November 2006


I finally gave in and went to the doctor’s today for a small rash I’ve had on my forehead for the past couple of months. I know, I should have gone to the doctor sooner but the rash wasn’t spreading, wasn’t getting worse and it wasn’t impeding my looks so I was just dealing with it.

I hate going to the doctor’s, despite the fact that our family doctor is very nice and not bad to look at in all his yummy scruffiness. I mean, who likes going to the doctor? At age 38 though, I suppose it’s the responsible thing to do so I even made an appointment for my yearly physical that’s a year too late. At least I’m making an effort.

One thing that surprised me was when he told me blood pressure was “excellent” at 130/78. During the last couple of visits, over a year ago, he sort of scolded me for high blood pressure (158/98) and was urging for a physical then, but I ignored him and just avoided going. Today he pointed out that I was almost 35 pounds heavier a year ago (I didn’t realize I had lost that much weight) and that was a good thing. I gave myself a mental pat on the back.

All this healthy good news makes me yearn to jump on the bike and go for a ride. I always feel the need to go cycling between the middle of November and the middle of February, then I sort of lose interest when the weather is actually conducive to riding my bike.

So now I have a little cream to put on the little rash over my eye. I have a physical in December and he’s going to set up an appointment with a dermotologist just to make sure I don’t have anything else going on. He seemed particularly interested in the freckles on my head, I reminded him that he wouldn’t even know they were there if I wasn’t bald and then I assured him that I’m often well basted in sunscreen or at least I keep my head covered with a hat as appropriate.

It looks like I’m going to be around for a while longer.

Alphabet Soup.

I rarely do these meme things but today I figured what the heck. Courtesy of Karl and The Persian Guy

A is for Age: 38
B is for Beer of choice: Michelob Ultra. I have a figure to maintain.
C is for Career: Once in working with the disabled, then I was a radio DJ and program director, currently in IT, I hope to become a traffic engineer.
D is for favorite Drink: Unsweetened iced tea.
E is for Essential item I use everyday: Mach III over my head
F is for Favorite song at the moment: “Jump (Extended Mix)”, Madonna.
G is for favorite Game: “Let me In, Let Me Out!” with our cat.
H is for Hometown: Little tiny hamlet of Richland, New York.
I is for Instruments I play: Tuba. Some piano. Some other brass instruments a little bit.
J is for favorite Juice: OJ
K is for Kids: None. Once upon a time Earl and I were going to adopt but never did.
L is for Last kiss: 6:30 this morning.
M is for Marriage: Absolutely, bring it on Governor Elect Elliot Spitzer.
N is for Name of my best friend: My partner Earl.
O is for Overnight Hospital stays: Too many to count. I like to think of them as bionics upgrades.
P is for Phobias: I used to wig out about elevators but not anymore.
Q is for Quote: “Life is such a sweet insanity”, Roberta Flack, theme from The Hogan Family.
R is for biggest Regret: Learn, don’t regret.
S is for Self confidence: I’m working on it. By 38 you’d think it’d fully be here by now.
T is for Time I wake up: Variable depending on my work schedule.
U is for Underwear: Tighty-whiteys or boxers or none. Depends on my mood.
V is for Vegetable I love: I love all vegetables!
W is for Worst habit: Losing my temper and saying stupid things.
X is for X-rays I’ve had: Oh lots. I’m a vogue cover model of the “inside out” set.
Y is for Yummy food I make: Chocolate chip coookies courtesy of my grandmother’s recipe
Z is for Zodiac: Cancer.

Clean It.

Our cat Tom is a rebel. He watched me last night as I cleaned the house from top to bottom. Always wary of the vacuum cleaner, he sits perched on the back of the couch or on the bed and keeps watch on the proceedings of cleaning the house. Apparently he didn’t like last night’s proceedings because this morning I watched him fling cat litter out of his box all over the floor, and I just know it was on purpose, and I now he’s busying himself by eating half a nugget of kibble and spitting the rest on the floor.

I think he thinks he’s funny.

Tonight after class I’ll have to chase him around with the vacuum cleaner. Calm down, I’m kidding. I’ll chase Earl instead.


This morning while eating breakfast, I saw Tom go scurrying across the kitchen floor and tear into the dining room at high speed. He appeared to be in pursuit of something. Turns out he was chasing something across the floor.

It was a dust bunny.

Since I had shoveled a space for myself at the kitchen table just moments before, I figured that the universe was giving me not-so-subtle hints that we needed to clean the house.

I don’t know what we were thinking three years ago. “Let’s buy a house twice the size of the old one, and to keep it interesting, let’s leave the housekeeper behind!” What the hell was I thinking. It’s almost as ludicrous as having a performance “Sleeping Beauty” next to the service porch of the Brady house.

Granted, I often referred to our old housekeeper as Agnes Destructo and I often wondered if she was going to go up in flames from smoking while spraying bleach as an air freshener, but at least the house looked good.

So tonight I dusted and swiffered and sucked up everything in sight. By the way, can someone please tell me the purpose of the hole with a moveable cover in the vacuum cleaner hose? What is the purpose of that? To reduce the amount of suction? “My God, I’ve sucked up the cat, better release the pressure.” I don’t think so. I find it annoying and worthy of a swath of duct tape.

Our county has a crazy code that every home built after 1995 must have a telephone jack in each room. I guess the geniuses had never heard of a cordless phone getup before and decided they were doing the public service a favor. You know what they should have done? Required central vacuum systems in every home.

