rake my beard with his claws or tap at various parts of my face until I am up and out of bed and downstairs filling his bowl with food. Of course I have to make a pitstop on the way down, so he just sits on the edge of the tub and screeches his dissatisfaction with my going the bathroom.

Thankfully, he’s the only creature that’s ‘screeched’ at the sight of my dink.

What I find curious is that while I was in Massachusetts this week, Earl did not have to go through the same sort of routine. Apparently Tom patiently waited for Earl to get out of bed, do his thing, take a shower and get dressed before getting his kitty chow breakfast.

I think we know who does the spoiling in this family.


Olivia Newton-John in Xanadu
Earl and I have kicked back and relaxed most of the day. After the busy week we’ve both had, it’s just what we needed. After having supper at the local Greek restaurant, we came home and settled down to watch a DVD we purchased from the bargain bin a couple of weeks ago.

The movie was “Xanadu”.

While Earl and I had seen bits and pieces of the movie, neither of us had ever sat down and watched the entire movie from beginning to end. Being the fantasy and special effects buff that I am, “Xanadu” is right up my alley. The music is an added bonus.

“Xanadu” has 1980 written all over it in big, bold, colorful magical strokes. It’s not Shakespeare by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s a great movie to escape to. The special effects are outrageously wonderful, the roller skating is wonderfully dated looking and the escapism of the movie is welcomed. I loved the movie and would watch it again in a minute. The crazy special and sound effects in the movie have furthered my interest in making my own videos; had I’d been old enough in 1980 and perhaps a little more focused in my creative endeavors I probably would have been making 8mm films in the spirit of “Xanadu”.

There’s nothing wrong with doing that in 2006. I’m inspired.

Saturday Morning Cartoon.

Cute Little Blokes.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl surprised me with a little post-Christmas present this week. He had these done by a very talented man in the U.K. So here we are, mere charactures of ourselves. We have several of us in different clothes and backgrounds and whatnot.

I love them!


Diner in Canastota.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl and I decided to go cheap for dinner tonight and went to a local diner for a nice home-cooked supper. One of the things I like about this particular diner is that the portions are not outrageously sized and the food is very, very good.

As you can see we sat at the counter, the waitress commented to Earl that I was a cheap date.


Normally I would admit what I’m about to say in my blog right away but for some reason I was a bit hesitant this time. I don’t know if I have to go to “blogger denier’s anonymous” or not, but I feel I must come clean and admit my true feelings about something.

Last week I stepped on the bathroom scale for the first time in a long time. I then lept off twice as fast as the time it took to get on it.

Contrary to popular belief, I did not drop kick it.

A couple of years ago I went on a health kick and lost nearly 50 pounds. My goal was 30 pounds and I figured by losing 50 I’d have some room to play around so to speak because I’ve always heard that you gain at least 10 pounds back after you lose weight. I think I passed my intended benchmark some time around Thanksgiving. That was the night my belt flew off my waist unassisted and scared the heck out of our cat Tom.

Now I’m not where I was before I started losing weight back in 2001, but I was headed back into that neighborhood. I admit it, I was taking delight in big meals and looking for the smallest excuse to eat something. “Oh look, I vacuumed half the staircase, time for a chocolate chip cookie!” Moderation became a foreign word to me. If the huge appetizer wasn’t covered in Cheez Whiz and then deep fried, I wasn’t interested. Salad? Please. Use the vegetables to decorate the mantle for the holidays.

Back in 2001 I was interested in losing weight for health reasons. And that’s primarily the reason I want to lose weight again. I have friends that run mile after mile in marathons. I can’t even run from Best Buy to the Apple store in the local mall without having to stop to catch my breath, despite having two “empty” credit cards. I also have some clothes I’ve outgrown that I really want to wear this summer and I’m bound and determined to get back into them again.

I also want to be able to kick some ass should the need ever arise.

This week I’ve been back on my moderation kick – I haven’t really gone on a diet per se, because I don’t believe in “dieting” and throwing your body, life and spouse into shock, but I’ve been watching labels and somewhat counting calories and concentrating on keeping the fat grams low. Aside for a pizza party, I’ve been pretty much sticking to that rule of thumb. (And the pizza party was really good and an enjoyable time).

I already feel better. At least I can run to the Apple store now.

My goal is to get back into last summer’s clothes by May 1st. By writing this in my blog, I’ve made a commitment. I’m in the mood to do some cycling and I’m going to start training for that this weekend. (“Hello block walls in the basement”, he says from the exercise bike.) I’m already looking for bike racks to attach to the back of the camper.

Admittedly, another reason I want to feel and appear healthier is because I’m also planning on doing some videotaping while we’re in the desert this May and I want to look FIERCE for this project I’m formulating in my head. It was inspired by my “superhero spin” from a few days ago.

I’ve promised myself that I’m not going to obsess about this health project this time around and I’m not going to make Earl’s life miserable by shunning food and going all whacko with my food choices. So you probably won’t read a whole lot about it here, but perhaps you’ll notice changes in my photos.

I’ll let you know when I reach my goals.



Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Today I’m back to work after attending training for the past two days. It’s amazing how motivating getting away from work can be; it’s like you’re picked up out of a rut, suddenly armed with knowledge you didn’t have before and ready to walk into work and take the office by storm.

The universe apparently agrees, as it’s bright, sunny and unusually warm in Upstate New York today. Tomorrow is suppose to be even warmer!

This picture does not represent your typical January day in these parts. But I’m not complaining.