I like the term “back east”. It makes me feel like I don’t live back east anymore, which we don’t. Though today I headed back east solo to visit my mom and other family for the annual holiday visit. Earl didn’t make the trip with me this time so we could save on airline expenses. Airline tickets are not cheap these days.
I really lucked out on the flight from Tucson to Syracuse. The same airplane from Tucson to O’Hare in Chicago was used from O’Hare to Syracuse. So my layover involved no gate change. I was able to score a Chicago Hot Dog from the quick food stand across the gate from the busy terminal.

The flights were uneventful. Due to the unfortunate costs, I sat in plain ol’ economy on this trip and the experience was not bad. I always opt for a window seat which always gives me a sense of having a little more room, but we all know that’s not really the case.
I made myself comfortable though and I had an inch to spare.

My premier status on United still allows me to board with group two, so I can get situated before economy fills up.

I still enjoyed a respectable snack on the flight. Never give up an opportunity to have sparkling wine.

Overall it was a good experience.