
Spin Again.

Once upon a time I was a club and radio DJ. While I didn’t enjoy the politics or business side of radio that much, I really enjoyed spinning tracks in a club or at parties. I am decidedly very gay DJ as you won’t find me playing the Macarena or Alley Cat at a wedding, nor will I let the dogs out over a bar mitzvah. My talents are best served for the gay bear crowd.

Over the past 48 hours or so I’ve been obsessing about spinning in a club again. I think it’s because I recently turned down an offer to be Program Director for the local Kiss-FM as I really don’t have an interest as what’s being called Top 40 music these days. But I am feeling the need to do some mixing in a club. I want to get a dance floor jammed with hot, sweaty, gyrating people pumped up. I want to command the pulse of the party.

Last night I entertained Earl with a 35 minute or so set off the PowerBook. It was at 35 minutes in that I realized I was recording the whole thing in mono, which doesn’t sound very good to the ears, so I did a quick fade in the middle of whatever was playing. However, I’ve been keeping up with the latest music and my mixes were tight so it was good practice. I think I’m going to make another run at it tonight.

I’m thinking that if I could spin in a bar again I could make some money as a struggling college student and enjoy what I’m doing at the same time. If I had my way, I’d love to spend a summer working at one of the gay campgrounds, but they all seem to be set in the DJ department these days.

Oh well, at least I’m able to entertain Earl and me.

Bumble Bee.

With another beautiful day upon us, I decided to take full advantage of the weather, dress up like a bumble bee of sorts and hit the pavement with my bicycle. Earl took the obligatory shot of me in my cycling gear, complete with my new cycling glasses. I’m also excited because I found my cycling headband and cover so I don’t have sweat dripping in my eyes.


Not really having a destination in mind, I ended up riding the local streets and roads and the Rail Trail that was built back in 2005. All in all I clocked in 25 miles in about 1 1/2 hours. My body is feeling worked out but that’s all good. It helps combat the lingering effects from the field days food from last night.

Years ago I rode a number of times with the local cycling group. They must have had money to burn as their cycling clothes often matched their bicycle. As you can see by the picture, I enjoy dressing up like a bumble bee but I create a huge faux pas by wearing a blue helmet, red and black gloves and then of course my red road bike. This created gasps of dismay in the cycling club. Well, they also didn’t like the fact that I wore my camelback (backpack with built in water supply) while I rode as they preferred to have a van follow along with the fancy water bottles.

I guess I’m a loner of sorts when it comes to cycling, which is really not a surprise since I’m a loner by nature. I am looking forward to riding with Thom in Virginia this fall when the leaves are changing color. He’s a great guy and like minded in many ways.

I guess Earl will follow along with the fancy water bottles.

Field Days.

Pulaski Field Days.

After a lazy day of relaxation, catching up on sleep time via a few cat naps and more relaxation, Earl and I decided to get our day started around 6:00 p.m. After finally showering and getting dressed, we hopped in the Jeep and headed for my home town for the annual “Field Days”.

We didn’t make it in time for the parade, which we heard was rather disappointing, but we did arrive near supper time, so we headed for the chicken barbecue in the beer tent. I waved hello to several former classmates along the way. Good ol’ chicken dinners were being sold for $7.00 a piece. Accompanying your half of a chicken was some macaroni salad, a dinner roll and some cold baked beans. Earl and I have never been able to figure out why they serve cold baked beans. Why bake the beans if you’re going to serve them cold? The chicken seasoning seems to be pure salt, but that may be why they’re being sold in the beer tent, so that you buy more beer. We skipped the beer and stuck to pop.

Attendance seemed to be rather low at the Field Days this year. Back in my day, the field would be shoulder to shoulder with people after the big parade. Tonight you could clearly see from one end of the field to the other. I found this rather odd. We did see several people from my high school days, which is always a delight. We even ran into my best friend from high school. In my junior and senior year people thought he and I were dating, and we could have since we’re both gay and all, but we never dated. On overnight trips with the band and chorus and whatnot people assumed we would share a bed, and we did, but we never did the touchies. Perhaps that was a missed opportunity. Who knows.

It’s funny that my two closest friends in high school were also gay. I had several other gay friends in school as well. Earl has asked what was in the water, as he didn’t remember so many gay people in his high school, which was bigger than my school. Maybe us farm boys like to roll in the hay after all.

After our run at the Field Days, we took the long way home and met my mother at a 24 hour diner for some dessert and some chatter. It was a great spontaneous visit. I like doing that from time to time.

Oh – and today is my 6th blogaversary! “Life is such a sweet insanity” turns six years old today. Yay!

Friday Afternoon.

Today I’m running some errands, doing some research for my roadgeek website and just enjoying the beautiful summer weather. My first stop was a local bike shop to pick up some needed tubes and some proper cycling glasses, courtesy of a gift certificate from my mother and my sister. I was actually able to buy two pair of glasses that are just perfect, one for day riding and one for riding in the evening or at night (they’re very slightly tinted). I feel like one of the cool kids when I have them on. I’ll have to share a picture in my full gear.

