So yesterday I went on my rant about the government monitoring phone call metadata on Verizon’s network. As the day progressed, it was revealed that the government is doing much more than that through a program they called PRISM.
My tin foil hat is squarely in place now.
That being said, I’m not going to harp on that right now. I’m very calm today. I’m enjoying my Friday and I’m going to pretend that all is right with the world.
I’m taking some precautionary steps to make things just a little more difficult for the NSA.
1. I have moved whatever email I had left on Gmail to my own domain on a little server that is powered by a windmill.
2. I have switched back to Mozilla Firefox as my primary browser.
3. I removed Google+ from my phone simply because it was eating up way too much battery life.
In addition, I am currently in the process of drafting a letter to my government officials expressing my displeasure with the latest turn of events in this whole PRISM thing.
And I’m doing it quite calmly.