
So it is shortly before 5:00 p.m. and it is getting quite dark out. This is what happens at this time of year. I like it. A lot. But I can hear the whining from other folks that wish the daylight was around farther into the evening.

It has been a good, relaxing weekend. So good, that last night I decided that I would try to freeze time.

Hats off to those that know why I was trying this particular method in my efforts to freeze time.

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Earl and I enjoyed a relaxing ride yesterday, too much food, a walk along Onondaga Lake and a wonderful visit with my sister.

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We even made it to the North Country, where we ended the night with a wonderful dessert at a locally owned truck stop near the main gate of Fort Drum. My choice of dessert was homemade strawberry shortcake, which was made properly using homemade biscuits instead of sponge cake. Earl had apple pie a la mode that curiously cost $4.44.  The strawberry shortcake was $4.95. As far as I’m concerned it was worth its weight in gold.

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