Well I’m sitting here at my computer trying to relax, and Earl is surfing the internet on his computer as we speak. Apparently, he’s wandered into the “gay men’s chat room” on some weird service, and they’re all singing karaoke over the microphones into the chat room. It’s the worst music I’ve heard since I listened to the local Top 40 radio station.
It’s funny, because I used to be a Top 40 DJ, then a Program Director. I was responsible for how my station sounded – the music, the jocks, the contests, everything. But I must be getting old or something, because I really, really, really don’t like Top 40 music anymore. It’s just not my thing anymore. There’s no thought or creativity into the music at all. It’s all computers and computers and more computers, with a fairly absurd looking young man or woman lip-synching to the music that their Mac or PC generated. I mean, the first time I saw ‘N Sync, I wondered why the guy had a mop on his head but it turned out to be his hair.
I much prefer listening to NPR these days. My favorite program on NPR is “All Things Considered”. The local NPR station is WRVO-FM. Since they’re doing such a fine job, I’ll give them a link as well. π Earl and I make contributions to that station several times a year. I feel much more in tune with what’s happening in the world by listening to NPR. I guess Johnny boy is growing up.
We had my Dad and his girlfriend Karen over for dinner Sunday night, along with Karen’s son Colin. It was a really nice time. Earl went all out cooking up a fabulous meal – he always does that and is always supportive of my family. The conversation was great, and it was the first time that my sister met Karen and Colin. I think everyone got along splendidly, and we’re looking forward to doing it again soon.
I checked in on my Mom tonight – she’s walking around with walking pneumonia these days. As if pneumonia wasn’t bad enough, someone had the bright idea to make it walk. Ha ha such wit. Anyways, she’s drudging through it, but she says she’ll be through it soon enough. I worry about her. I’m trying to get her to become more grounded, and start concentrating on her spirituality a little bit. I think it’ll help her. So when I meditate I pray for her, and bask her in emerald green light to help her with her illness.
I’m working my way through Sylvia Browne’s “Journey of the Soul” series. I’m on Book 2. It’s very interesting. I actually look forward to reading it. I’m trying not to rush through it so I can savor all the information.
Tonight we kicked back and watched “Bewitched” along with “The West Wing”. You know, “The West Wing” is so cleverly written. A very enjoyable show. And of course “Bewitched” is timeless. I can’t wait to see what Columbia Pictures has planned for the 40th anniversary of Bewitched. I’m hoping for a DVD set with hidden goodies. I guess we’ll have to wait for two years and see what they do.
Work has been going along splendidly, if not at a rather hectic pace. Have you noticed that time seems to be speeding up somehow? Now I don’t want to sound like a loon, but it really feels like time is flying by much faster than it did before.
Well I’m going to meditate and call it a night.