
Skyward., originally uploaded by iMachias.

Today is our first full day in St. Louis, so naturally we set out to see the the Gateway Arch.

It is nothing short of impressive.

We rode in on the MetroLink because one should always strive to take mass transit/light rail whenever possible. We arrived at the Gateway Arch around 11:00 a.m. The lines were short and by 11:15 we were boarding the south tram for our ride to the top. When we purchased our tickets the cashier asked if we were claustrophobic and of course neither of us are. When we were paying I noticed several people gathered around this display of a pod-like thing. I didn’t think much of it until it was time to board the tram.

Five people squeeze into this pod-like thing. It’s so small in there that if you’re over 6’1″ or so, you have to stoop forward whilst you’re sitting so you can enjoy the four minute trek to the top of the Arch.

I have to admit that I would have been feeling slightly freaky if it hadn’t been for the small window in the door that allowed one to look out at the innards of Arch as we made our way to the top. Once at the top we were given the opportunity to look out the small windows on either side. I took a bunch of photos, which you can see here.

After our descent to the ground (a three minute ride on the tram) we watched a 30 minute movie on the building of the Gateway Arch (the engineer in me is wicked impressed) and then we walked around Downtown St. Louis for a bit, joining in on the festive atmosphere of tomorrow’s All-Star Game.

We are now relaxing for a bit at the hotel before heading back out for the evening. Earl is taking me to see “Godspell” at the MUNY at Forest Park tonight,

We are definitely off to a great start.

Oh, by the way, I turn 41 today.