Thank You. Thank you everyone for helping out the Ali Forney Center with my ‘Stache On-‘Stache Off Fund Raising Campaign. We raised $450 for this worthy cause. The votes were tallied with this final result: Again, thanks! Now I’ll try something new in the facial hair department in a week or so. 25 August 2012 by J.P. Equality 7
O Noes! The ‘stache of awesomeness has departed. *sad face*
I’ll probably lose my remaining blog readers because of this.
*crickets* 😉
Yeah, it’s been quieter around here and I don’t get as many likes on Instagram. People just loved me for my stache.
Some humans are so fickle, aren’t they?
At least you’re still around. But I think you’re more like me vs being actually human. *grin*
Being human is so overrated. 😀