Now I’m sitting at a Panera, trying to eat a sandwich that deconstructed itself as soon as I touched it. The bread slid one way, the cheese another and the mayo laughed it’s head off.

For some reason I’m absolutely delighted about a rather large party that is taking up several tables in the middle of the eating area. They seem to be having a birthday celebration for a grandmotherly looking woman that reminds me a little bit of my “grandma city”*, especially in her demeanor. Her gift is a large potted plant arrangement. The way her eyes are sparkling at the gesture has made my day.

There’s a number of people surfing the internet and conducting business on their computers and cell phones here. Surprisingly, they’re not intrusive about their conversations at all. I like to think that my constant complaining of cell phone use on this blog is getting the message out there that we don’t appreciate that sort of rudeness, but they’re probably just cell phone savvy. I don’t have that many readers.

I’m curious as to what the weekend has in store for us. This was to be the weekend that my high school alumni marching band made it’s debut, but too many people bailed out of the project on me, leaving me with a tuba player, a trumpet player and a bunch of flute players. Maybe next year. Earl and I have thrown around a few places to travel to, including Niagara Falls, Pittsburgh or Baltimore, but I think we might enjoy the summer sun rather locally and perhaps go to the field days in my home town.

* I’m sick of writing “maternal” and “paternal” grandmother, as it sounds entirely too formal to me, so I’ve opted for “grandma city” and “grandma country”. My sister and I were fortunate to have two loving grandmothers that were different in many respects.



As a budding Civil Engineer with dreams of working for the Department of Transportation, it’s only natural that I am very interested in yesterday’s tragedy in Minnesota, where a bridge that carries Interstate 35W over the Mississippi River collapsed, plunging several vehicles and their occupants into the river below. While I understand the scope of this tragedy, I have to admit that I am a little dismayed at the media “hype machine” that’s kicked into gear. It seems like reporters are nearly grabbing family members of the victims from the site and trying to get an interview. I think that’s kind of rude.

While there will undoubtedly be an investigation into the cause of the collapse, I think we are seeing a symptom of a growing concern in the United States, and that’s our aging transportation infrastructure.

The bulk of the interstate highway system was built around 50 years ago. Naturally, there have been improvements, modifications, inspections and whatnot along the way, however, many of the bridges and roadways in the U.S. are nearing the end of their shelf life. Unfortunately, with a seemingly unending war that is costing hundreds of billions of dollars and an American need for an increase in vehicle size and such, our roads are getting abused without the monetary support necessary to keep them in shape.

When I was a child there was talk about removing the tolls from the New York State Thruway. This was slated to happen some time between 1992 and 1996, though it never did. I think this is a good thing. As a young driver, I couldn’t wait for the Thruway to be “free”; as a more experienced adult, I find tolls to be a good thing because the road is being paid for by the people that use them. I don’t have a problem with tolls as long as they are used for what they’re intended for and that’s the upkeep and improvement of the roadway that’s being tolled. I’m NOT in favor of hiring toll booth operators at a huge salary simply to hand out tickets or push a “GO” button to let an E-ZPass car through, to me that’s a huge waste of money. However, I am in favor of tolls if it’s going to keep our roads in better shape and allow various transporation agencies to do their job and work to make driving safer for all involved.

I’m also in favor of increasing the tax on fuel. As Americans, while we bitch about gas being nearly $3.00 a gallon in actuality we have some of the cheapest gas prices in the world. Perhaps if we all paid a few more cents at the pump and/or drove smaller vehicles that didn’t beat up the road as much, we could avoid tragedies like the bridge collapse in Minnesota yesterday.

Always With Issues, Always.

Earl and I ran errands tonight. We stopped and hand washed the Acura. We even brought the towels so we could dry it and make it look really shiny. We ran to the post office. We stopped at the ATM. It was there that Earl dropped a bomb on me. “We need to stop at Wal*mart.”

The temperature is going to be near 100 degrees tomorrow. This makes the factory environment of Earl’s plant tip closer to 120 degrees. Being the caring general manager of the facility that he is, Earl wanted to pick up several cases of Gatorade and bottled water for his employees, to try to make working conditions as bearable as possible.

I hate to admit it, but Wal*mart has the best deal on Gatorade. They have to, or else Wal*mart wouldn’t sell Gatorade. That’s just the way it works in Wally World.

I think I have anger management issues with a touch of a superiority complex. When I see people walking through Wal*mart with those god awful cell phone ear pieces I want to slap the said wearer right across the face. Hard. I want to say “you’re not that important and you look stupid.” If they’re not wearing the ear piece and opting to talk on the phone instead, I want to beat them over the head with their phone. I feel a strong urge of hostility when I see this gross abuse of technology.

Then I see the people in those motorized carts terrorizing everyone around them and buying cases of generic macaroni and cheese. And cartons of cigarettes. I want to shove those people right out of those carts. There are people on crutches who could use those carts, but they’re hogging them up because they’re damn lazy and eating all that macaroni and cheese. An occasional meal of homemade macaroni and cheese is a delight but a constant diet of that fake crap is a travesty. I would like to yell “eat some salad!” as I shove them out of the lazymobile. They’d go ‘plop’ on the floor.

