
I really hate speakerphones. I despise them. When I speak with someone using a speakerphone, I feel that I’m told indirectly, “Don’t think that you’re important enough that I need to stop what I’m doing to talk to you. Just keep on yapping and I’ll mutter some yeps and nopes.”

I rank speakerphones one notch below cellphone use in public. This morning I spoke with a customer who was using a speakerphone. She spoke at bullhorn levels into the inspid little device to tell me she was having a problem with her e-mail. She would ask me a question, I would give her an answer and then she’d confer with someone that would whisper so I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

That’s just rude.

First of all, the conversation sounded like it was coming in from Venus. Secondly, she was multitasking way too much. When the customer wasn’t speaking at abnormally loud volumes, she was either drinking coffee, eating something or speaking in hushed tones with the suspicious little man in the shadows. Maybe I’m a little bit paranoid but I like to know who I’m speaking with and that I have their attention.

Earl is a very busy corporate executive. He earns lots of money for his company and all involved (including me) are quite proud of him. However, early in our relationship he learned that the speakerphone thing isn’t going to work for me. I’d call him up and answer his greeting over his speakerphone with “hi”. He’d say “hello”. I’d say “hi”. He’d say “hello”. This would go on until he was frustrated enough to pick up the receiver and pay attention to me in which I would then have a delightful conversation of whispering sweet nothings and my asking him to bring home cat litter or something equally mundane.

I could be a little paranoid. Back in my radio days, the morning show team would take great delight in calling their boss (me) around 6:00 in the morning and put me on the air. “Ha ha! J.P. is asleep! Ha ha!” After telling them several times to knock it off, I finally responded to one of their questions with a “How the fsck should I know?” or something equally profane in which the phone went dead and they learned to take Station Daddy seriously.

We have a support tech in our group that likes to use his speakerphone. We get to hear all sorts of fun throughout the office. “What did you say?” “I said press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice.” “Press catcha all mice?” This goes on and on.

I seriously miss Ma Bell and her rotary dial.

Monday Wednesday.

So I was humming “Monday, Monday” to myself all morning when all of a sudden I realized that it isn’t Monday at all, it’s Wednesday! How silly of me. I wondered why the weekend flew by so fast.

It doesn’t really feel like Wednesday. Heck, it doesn’t even feel like July, with tonight’s temperature predicted to be in the upper 40s. I’m wondering why we are feeding chemicals into the pool, I don’t think it needs to be clear to be an ice skating rink.

I keep waiting for summer to “kick in”. It still feels like May to me. Perhaps it’ll warm up by the end of the week and we can put the winter clothes away.

Earl and I are camping for the next two weekends. This coming weekend we’re headed to a state park and next weekend we’re taking a long weekend and going to the gay campground in Pennsylvania. We’re looking forward to both trips.

Gotta remember to pack the parkas.

New Jersey.

The casinos in Atlantic City, among countless N.J. state run agencies, were ordered to shut down today. Think what you may about the morality behind gambling but it’s just wrong to put thousands of workers on an “unpaid absence” simply because the government can’t get its act together.

I don’t understand budgets. I don’t pretend to. I can’t even bluff my way through a debate or conversation regarding the government and its sea of red tape. I think the answer to money problems is simple: print more money. Worried about government spending? Then stop spending!

Some newspaper articles covering the budget mess in New Jersey were talking about how law makers had to come into session on the 4th unshaven and wearing t-shirts under their sportcoats. The poor souls apparently had to skip their holiday plans and work at coming to a budget resolution. It didn’t happen. So this morning, the state basically remains closed, and since the casino has state funded overseers on site, the casinos shut down as well.

I feel bad for the casino workers. The money isn’t that great, the job isn’t really that great and now they’re told to stay home without pay. All because the state government can’t get its act together.

I’m a little fired up about this. I don’t even like New Jersey. I hope the folks there make their dissatisfaction known come election time.

Rebellion 101.

The roadway: An interstate in Upstate New York.

The vehicles: One VW Jetta, One Suburu WRX, One Acura RSX Type-S.

Top Speed: 101 MPH.

The victor: One Acura RSX Type-S.

The look of the other two drivers when a bald 30+ man effortlessly breezed by them: Priceless.


Earl and I just got back from enjoying the fireworks from the lawn of Utica College. Always a popular gathering place for young and old alike, Earl brought along a bunch of glowsticks and handed them out to all the kids surrounding the lawn chairs we had set up for the show. The kids threw the glowsticks up in the air in attempt to make their own fireworks. There was a dazzling array of orange, pink, purple, blue and green before the official fireworks show began.

I mentioned a couple of days that fireworks should be reserved for Independence Day. I firmly believe that as the dazzling pyrotechnics seem more special when we use them as a symbol to celebrate our country’s birthday.

