

Kamala Harris’ speech at the DNC last week was so inspiring. Her words gave me hope. Her passion for this country is inspiring. I haven’t felt hope like this in a very long time.

So after this amazing speech, CNN cuts to a bunch of pundits sharing their comments on the situation and then John King slicing and dicing every word, every number, every scenario.

Why can’t we just seize the moment, let the hope breathe a little bit, before we delve into the nightmare also known as “The Electoral College”. Can we live in the moment? Can we enjoy the feeling of hope? For an hour? For a week? Maybe through November.

Seize the hope. Let is breathe. We can look at the numbers after the nightmare is over.

John King … shut up.

Achieving Our Desires.

Fellow blogger Cole B wrote a blog entry I find quite inspiring. In the entry he shares his thoughts around a post he saw on The Art of Manliness, which is about the mindset and intentionality around achieving our desires.

To win and secure the thing you seek, your desire must be potent enough to energize and animate, but not so all-consuming it smothers and corrupts. You must want it, but not need it. – The Art of Manliness

I encourage readers to take a peek a look at Cole B’s entry. I hope you find the same motivation I felt while reading his post.

Extra Bewitching.

Here is a candid photo from the days of “Bewitched”. In the center, Agnes Moorehead, famously known as Endora on the hit series.

On the left is Melody McCord, who played Elizabeth Montgomery’s body double for the scenes featuring both Samantha and Serena, as well as playing an extra throughout the series. Melody can often be spotted throughout many scenes in various roles including restaurant patrons, secretaries, or other folks helping making up a scene. She is even seen full face in a few episodes in long shots as either Samantha or Serena. She also made an appearance as Sleeping Beauty.

On the right is Herb Winters, who was often an extra in background shots throughout the entire run of the series. He can be seen as a chauffeur, a bartender, a doctor, and in many other roles.

Hiking Mount Lemmon Is Awesome!

I went hiking up on Mount Lemmon yesterday, and per established tradition in 2024, I brought along my video equipment in hopes of making another piece of video art.

I was successful in this endeavor.

Earl always previews my videos before I declare the project complete, and he sat down and watched my final draft. He told me it was the best video I had produced thus far.

I tried my best to be my absolute authentic self in this video.

If anything, I want to be inspiring for other people by sharing that which inspires me. If anything, I hope someone, anyone smiled, for whatever reason motivated them to smile. And if you decide to watch the video, I dropped a couple of Easter eggs in the later half that amused me a little bit.


Truman was not pleased last night as the hoomans decided that he needed a bath and then carried out this evil plan. The whole affair took less than 10 minutes but apparently that was too much time away from the possibility of kibble.


I love it when Mother Nature is in a feisty mood. Here’s some lightning shots of the latest storm to pass through during this monsoon season.


I am reminded of a speech I heard during an episode of “Madam Secretary”, a CBS series that aired too long ago.

What is an even greater threat than nuclear weapons? That which makes the use of them possible: hate. Specifically, the blind hatred one group or nation can have for another. …Nationalism is the existential threat of our time.

Nationalism is not the same as patriotism. It’s a perversion of patriotism. Nationalism promotes the idea that inclusion and diversity represent weakness, that the only way to succeed is to give blind allegiance to the supremacy of one race over all others. Nothing could be less American. Patriotism, on the other hand, is about building each other up and embracing our diversity as the source of our nation’s strength. “We the people” means all the people. America’s heroes didn’t die for race or region. They died for the ideals enshrined in our Constitution. Above all, freedom from tyranny, which requires our unwavering support of a free press; freedom of religion, all religions; the right to vote, and making sure nothing infringes on any of those rights, which belong to us all. Look where isolationism has gotten us in the past. Two world wars. Seventy million dead. Never again can we go back to those dark times when fear and hatred, like a contagion, infected the world.

…It is why we must never lose sight of our common humanity, our common values, and our common decency. I was reminded recently of our nation’s founding motto, E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. Thirteen disparate colonies became one country. One people. And today, we call on all Americans and people everywhere to reject the scourge of nationalism. Because governments can’t legislate tolerance or eradicate hate. That’s why each one of us has to find the beauty in our differences instead of the fear. Listen instead of reacting. Reach out instead of recoiling. It’s up to us. All of us.

Madam Secretary, “E Pluribus Unum”, Season 5 Episode 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0StuIUQmZGU


It has been a VERY long time since I’ve felt hope for the United States of America. It has been a VERY long time since I’ve felt patriotic.

We can do this America. Go watch her nomination acceptance speech. Do it. And then vote for her in November.


There’s thunder in the distance as I type this blog entry. This makes me very happy.

Earl and I just completed lunch and I’m taking a few moments in the gazebo to relax, write a blog entry, and ponder life. I have been shrinking my lunch hour for the past several months. Earl pointed this out to me while we were conversing during our road trip to Flagstaff last weekend. He indicated that I haven’t been taking enough time for myself and that was contributing to my feeling of burnout.

I felt really burned out going into last weekend. This week has been a complete 180 from my feelings last week. And that’s a wonderful feeling.

One of the things that I never considered when the five of us decided to move together to Tucson back in 2021 is the amount of bandwidth it would take my brain to process all the people around me on a continuous basis. When it was just Earl and me living together it was easy for me. Juggling the wants, needs, thoughts, feelings, impulses, and more of four other adults, two dogs, and a cat, well, that can drain my battery at times.

Growing up, if I started to feel overwhelmed by constant interaction I had an out. I could go down in the basement, I could go explore the woods behind my parents’ home, or I could listen to music off my Yorx Record Player. It was usually a Human League record.

With work getting intense lately, worry about the upcoming U.S. elections, juggling the family’s needs, and trying way too hard to be creative through my YouTube channel, my batteries were about depleted. Honestly, I had no juice left. Last week I was completely on low-power mode. Like my iPhone 13 Pro these days, I was running hot and sluggish.

Why do I share these things on this blog? No idea. Well, I guess it’s honesty. There are WAY too many people on the Internet that portray a character through the online activities. For me, life in general is a game ripe for many portrayals. Writing about my internal wiring once in a while keeps me honest.

What you see, right here, is what you get.

Old School.

I am writing this blog entry on the newest addition to my geek space. Today’s addition is a brand new Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM.

This little computer is amazing.

In the background of the window I’m using to write this entry, I have an instance of Firefox showing my local weather radar. I have access to all my files through Dropbox and the household NAS (Network Attached Storage) unit. I can get to my Macs. I can get to my other Linux machines.

All using a computer the size of a deck of a cards.

The software I’m using, as pictured in the screen shot above, is called WordGrinder. It’s an old school word processor; the type of which was found back in my young geek days when I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in the late 1980s. I opt to use a font that mimics the font on my old 12-inch CRT monitor from back in the day. WordGrinder is free and is perfect for those looking for an old school word processing experience. Better yet, it is the perfect way to force focus while writing, as there’s no other distractions going on. I’m using an application dedicated for writing and it throws my geeky brain chemistry into warp speed.

Little things like this is why I love technology.