
It's kind of fitting that I've kicked my interest up in blogging again through this "Blogs of August" that I'm doing on Google+, because 12 years ago today I wrote my first blog post, back when I was calling it an online journal.

I still remember writing that first post, using FrontPage '98 on Windows ME on an old computer I had pieced together while waiting for Mandrake Linux to install on the computer I had at the time. I had nothing that resembled blogging software. I didn't even use the term blog. The website lived on web hosting space that was included with our Earthlink dial-up account. The entry was written in pure HTML.

My life has gone through many changes in these 12 years, say nothing about the evolution of my blog and where it has gone. I have gone from "maintaining an online journal" to trying to share information, make people smile and providing a peek into the geekdom inside my head. There have been times that I've considered just giving it up but I never can. I always go back to this little experience that I've built to share my experiences.

Thank you for reading. I've made some nifty connections met some cool people in real life by way of this blog and I'm looking forward to continuing this theme.


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Well here I am trying to maintain an on-line journal. I hope to do this once or twice a week to let curious people know what the heck is going on with our life. Today Earl and I went along with my …