Mother Nature wasn’t in the mood for a barbecue today, so we went and saw the movie “Click” after enjoying a hot dog (or two) at a locally famous hot dog joint. Nothing fires up your summer like eating a chili dog under a tent that’s being pelted by very large rain drops. Luckily the skies cleared up this evening so that we could see the fireworks!

Happy Independence Day.

He’s Back.


Earl and I went and saw “Superman Returns” tonight. Reading various reviews online, reaction to the movie has been rather mixed but we both agree that it was the best film we’ve seen this year.

I really like Brandon Routh as Superman. He carries Superman with just enough twinkle and a touch of cockiness in his eye. I thought the cinematography and special effects were absolutely superb. From the pacing of the movie to the musical score, the whole film has a nostalgic air about it that makes a person from my generation, having grown up with the Christopher Reeves films, quite comfortable with the experience.

Earl and I are thinking about catching this movie again as we hope to see the IMAX version. I’ve always been a big fan of superheroes and “Superman Returns” definitely lives up to my high expectations.

Happy Holidays?

I was talking with a customer day today who ended the call by wishing me a happy holidays. I found this odd. I think it may have been the first time I’ve ever been wished a happy holidays in reference to Independence Day. While the sentiment was in the right place and I took it at face value, to me the phrase just sounded weird. I had a fleeting moment to respond with “Merry Christmas” but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to sound mean.

I sincerely hope that we are not about to go generalizing all the holidays now and have a one-size fits all approach when it comes to wishing others well in the spirit of a given holiday. It’s bad enough that we fire off fireworks at the drop of a hat now. Fireworks should be reserved for the celebration of Independence Day. The only other time that I approve the launching of fireworks is for local volunteer fire departments’ “field days”, and that’s to celebrate the community we live in. These days it seems like we’re dragging sparklers out for any ol’ reason… “Grandma cleaned her dentures, time to launch some M80s!”

I blame marketing people. It’s like these folks that put up Christmas lights for every reason in the world. We have green St. Patrick’s Day lights. We have pink and yellow Easter lights. We have brown Thanksgiving lights. Christmas lights go on the Christmas tree and maybe around a porch pole or two. And that occurs after Thanksgiving and before Christmas. O.k., there are some instances where Christmas lights work in other places, like all white lights in a tree at the mall, on a Walt Disney World parade float or at a popular tradition at local gay campgrounds called “Illumination Weekend”. But I don’t get the Christmas lights going up for the other holidays.

And while I’m approaching a rant here, what is up with exchanging gifts at Easter? A few pieces of candy for the kids and some together time around the family dinner table, that’s it people. The easter bunny should not bring Melvin a bicycle and an X-box.

This generalization of various holidays is taking away from the moments themselves. Our founding fathers gave their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today and we remember this with “Independence Day”. Each holiday is unique and should be honored by remembering the reason for that day. So if you want to wish someone a wonderful Independence Day, make it simple and say “Have a Happy 4th!” or “Happy Independence Day!”, then go out with your loved ones and enjoy the fireworks.

Just don’t put up the Christmas lights and Easter eggs at the same time.

Strawberry Fields Forever.

Earl has been generous enough to make his “refreshing fruit dip” for me to take to work tomorrow and naturally we needed fresh strawberries to compliment the effort. So this afternoon, Earl and I took a short drive down to a neighboring field to do some strawberry picking.

We had such fun.

It’s been about 25 years or so since I last picked strawberries. We used to pick wild strawberries at the airport we were always at (my dad is a private pilot). We’d fill styrofoam coffee cups of these little strawberries, wash them off and then cover them with sugar and eat them. So tasty. Small wonder I was a relatively hyper child.

My grandmother used to take us “real” strawberry picking when we were in our early grade school years. I think I remember eating more berries than what I put in the little cardboard carrier.

Today I only had two berries while we were picking. I had to make sure that they were ripe and ready to go. They were quite tasty.

Fightin’ Words.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a Rosie O’Donnell fan and that I really enjoy her blog. Since Star Jones’ appearance on Larry King Live this week, there’s been a few messages to the “Ask Ro” feature regarding Rosie’s “mistreatment” of Star. For example:

angelawalton@aol.com writes:
You are nothing but trailer park trash. You are notqualified to carry Star’s shoes much less crtique her life. I am sick of fat obnoxious white trash like you.

I love how people feel they can hide behind an e-mail address and spew venemous tripe at people they’ve never even met. At least when I do it on my blog, you know where you can write to say your piece as well. Thankfully, Rosie let us know where we can send a message as well.

I just sent Angela an e-mail. I’m curious to see if she responds.