October 2022


Once or twice a year I’ll receive a handwritten letter from a local person encouraging me to find myself, reduce my stress, bring serenity to my life, etc. by becoming a Jehovah’s Witness (or is it ‘join the Jehovah’s Witnesses?). I’ve received these letters for many years, in all the locales that we’ve lived in. Apparently my name and needs are on a mailing list somewhere.

These letters don’t bother me. I actually read them. I don’t feel compelled to take any action, as I have my own spiritual beliefs and I’m quite solid in what I believe, but I find the correspondence interesting. No two letters are the same. Perhaps the senders are provided many templates.

I hope the authors find peace through sending me these letters.


Early flights are beautiful here in the desert. Here’s a picture of the Cessna 172 I flew this morning. The photo was taken right at sunrise here in southern Arizona.

This time of day is particularly business for General Aviation aircraft here in the desert. By the time the sun heats the desert later in the day, it becomes quite bumpy and there’s increased chance of thunderstorms this time of year. The morning provided for a smooth flight.

It was quite enjoyable.


On Tuesday Truman started his nap at 12:15 p.m., after I came upstairs at lunch time to take a few minutes from my work office.

At 5:00 p.m. he was still in the same place on the same blanket in the same spot in the couch. He was quite comfortable.

He did not enjoy the photographic moment.