Fun and Games Dept


So I dreamed about Rosie O’Donnell last night. It was a pleasant enough dream; I guess that Rosie was doing some sort of reunion show of her talk show from the late 90s/early 00s and we were in the audience watching the show, just like Earl and I did that one time back in 1998. There wasn’t anything that could qualify as remarkable about the dream, it was just there, but it made me wake up with a smile on my face. I can think of worse ways to start a day.

The other night I apparently talked in my sleep as Earl heard me saying things “Griffiss Ground” and “Airport in sight” at 3:30 in the morning. Why I would be telling Griffiss Ground that I have the airport in sight must have been left to the dream (that would have been to “Griffiss Tower”), but I do recall dreaming about flying that night even though I don’t remember the details.

My dreams have been vivid again for the past couple of weeks and I have felt more rested. All of this is good. I think the vividness has returned with the approach of spring (though it doesn’t feel anywhere near spring yet). On the other hand, as the various stresses in my life are managed, perhaps I just am able to get a better night’s sleep.

Either way, I’m not complaining about it. It’s a curiosity and nothing more.


Flight Blog.

I have created a new blog to chronicle my adventures as a student pilot. If you wish to visit, it is located at The Third Wing.

I will still talk about flying here on this blog as well because I talk about flying a lot.



So I’m sitting here during my lunch hour staring at a snow bank. It’s quite chilly out at 22ºF but nowhere near the sub-zero temps of last month. It’s still cold though. I’m ready for spring. 39 days.

I’ve been talking to a few folks that have blogs similar to this one and they seem they’re not feeling as compelled to write in their blogs, much like I’m not overly compelled to write in my lately. Perhaps it’s the winter blues. This weekend we saw our friends Kevin and Brian in Danbury, Ct. and I mentioned that I was afraid people would be bored to death because all I want to write about is my flight training. They said they would be interested in what I have to write so maybe: a. I don’t give myself enough credit for my aviation obsession or b. I don’t give my audience enough credit for just being interested in who via this blog. This is something that I shall ponder.

Scooter is becoming adapted to his new home. He is quite chatty and he still has the habit of literally inhaling his food. He can whip through two cans of Fancy Feast like it’s nobody’s business. I think he’s still in “stray” mentality where he’s worried he won’t find his next meal on a reliable schedule. Tomorrow night he meets the vet; the first thing we’ll do it have him scanned for a microchip to see if he belongs to anyone. The second thing we’ll do is schedule his appointment to get him fixed.


As I mentioned earlier, we met up with Kevin and Brian this weekend and our activities included a visit to the Culinary Institute near Poughkeepsie. Highly, highly recommended. Excellent food and service.


We joined them for their monthly “Gayme Night” with a bunch of their friends. It was my first time playing “Cards Against Humanity”. I don’t believe I embarrassed myself too badly, since they met us for brunch the next day.


We had an absolutely lovely time, but we must be getting old because we needed to stop at a Parking Area on the Taconic State Parkway for a 15 minute power nap on the way home. The scenery was beautiful, even for wintertime.


Introducing Scooter!


A co-worker has a horse farm with plenty of barn cats. A few weeks ago another kitty showed up in the barn. He didn’t really get along with the others, it’s a clique sort of thing, so he slept out with the horses in the hay. None of the neighbors knew who he was. He had no marks of identification.

He is a very friendly guy and he needs a nice warm home to live in. So tonight, Scooter came home to be with his new family. He’s a little shy right now, but he’s slowly exploring his surroundings. He’s purring like crazy. We think he’s happy.?



So it’s snowing very hard here at the abandoned Burger King near work. There are no signs of people trying to use the non-existent drive thru today, but there are footprints in the snow where people have trekked up to the front door. When I started this blog entry two men were walking through a snowbank to get to the front door. The driveway of the abandoned Burger King has not been plowed. I am thankful for having a four-wheel drive Jeep Rubicon.

I’m working at the office today because people expected me to stay home. Most of those that have a cubicle near me are working remotely; the office is very quiet. After meetings this morning I plan on being productive this afternoon.

When I walked in this morning, albeit five minutes late due to weather related delays, I received some applause from the comedians in the cube farm; phrases like “J.P. made it”, “nothing slows J.P. down” were heard as I made my way to my cubicle, still wearing my winter hat and gloves.

The drive into work wasn’t awful. The state maintained roads weren’t plowed at all, probably because all the schools in the area have closed for this latest bout of weather related hysteria, but the Thruway was in fairly good shape. I was able to maintain 55-60 mph for 80% of the ride on the Thruway, the other times I was between 45 and 50, hence the lateness of my arrival at work. I usually get to my cubicle 15 minutes ahead of my intended time. I don’t like to be late.

In Central New York I believe one has to use some caution, plan ahead and then be sensible about their travel in inclement weather, but I do not believe that this sort of stuff during what is turning out to be a “normal” winter in these parts should leave you stranded in your house all year. Seasons are made to be enjoyed, so one should find enjoyment wherever they can.

Now, I might be cranky if I was scheduled to fly today but luckily my lesson was yesterday. That was awesome.

