November 25, 2023


It’s a rainy Saturday morning so of course I am settled in on the couch to watch an episode of “Shazam!”, the first half of the “The Shazam/Isis Hour” from 1975. I never missed an episode when I was a youngster.

Today’s episode was from season two, episode two, and probably the first episode featuring John Davey as Captain Marvel. Jackson Bostwick played Captain Marvel in season one and in the first episode of season two, but was released from the production when he didn’t come in for filming. It was later revealed he was dealing with an injury from a stunt the day before, as he did all his own stunts as Captain Marvel.

I always preferred John Davey in role, probably because of his strong jaw and handsome good looks. Plus, he had a fairly heavy beard (even though he was clean shaven) and even at age 7 I found that quite handsome.

The episode “Debbie” included a moral review tag at the end of the show, like all episodes of “Shazam” and “The Secrets Of Isis”. In “Debbie” we learn that sometimes our parents exert their authority as an expression of their love. The moral tags were definitely a strong contributor to my moral foundation.

Choo Choo.

I was out for an after supper walk last night, flashlight/weather radio combo in hand, light on low and the NOAA Weather Radio station on Mt. Lemmon gently telling me about the current conditions and the upcoming weather. It’s the old school way of assessing the weather but I still enjoy it very much.

Something caught my eye in the night sky. I looked up and saw my first “Starlink Satellite Train” moving across the sky. I immediately knew what I was seeing and while these trains do pollute our sky bit, especially for those of us into astronomy, I have to admit watching the line glide across the sky so effortlessly was pretty nifty.

I tried to take a photo with my iPhone 13 Pro; the result is what you see above.

Good Morning, World.

Even though it’s the weekend, I was up early at my usual time this morning. I think this comes along with getting older. I’m just up at sunrise these days and I actually feel good.

I’ve been fighting a little bit of the sniffles since last weekend’s flight home. It’s nothing dramatic; just a light cold. Other than an occasional cough or sneeze I’m feeling pretty decent.

I went for my morning walk and I was delighted with the colors in the sky. I turned the corner and started heading west, where it was apparent a storm system is moving into the area. But Mother Nature treated us to a rainbow first.

I got in the house just as it started raining. Weather models say it should clear up by this afternoon.


Truman has been spending more time close to me since my return from Central New York last weekend. He photo bombed several Zoom calls at work this week. There were comments about him glaring at me while I didn’t give him the attention he was seeking. He doesn’t understand that the bald one sometimes has to be an executive at work to keep the kibble coming to the bowl.