I don’t get hostile in K-mart or Target. I was friendly back in the days of Ames. There’s just something about Wal*mart that makes me downright surly. I don’t know if it’s the fact that we’ve been stripped of just about any other choice than the supercenter behemoths. Perhaps it’s the extraordinarily loud television sets mounted from the ceiling or the shrill service desk clerk yelling for a tampon price check over the intercom. Whatever the reason, I feel like when I step into Wal*mart, I Always Have Issues, Always.


Last night I decided that I needed to get back into the routine of riding my bike to work so this morning I was up an extra half hour early and on my bike for my daily commute. I can still remember the first time I rode my bike to elementary school back in the late 1970s and the thrill I felt as a youngster as I got to school under my own power. I still feel that thrill to this day when I ride my bike to work.

There’s a certain amount of planning involved with doing this environmentally friendly peddle pushing. This is the first time that I’ve ridden my bike to this job and there’s a dress code expectation of sorts that has to be met, so prepping for the ride involved planning and packing clothes that wouldn’t get exceedingly wrinkled while in a small backpack, plus I needed to pick the right shoes that would dangle off the bottom of my back pack without creating too much discomfort in that area.

Another first for me today is this is the first time I’ve ever packed my laptop for a bike ride. I usually dash home at lunch but there’s no “dashing” when one is on a bicycle, so I opted to walk our fine downtown and take advantage of the free wi-fi service they recently unveiled. It’s a little slow, but it does the trick.

Downtown Utica has become an interesting study for several reasons. First of all, it’s suffering from the aftermath of a propserous turned disasterous urban renewal plan from the 1970s. During this project of over 30 years ago, many of the historic buildings were razed and cement-chic buildings popped up in their place. Unfortunately some of these buildings, as well as their remaining older counterparts, are currently empty as businesses close down or relocate to the commercially prosperous suburb of New Hartford. What was once a busy downtown retail area has been replaced by an apartment building, several office buildings and countless empty storefronts. There’s also a relatively modern hotel that seems to be holding on, though with the construction of a new Hampton Inn underway, I don’t know how long it’s going to be able to hold it’s own.

It was only three or four years ago that you would see hot dog carts and whatnot on the street at lunch time. I used to be able to walk around the downtown area and see lots of people walking from their office to one of the several lunch counters. Today none of that is to be found. I guess the office workers in this area are brown bagging it or going to one of the newer chain restaurants in the suburbs. There are just a few people on the sidewalk. I’m sitting in the courtyard at the State Office Building. I’m one of five people here. This building has 16+ floors of offices. It’s 12:23 in the afternoon. You’d think there’d be more people out here enjoying the beautiful weather and a lunch.

I’m hesitant to admit it but I hope that Earl and I stick around long enough to see this city turn itself around.

To Dive For.

There was a time when I could easily eat a large bag of Doritos in one sitting and not even think twice about it. In an effort to get this aging body back into shape I’ve kicked that habit for the most part, however I wanted something to snack on once in a while that felt kind of chippy but was rather healthy.

Enter Belgian Endive and Vegetable Hommus.

I’ve taken to eating the leaves from a head of endive and making like they’re chips, using vegetable hommus as the dip. It’s a tasty little treat that helps me keep within my self-imposed caloric confines and gives me the feeling that I’ve had a snack.

When I was a kid we kept our vegetables to the standards: peas, carrots, beans and corn. Once in a while we’d get a treat with beets. Oh, and there’s fried green tomatoes, which I absolutely love. When I ventured out on my own as an adult, I discovered the virtues of eggplant. Eggplant rocks in the summertime, especially when you’re looking for something to grill and you want to fake being healthy about it.

Endive has an interesting taste. It’s slightly bitter. It mixes well with the vegetable hommus I enjoy. I’ve never had endive any other way but I’m betting it would be good with spinach and artichoke dip.



There’s a certain amount of danger in staying up late on the weekends and then taking a two hour nap on Sunday afternoon.

You end up babbling in your blog about nothing at 1:09 a.m.

Back On The Saddle.

After nearly two weeks of being off my bike I took the opportunity to hit the pavement this evening. With all traces of my little cold just about gone, I think the ride did the trick and knocked whatever was left completely out. I feel great.

I was tempted to ride this evening until after dusk but I don’t have a light on my bike. When I was a kid I loved riding after dark. I’d be on my Huffy three speed (in startling brown) with my little generator light humming off my tire and the subsequent light only bright enough to make out vague shapes of what was ahead in the road. I’d hang out with the other kids down the street, goofing off or playing some super stealth version of hide and seek and then make the trek home after dark. There was only one street light along the 1/2 mile between point A and point B and it didn’t do a good job of revealing the dog named Barney that liked the chase bicycles. He was always a challenge. I like to think of him from time to time and thank him for my strong leg muscles. He helped them develop early.

The weather looks promising for more cycling this week. It’s good to be back on the saddle.