
Today has been all about doing chores around the house. I really haven’t broken down and cleaned anything mind you, I’m saving the frivolity for 2008, but I’ve been busying myself in our cellar doing geeky things with geeky toys.

Earl and I are off to a family fest in a few moments, but I decided to catch up on blog reading before we left and couldn’t resist the typing test that Séan had taken. It’s a good thing that back when I was in elementary school my mother taught me touchtyping at the age of eight. “If you’re going to bang on the typewriter, at least you’ll use the right fingers.”

Here’s my results:

93 words

Touch Typing for free

Rise and Shine!

It’s 5:45. It’s dark outside. It’s cold. It snowed last night.

The alarm clock beeps it’s happy little tune. Trying to cheat The Man, I felt smug as my alarm clock rang it’s cursed little tune at 5:31. That 5:31 was on purpose. Score one minute for the working folks.

I am desperately trying to smile. I’d settle for a pleasant thought. I’m still trying to remember my name. The ability to speak English would be groovy right now.

“Raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens.”

When did “My Favorite Things” become a Christmas carol? Why do the corporate destroyed commercial radio stations play that song during an “all Christmas music” sweep? It’s not a Christmas song. It’s a song about being scared during a thunderstorm.

My dreams were really good until 5:31. The content would be worthy of a hidden blog post* that would melt the tubes that connect the internet together. That’s why I’m dazed and confused right now. The dreams were good. There’s still a smile on my face.


I’m starting to remember who I am. And what I do. And why I do it. I have no idea.

Pity the company that wants me to work at 7:00. I’m not really there until lunch.

Happy Friday.

*Moby does the hidden blog entry thing. I’m still trying to get it to work. Astute observers might see bits of a “test” entry from time to time. Thinking like a geek just woke me up.

Short and Sweet.

I’ve tried writing several blog entries today and I find myself coming up short. So, instead I’ll just say “Happy Birthday Mom”. And yes, it’s really her birthday. 🙂

A Decade Plus One.

It’s official. It was eleven years ago this evening that two men stood at the end of a pier at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia, and in front of two witnesses and a passing boatload of Marines, Earl and I exchanged our vows and made our commitment ’til death do us part.

It was a beautiful moment.

And no one fell in the Delaware River.

Looking back at those 28 and 36 year olds, we didn’t really know a lot about each other, but we both knew we knew enough. And we were right.

I wouldn’t trade one second of the past eleven years for anything else. It’s all good.

Christmas 2007.

Hmmm.  What to say? Today was a beautiful Christmas day. Mother Nature made sure it looked the part. The roads were clear. Earl and I spent the day traveling to be with family and eating too much food.

Santa was generous: I have a new Flip Video Ultra, which is perfect for making videos for the blog and new Oster clippers for my barbering hobby. We also got a wonderful selection of wine (we need to have a party soon- calling all bears and bloggers!) and other great gifts.

More importantly, it was an enjoyable day all around.

Merry Christmas to all! 

Christmas Eve Dinner.

In years past Christmas Eve has been an exercise in stamina. Earl and I would drive down to his father’s house on December 23rd, spend the night and the spend the day before Christmas helping with the preparations for the family Christmas Eve celebration. Said celebration started promptly at 5 p.m. Presents were never opened until after dinner, so the party wouldn’t start winding down until 9:00 or so. It was at this time that Earl and I would jump into the car and we would make the trek up through Pennsylvania and Upstate New York, to arrive at home around 2:30 where we’d go to sleep as soon as possible, all for the experience of waking in our own bed on Christmas morning. We love visiting his family, but that’s a lot of driving in a short amount of time.

We’d then tear around Central New York visiting various family members on my side of the family before arriving home and falling back into our beds exhausted.

We decided to mix it up a little bit this year and do our own thing for Christmas Eve. So tonight, for the first time since we’ve started this partnership, we had our first Christmas Eve dinner together. Just the two of us.

Earl made a delicious Prime Rib Dinner. It was quite nice.

Christmas Eve Dinner

We Need A Puke Free Christmas.

I might be jinxing this by mentioning it but I do believe that Earl and I are going to have a puke free Christmas this year. Neither of us have been sniffling anywhere outside of the norm and there hasn’t been much in the way of coughing or throat clearing to raise any alarms. Perhaps the spell of someone being sick for the holidays has been broken. “Ha ha ha ha!” I yell, as I raise my fist to the air. “It’s a Puke Free Christmas!”

Keep your fingers crossed that I haven’t jinxed anything.

Viva The Garden State.

I said something to Earl this evening that absolutely startled him. Hell, it even startled me. I couldn’t believe the words came out of my mouth.

“I would consider moving to New Jersey.”

As I write this, I can’t believe that I just typed that phrase. You see, I have told Earl that I would live anywhere in the world with him. I’d climb the highest mountain, cross the widest sea and scale the longest desert. But don’t put me in New Jersey. That was the rule. “We will not live in New Jersey.”

I’ve been in New Jersey twice today. With Earl’s family less then five miles from the Pa.-N.J. border, it’s a natural thing for us to cross the bridge in search of cheap gas. After all, there’s a lot of diners in Jersey.

I find nothing in common between North Jersey and South Jersey. The accent is different and the attitude seems to be a little different. This evening I went shopping at Cherry Hill Mall (Cherry Hill, N.J.), while Earl played poker with his family (quick little video coming when we get back home). I didn’t find the experience unpleasant. Once I found Cherry Hill, made numerous right turns to turn left and fought a smattering of traffic, I found my shopping experience to be a pleasant one. I found that last extra Christmas gift that I hope will bring a twinkle to Earl’s eye on Christmas morning.

It was leaving Cherry Hill Mall that I discovered something very important with my acceptance of New Jersey as a potential residential destination. They have Wegmans. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, there’s a brand new beautiful Wegmans in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Since there’s a Wegmans there, it has to be a cool place. So I have decided to allow South Jersey to be a potential relocation destination.

Earl just rolled his eyes.