Fun and Games Dept

Monday Commute.

Monday Commute., originally uploaded by iMachias.

I’m getting a little furrier than usual. I wonder how furry I should get.

Opening Weekend.

Opening Weekend., originally uploaded by iMachias.

Earl and I joined our friend Dave and ventured to Connecticut, where we attending the opening night of “A Little Night Music”. Our friend Greg, who I must say is a brilliant vocalist, is part of the quintet in the show. As we waited for the show to start we all noted that his biography in the program took up the most space as he has a slew of credits to his name. I was Greg’s “sound designer” for the Connecticut Gay Men’s Chorus earlier this year. He was the music director.

Dave is a big fan of the show and an accomplished performer in his own right. He has been in the show as well and it was very enjoyable to hear his comparison to the production in Connecticut.

Now this is starting to sound like a bio!

Overall the production was quite enjoyable. The theatre is quite small, seating only 100 or so, but it gave the show an intimate feeling.

I’m looking forward to seeing future productions there.

Frustration. Determination. Admittance.

Have I mentioned anything about the upcoming U.S. Presidential elections lately? I think I might have. There are some things going on with this election that I find to be ridiculous. For example, I find John McCain to be ridiculous. He’s essentially hit the pause button his campaign so he can save us from the economy, when of course as late as last week he said, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.”1 Naturally he said this as Wall Street was imploding. To keep things fair I have to admit that I’m not super enthusiastic about Obama but I truly believe he has a lot more to offer than McCain does. I certainly hope that he’ll get the chance to prove me right.

Meanwhile, Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin (she’s the one that can see Russia from her house!) made Katie Couric look angry during a recent interview, as Ms. Palin stammered and stuttered and let Katie know she’d get back to her on a few of the topics they were discussing. I love this recap of the the governor’s interview:

In a 40-minute session with Couric that aired Wednesday and Thursday nights, the Alaska governor defended her puzzling claim that geographic proximity makes her some sort of expert on Russia; went nearly blank when queried about McCain’s achievements as a big-business regulator; agreed America “may find itself” on the road to another Great Depression; and, promoting a troop surge in Afghanistan, casually suggested that it “will lead us to victory there, as it has proven to have done in Iraq.” 2

Katie looks like she wants to just rip the woman’s head off. And I don’t blame her, I mean, aside from giving idiotic answers and IOUs for responses to policy questions, who in their right mind goes hunting from a helicopter anyway? Isn’t that what Sarah does? I believe she flies around in a helicopter and shoots at moose or something. I’m not a fan of hunting in any way, shape or form but the people I know that enjoy the sport actually run around and chase the animals down, sort of in the way that SomeOne intended. Granted, the whole gun thing seems a little unfair to the animals but when you bring into the helicopters into the mix, well that’s just high-flying crazy.

You know what really frustrates me, though? All this talk about religion when it comes to the Presidential election. I don’t know if it’s because the way I was raised or what but who the hell cares what religion anyone is? Personally, I’m not a fan of religion. I think organised religion is dangerous and in most cases a society-accepted scam. Now don’t misinterpret these statements to mean that I’m knocking spirituality because I fully believe that humans are nowhere as significant as we claim to be. I fully believe in a greater cause, a greater good, a higher power and all encompassing love. People don’t pay for that all encompassing love thing so the religious zealots have to scare you to death with talks of hell and damnation.

When I was in the hospital in 2005 they asked me what my religion was. I was born, baptised and confirmed as Methodist. I didn’t really subscribe to the whole Methodist thing, even though the Methodists seem to be rather broadminded about many topics. I guess Methodist is a nice, middle of the road sort of religion where you can go once or twice a year, drop a hundred buckets into the collection plate and be good until the next religious holiday. I always felt it odd that the minister was up there saying wise things as if they were closer to God than I but I’ve always felt close to the Universe. I don’t need a middle man between me and whatever is out there, up there. Anyways, they wanted my religion in the hospital and I decided to take a stand. My beliefs are closer to Pagan than anything else so I told them that I was Pagan.

This made the admitting nurse take pause.


“Pagan. That’s P-A-G-A-N.”

“Yes. Where’s that church?”

“In my backyard.”



“I see.”

I don’t know why this made the nurse take pause (nevertheless I giggled) but truth be known I read a LOT of books on Paganism and Wicca and I celebrate all the Wiccan holidays. I even go sky clad in the middle of the night from time to time. Nevertheless, the admitting nurse shrunk a little bit like I was going to turn her into a toad or something.

Why do I discuss this now? Well, it seems that the minister of Sarah Palin’s church is some sort of witch hunter. Now, if he wants to hunt witches on his own free time that’s groovy. If it makes you feel better to chase witches down and brings you some sort of sense of higher consciousness then get out the garlic and shake whatever you shake and go witch hunting. But when all of this gets mixed up with the government of the United States? Uh, nope. Wrong answer. Keep it to yourself.

I mentioned last night that this feels like some weird reality show called “Who Wants To Be President?” I don’t believe that any run up to a recent election has ever been so, well, bizarre. Last night I gave the impression that I was nervous about the outcome of this election.

I’m frustrated. I’m determined to make a difference. And this witch says bring it on.