Today, spending time in the snow is where it’s at. I don’t mind a bit.



I just love this fan-made opening to the 1974 movie “Wonder Woman”. This movie came out before the Lynda Carter series and it starred Cathy Lee Crosby as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. Based on the comic storyline of the time, Wonder Woman is more a secret agent than anything and doesn’t really have any superpowers. The movie is a lot different than the series that starred Lynda Carter and I kind of slow paced but I really like the movie. I was thrilled to see this mashup of the third season (1978-1979) theme song with scenes from this 1974 movie. Of course, I’m a huge Wonder Woman geek, so no surprises there.

As a young lad I found Kaz Garas to be a hot Steve Trevor, more so than Lyle Waggoner. And I have always enjoyed the mischievous grin Cathy Lee shows off at 1:00.



So on my flight lesson today we were headed out to the designated practice area. My instructor wanted to review some skills that I was taught on my lesson earlier in the week, namely slow flight. These skills would be used later in the hour as I worked in the pattern around the airport; the focus on being how to fly the pattern and position the airplane for landing. After all, takeoff is always optional but landing is always mandatory.

On the way to the practice area I took a few moments to look around at the ground beneath us, the horizon, the weather coming in from the northwest and Oneida Lake before us. I haven’t had a lot of opportunity to just look around for a few moments on my lessons because while I’m loving every moment, I’m concentrating on learning how to fly the airplane. I’m cautious but gaining confidence. And while I was doing the same today, my comfort level was at a place where I could just look around for a few seconds and enjoy the moment. I did so briefly and silently.

One of my recent realizations is that I’m learning to fly because I want to fly. No one ever suggested I should become a pilot, no one ever told me that’s what I should be doing. I’m not following in the family footsteps. While time spent in the air with my dad for almost all of my life, as well as dozens of experiences with other pilots, have certainly contributed to my desire to fly, the truth is, I’m doing this because I love it and because I came to that realization on my own. I was inspired by my dad but I found my love of flying on my own. While I’m taking in a lot of information from my flight instructor, practicing during my lessons and watching videos and studying on my off hours, I feel so amazingly relaxed when I’m in “pilot mode”. Work stress is gone. I might be worried about my performance on a lesson but overall the experience puts me in a happy place. Every time. Poor Earl, he listens to hours of my chatter about flying and how awesome the Cherokee is and how many turns I made and how I know I will do maneuver X better the next time I fly and how many times I talked on the radio during a flight. Tonight he listened to my excitement about an SUV parked on the road at the runway watching me learn landing techniques.

I will be a different pilot than my dad. He flew on small grass strips and mostly stayed in a defined radius around his home airport. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I have different goals. I’m liking the structure and mechanics of controlled airspace. Paved runways that can be used year ’round are awesome! I want to explore places I haven’t been to before. I want to fly to vacation destinations. Maybe someday I’ll share my skills with others that want to learn how to fly. I know that I want to share my enthusiasm for flight with anyone that holds a similar interest. There’s where I’m like my dad; I’ll tell you why becoming a private pilot is an exciting adventure and I’ll share my experiences with you, but you’ll find your path and become your own pilot.

Looking over the snow covered ground from 3000′ is a beautiful thing. I’m happy, grateful and thankful for everything that fueled me to get to that moment. I look forward to what lies on my path ahead.



Photo on 1-14-14 at 10.58 AM

I was warned that these boneless chicken wings were insanely hot. It was projected that I wouldn’t be able to finish one, let alone multiple bites.

I just finished my third boneless wing and while I am sweating profusely and possibly now hearing things, the truth of the matter is that I found them quite delicious and I’m looking forward to eating them again.

Apparently I enjoy more zest in my food as I get older.


So I have but one goal for this vacation, and that is to relax. While I appreciate all that the House of the Mouse offers and I certainly appreciate the time and effort my husband has put into coordinating the few reservations we have set up for this week, I just want to relax. My mind needs to get back to an equilibrium.

Today was definitely a positive step in that direction.


Today we spent some time at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I hammed it up enough in the audience to get picked to be an extra in the Indiana Jones attraction. I played “screamer ”. This was a new role for me, as in the past I’ve played one of the “pointers”. Earl confirmed that today was my third appearance as an extra in the attraction. I had a good time.

When we travel and people ask where we are from I always say Syracuse instead of drilling down to specifics. When on stage today and asked where I was from I responded with the usual and there was a cheer from a surprisingly large section of the audience. Go ‘Cuse!

I’m the one in the middle with his feet in a duck-like stance. It’s just the way I stand.


We hit some of the other big attractions throughout the park. All lines had wait times of 15 minutes or less. We like this January visit thing.

For lunch we enjoyed our first visit at the Sci-Fi Dine In Theatre Restaurant, where we sat in a modified vehicle with many others and enjoyed snippets of B-movies on a big screen.


We’ll definitely do that again on future visits.

We wrapped up our visit with the “Beauty and the Beast” stage performance, which I think of “Beauty and the Beast Express”, where the entire story is told through dialog, song and dance in 25 minutes.


Contentment. It definitely leads to calm.