I was a spoiled little cub growing up. My grandparents had a beautiful house next door to our mobile home. Grandma would bake cookies or some other good-farm-wife inspired dessert weekday afternoons and I would trot over after getting off the bus to catch “Bewitched” and “I Dream of Jeannie”, eat some cookies, drink some milk and hang out with Grams as she did her household chores. Their house was so big it had two central vacuum systems (one at each end). Gram never lugged around a vacuum cleaner canister get up, getting all twisted in the cord and emptying the bag after every room because of all the dust she sucked up. No, she had a hose and a wand that she plugged into ports strategically located throughout the house. No muss, no fuss. When my dad built our house a few years later, it had a central vacuum system. Again, no muss, no fuss.

Why the hell doesn’t this house that’s less than ten years old have such a thing? I have a good mind to buy one and put one in myself. Some pipe, some drilling, a little luck and voila, instant domestic bliss. Why get a sock stuck in the wand with a hole when you can lodge it nice and tight in some dark recess of a wall?

Let’s face it, if I have the energy to install a central vacuum system then I must certainly have the energy to clean the house the old fashioned way. By witchcraft.

I keep telling Earl that I’m going to hire a housekeeper for this house. His only requirement is that they’re male, naked and work after hours.

Sounds good to me.

Hey, They Look Familiar.

So I was innocently looking around on the internet when I found a picture of a hot couple that was taken in Phoenix, Arizona this past summer.


TiVo Worthy.

Now that the new television season is well underway and shows are already starting to fall to the wayside, Earl and I are making the very important decisions as to what stays on the TiVo and what gets deleted.

First, The Winners.
Heroes (NBC). I love the premise of this show. I like most of the characters in this show. I like the actors that are working on this show. I find the special effects to be quite nice. My only gripe with this show is that it feels like it’s moving at a snail’s pace. I don’t feel “satisfied” after an hour of watching it in the sense that I feel like no progress has been made toward a goal. I understand that I’m suppose to tune in next week to see the next chapter, but the speed in which things are happening is just so slow. We’re already seven episodes into the season and we’re still meeting characters. However, it’s my favorite new show of the season, though I find it terribly frustrating. And Greg Grunberg gets major woof points, as Adrian Pasar does as well, although not as many woof points because his teeth make me nervous. They’re too big or something, they remind me of Dionne Warwick.

Las Vegas (NBC). I don’t see this show lasting but I find it mildly interesting, especially the character of Samantha.

Brothers and Sisters (ABC). I’m glad to see Sally Field, Calista Flockheart and a whole bunch of others in one cast. Earl and I are just discovering this one and are catching up via the TiVo. So far, we’re liking it. I found the scene where the gay brother goes out with the more open gay guy to be quite enjoyable.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (NBC). Sports Night and The West Wing meets a new cast in a new situation. Being huge fans of the two aforementioned shows, Earl and I find this show to be engaging and comfortable in it’s style.

The View (ABC). I know, I know, the readers let out an audible groan. Earl and I have never really watched The View as it’s geared towards women and not really our cup of tea. However, we’re both fans of Rosie O’Donnell so we thought we’d add it to the lineup. We both like the banter during “Hot Topics”. Rosie is, well, Rosie, we find Elisabeth to be a little yawn inspiring, we absolutely adore Joy Behar and we think Barbara Walters brings the energy of the show down a little bit. Hey, it takes all sides and all kinds, I guess. We watch “Hot Topics” and skip the rest most of the time.

Medium (NBC). We haven’t missed an episode yet, but it’s being all trendy by holding off until November 15 for it’s season premiere so the jury is still out. Plus, Patricia Arquette seems to have cut her hair and that never bodes well.

Reruns we’re watching
Still Standing (Lifetime). I never saw this show in it’s original run, it seems like an updated version of Roseanne but personally I’m liking it. It hasn’t earned a spot on the TiVo yet but I’ll watch it if I’m working in the kitchen or bedroom and can see the television from where I’m standing.

The TiVo Boot
How I Met Your Mother (CBS). Last year we watched this show religiously and enjoyed it. This year it does absolutely nothing for us. We’re both happy that Neil Patrick Harris is a certified member of the team, but we’re still not going to re-add the show back to the TiVo.

The rest of our TiVo lineup from years past seems to have self destructed.

I’ve Been Upgraded.

After thinking long and hard about this since my last DJ gig, I’ve decided to “upgrade” my DJ moniker. Introducing…

DJ SuperCub

I’ve used DJ PiperCub for the past year or so and have always liked the name but didn’t feel that it was a perfect fit for my personality. So, like my airplane namesake the original Piper J-3 Cub, I’m now considering myself a newer, faster, electrically equipped model now, decked out in all the latest gadgets (like the Piper PA-18 Super Cub), hence I’m now DJ SuperCub.

If you prefer to still refer to me as “Your Highess”, I won’t mind.

Lazy Sunday Afternoons.

Trip Now Complete.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

Earl and I are back home from our night in Buffalo. The Eagles just trounced all over Washington, so Earl is in good spirits. I’m working on my school projects. Tom is content that his daddies are home.

On our way home we made our traditional stop at a Tom Wahl’s, this time in the Village of Avon. The restaurant is quite large and we were lucky to be two steps ahead of the crowd, as there was quite a crowd when we left.

While Earl drove the next 100 miles or so, I napped in carb-inspired bliss.

Chef’s Restaurant in Buffalo.

Chef’s in Buffalo.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

If you’re in the greater Buffalo, N.Y. area and looking for some awesome Italian food, get yourself over to Chef’s Restaurant.

Earl and I joined our friends Steve and Tim for some great wine, great food and great conversation. It’s been too long since we’ve hung out with these guys, it’s good to get together with them again.