Life In Motion.

Video: Lemmon Rock Lookout Trail.

I went hiking yesterday morning. It was a bit more humid than it’s been in past weeks, but it was still cool at the Summit Trailheads atop Mount Lemmon. This time I hiked down the fairly steep Lemmon Rock Lookout Trail. Next time I’ll take some hiking poles or something to be a little more steady on my feet.

I had a harder time than usual putting this video together. With the political turmoil going on and Earl yelling “breaking news!” from the other room every hour, I had a hard time finding music tracks I thought would fit the vibe I was striving to achieve.

I talk about being positive and doing positive things for the world in my videos. I truly believe that. But sometimes I need to listen to my own press.

I hope you enjoy my latest video.

Holiday Start.

I went for a hike early this morning, because I am really enjoying hiking these days. I hiked along the “Wilderness of Rocks” trail near Mount Lemmon. The video is forthcoming, but it was a great day for a hike.

Hiking Mount Lemmon: Aspen Draw-Aspen-Marshall Gulch Trails.

Here’s my latest hiking video! This weekend I hiked up from Summerhaven again. I hiked the Aspen Draw trail again, but then went down the other side of the ridge along the Aspen and Marshall Gulch Trails. This was a fun point-to-point hike as Earl was waiting for me at the Marshall Gulch Picnic Area.

I’m trying to get these videos out there simply because I like sharing my adventures and I hope viewers enjoy the experience as much as I do. If you know someone that may enjoy, please send them to my channel!

Tanque Verde Ridge Trail Hike.

I’m finding my groove with my hiking videos and the approach I’m taking to video editing and design in general. Not only am I enjoy the hikes, I’m also really enjoying sharing my experiences in this way.

In this age of Constant Chaos, especially in too many areas of the Internet, I feel a positive contribution like this helps keep things at least approach some sort of equilibrium. I hope you enjoy this latest venture with me. Photos follow the video in this post.


I really enjoy Jeff Geerling‘s YouTube channel. His geek related content is awesome, he seems like a nice guy, and his videography skills are top notch.

Like many others in North America, Jeff had a stunning view of the recent the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, and shares his experience through his latest video.

There’s one line at the beginning of his video that particularly captured my attention, “make the videos you love”.

Now that’s inspiring.


I have begun outlining all the Interstate routes my husband and I have driven together over the years. Since we often focus on the backroads, this doesn’t paint a complete picture of our travels but it’s close.


Our 2016 Jeep Cherokee has made it to the 100K club. Purchased right after Earl opted for early retirement from his job in 2016, this car has been on many adventures. It’s been registered in three states, been in all four time CONUS time zones, and at some point I should probably count the number of states it has traversed. It helped with the move from Central New York to Chicago, made 1 1/2 trips from Chicago to Tucson, has been to Florida a few times and has been a joy to drive on its entire journey.

Our plan is to keep the Cherokee for as long as financially practical, while we wait for electric vehicles to get a little more affordable. We have both agreed that our next car will be electric; it’s just a matter of finding the right vehicle for our needs. We’ve also been getting in the habit of planning our trips as if we were already driving an electric car, so we can start getting familiar with the concept of charging stations.

Now, I have a reputation as an Apple fanboy (though I do mix Linux in to this mix quite a bit), but I’ve been reading rumors of an Apple car that is completely autonomous with no steering wheel. No idea if these rumors are true but I don’t have any interest in a vehicle of that design. I’m absolutely interested in a much more ecologically friendly vehicle, and I like the idea of autonomous cars, but I still believe engineers are only solving half of the equation in autonomous vehicles. We need to make our highways smarter in conjunction with developing the AI necessary to drive a car. If we keep designing highways without electronic doodads to help send signals to self driving cars, we have a very long road ahead of us.