January 2, 2021


I’ve been watching clips of the revival of “One Day At A Time”, which premiered back in 2017 and was canceled after four seasons (three on Netflix, one of Pop!) in December. The show is really good. I don’t know why the show was canceled, but I look forward to catching up on the seasons.

Todd Grinnell plays Schneider. In this incarnation he owns the building. Admittedly, Todd is quite feast for the eyes. Enjoy!

Back Roads.

The weather is not favorable for VFR flight this weekend. VFR stands for “Visual Flight Rules”. This is means we can see where we’re flying, as opposed to IFR or “Instrument Flight Rules”. Under IFR we’re flying mostly on instruments. I am not an instrument pilot. Yet. Goals.

Since we were grounded today, we went for one of our Saturday drives. West of us they’ve seen a lot more snow and ice than we’ve seen here in The Windy City. We drove on the prairie around DeKalb County, which is about 60 miles to our west. I captured some photos along the way.