1 Reference:

2 Reference:,0,3542588.story


Progress., originally uploaded by iMachias.

I say comfortable underwear is always the best way to start your day. Here I assume a Sears and Roebuck pose to showcase my new BVDs. The scale and BMI meter were kind to me this morning.

Winds of Change.

Photo 77.jpg

I am sitting on the back patio enjoying the breezes that precede the arriving cold front. I look straight up and I can see stars, in the distance I hear continuous rumbles of thunder. This should be an interesting evening for sleeping tonight.

Today was spent with relatives from both sides of my family tree as Earl and I hosted an open house to usher in the arrival of our nephew. It was good to see the cousins, aunts and uncles; I hadn’t seen some of them in quite a long time. We had the whole affair catered from one of our favorite Italian haunts (but without any cute waiter boys this time around).

Overall the party was a success and everyone seemed to have a good time. My nephew put on his happy face and made everyone smile and say nice things. I guess that happens around most babies, now that I think about it. I like to think he’s a special guy though.

It’s going to be hard to see my sister and him move to Switzerland in a couple of weeks.


Broadcasting., originally uploaded by iMachias.

At tonight’s gig the bar manager decided to try something a little bit different and put a webcam on stage to show the folks at home what was going on at the bar. I don’t know how well the whole affair worked but it was enjoyable in a novel sort of way.

To add to the merriment I DJ’d from the stage in the center of the bar instead of using the DJ booth, which is tucked away in a corner that few can see. This put me within the field of the webcam, so I took a screen shot of me looking rugged.

DJing from the stage made the night a little more interesting. It’s a shame that there weren’t more people to enjoy the experience. We are going to try again next weekend after the Rainbow Express train ride on the Adirondack Railroad.

The Cleaning Out The Closet Thing.

Slut Jeans., originally uploaded by iMachias.

Earl and I have been busy cleaning out our closets this weekend. I’ve needed new work clothes for a while, but I was told that I couldn’t buy any new clothes until I cleaned out at least 20 items from my closet. It turns out I cleaned out over 60 items in my closet, as I decided to go crazy and throw out anything I hadn’t worn in at least a year or more.

One particular group of items that I got rid of was my safety net or my “fat clothes”. This wide (no pun intended) selection of clothes was from my days when I was 40 pounds heavier. I no longer have a need for them so there’s no sense in having them there as a safety blanket for the occasion where I might gain some of my weight back. I think this helps my subconscious mind get into the groove that I’m sticking to that whole healthy thing so out they went, along with many t-shirts, jeans and other odds and ends that I won’t wear anymore.

We ended up shopping at JC Penney for new clothes as they were having a sale that involved buying a pair of pants at regular price and getting any regularly priced shirt for a dollar. That was a really good deal. I have a new selection of clothing that I’ll be modeling over the next couple of blog entries. No longer will I have to wear khakis that have a fringe on the bottom from excessive wear and I have banished any and all pleats for the remainder of my life.

One extra bonus of cleaning out the closet was that I found my old “slut jeans” from my disco bunny days. I never thought they would fit as they are from an era when I had a size 31 inch waist but lo and behold, I was able to get into them without any sort of leaping and still be able to breathe. It was a very close call and they’re certainly not ready for primetime again by any stretch (ha, such wit!) but all snaps, buttons and zippers that were on them when I put them on were still in place when I took them off.

And there was much rejoicing.

Here’s a full on ass shot for those that couldn’t believe that I could bend over in these things.1

Ass Shot.

1 Nah, I’m just an attention whore.


This morning I woke up at 6 a.m. to a rumbling sound from my chest. Groggy from a late night, I went to give Tom a little push off my chest when I realised that I wasn’t at home, but rather at our friend greg’s house outside of New Haven, Connecticut. The rumbling sound was actually a very loud purr; it was Sybil and she decided to be a friendly native and make the houseguest feel welcome.

This is Sybil. She enjoys basking in the sun, eating grass from the lawn, staying within the confines of the property and eating an occasional chipmunk head. When asked “Why chipmunks?” she told me that they are lower in fat.

Official End of Summer.

So tonight was the official end of summer in these parts. Autumn doesn’t arrive for a few weeks, Labor Day has already passed but more importantly, tonight was the last Saranac Thursday Night of the season. I ended up going solo as Earl is out of town until Saturday.

I expected a bigger crowd and a more boisterous band tonight, but I got to hang with my buddies from work so all was well. Eye candy quotient was high, but I wasn’t able to get some photos due to darkness setting in too soon.

Now that the Saranac Thursday has wrapped up for 2008 I think I’ll be able to stick to my no beer policy for a few weeks as I continue to rebuild my body.

As the sun sets we raise a plastic cup full of cheap beer and toast to Schultz and Dooley. The 2008 season of Saranac Thursday was most enjoyable.

Top Spin.

Earl and I are just getting home from the New York State Fair. I have several pictures to share and tales to spin, but I thought I would share my video first.

Every year I ride just one ride on the midway, and that ride is called the “Top Spin”. This year I took my video camera along for the ride.

The man running the ride gave us an extra spin, so there’s an edit. You’ll see that we rode for nearly five minutes.

I am not the one screaming like a girl.