
The other day I was driving along my commute route later in the morning than normal. This is not remarkable in itself. My commute takes me through a pretty substantial Amish community. I think it might be multiple Amish communities, because there is more than one school house along the route. Two of them are separated by a mile or so. Both are single room buildings, one of them looks like the schoolhouse seen in Walnut Grove in “Little House On The Prairie”. I sometimes look for Miss Beadle but she’s never around.

As I passed by I could see in the windows; there were several desks with children sitting at them. Smoke emanated from the chimney and the curtains on the windows were plainly pulled to one side. I imagine that the teaching and learning going on there is fairly simple in that there’s no computer, overhead project or probably even a dry-erase marker. That is kind of cool to me.

Though the philosophies differ, I admire the Amish for their adherence in what they believe in and how they choose to live their life. I have mentioned before that I really like their pies (it’s almost pie season!). Among the pies they would have had drawn coloring books for sale. No need for an Xbox, just color in the lines.

As a person that lives amongst a lot of technology and all the complications it can bring with it’s wonders, I think it’s important that one be able to also live simply. I believe that the person that is going to truly thrive in their existence is the one who could still live happily without the gadgets and by only the candlelight of the night and the wood fired stove heating the homemade soup. These skills reside in me somewhere, and I could call upon them if ever put in that situation. It would be a heck of an adjustment, but it is definitely doable.

I think it’s important to keep that perspective.

I recently heard of a young girl that was very upset that she couldn’t get in her car because the battery in her “clicker” had gone dead. She couldn’t unlock the door without it. She had no idea that she could put her in the slot and manually unlock the door.

Someone missed the basics along the way.

I think for us to truly thrive we must start with the same basics as a foundation and then build whatever more we want on top of that. But we mist never be afraid or ignorant of the basics.

Sometimes it works better to just keep it simple.