Hot Water.

Ask any person on the street on what they like most about staying in a hotel and the answer will vary from person to person. Some like the idea of staying away from home. Others like that they’ve broken the routine and enjoying the fact they’re not sleeping in their own bed.

I like the supply of endless hot water.

I like my showers and baths hot. I love hot water. I know they say that you should use warm water instead of hot water, because hot water ages your skin prematurely. I don’t care. I love the heat of the hot water and I love the feeling of a good steam cleaning.

When the builders of our current home installed the plumbing they were obviously high from pipe joint compound. I’ve seen bigger hot water tanks in Barbie’s Dream House. We have a jacuzzi tub that is best filled by boiling water in the spaghetti pot on the stove and then dumping it into the tub while it’s filling from the tap because there’s only enough hot water to barely cover the jets. Showers in our home last no more than 10 minutes unless you want to switch to what I call the “Ice Follies”. Wash, rinse and repeat quickly or else you’ll feel like a polar bear before you finish the “repeat.”

Someday we’re going to fix this problem.

So in the meantime, when we’re traveling I revel in the fact that we have virtually unlimited hot water available. I wash, rinse and repeat and sometimes I “repeat” twice. I just stand under the shower head and let the hot water soften every nook and cranny of my body just because I can. I sometimes accompany the experience with a few “oohs” and “aahs” in an audible manner. This probably doesn’t please Al Gore but I figure with all the hot water that we’re not using at home (because we run out), Mother Earth owes me a few shreds of luxury from time to time.

Fun In The Park.

Nothing says “it’s a festive Memorial Day weekend” like a bunch of gay bloggers congregating in Central Park on “Bear Hill” (near the Sheep Meadow) for the sweet sounds of disco and the likes of Roller Grandma, Bladee and Bottlehead.

“Bear Hill” is situated over what looks to be the impromptu roller rink. Many guys get together Saturday afternoons throughout the summer, today a bunch of us out-of-town bloggers joined in the fun.

The festivities included chatting, eating (let’s hear it for cheese in a can!) and socializing with the guys. I really like talking face to face with those that I peer into the life of via their blogs. I find it all so fascinating.

Earl was kind enough to take a picture when we were doing group shots. There’s quite a few new guys on the blogroll (to your right), you’ll probably see more additions to the list over the weekend.



Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

Tonight was the kickoff of NYC:GB4 in the Big Apple. We went to the get together at “Therapy”, a newer gay bar in Hell’s Kitchen. I don’t know why I get nervous about these things, I chatted with folks that I’ve been reading about (via blog) for years and had a grand old time.

Here’s Earl with Glennalicious and Mike. Earl had to remind me about Mike’s name. Blame the beer.

Thank You, Rosie.

Rosie O’Donnell

It has been officially announced that Rosie O’Donnell will not be returning to “The View”, opting out of her contract three weeks early. Actually she asked for a leave of absence or something.

“The View” website says “Tune in on Monday, May 28 for Rosie’s last day with The View.”

I know there are many people out there that do not agree with Rosie’s point of view. In fact, there are a lot of people out there that fire off nasty messages on her website while hiding under a presumbed shroud of anonymity.

Whether you agree with Rosie or not (and I do 99% of the time), you have to admit that Rosie contributed to the American experience by getting people talking. Rosie’s outspokenness made people sit up, listen and think. It prompted many to speak out. And in these turmulous times, it’s important that each of us takes a moment to think about what’s going on in our country and the world. It’s o.k. to ask questions, even if your answer or opinion is different from those around you.

I’d like to thank Rosie for helping others find their voice and prompting them to look at the issues and views and forming their opinion. Best of luck to you and your family.

You rock, Ro.

Across The River.

En route to NY.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

Earl and I are situated in our hotel room in stunning Secaucus, New Jersey. We are staying at an Embassy Suites that is currently under reconstruction, so we were able to stay for two nights for the price of one.

I am so excited about this weekend in The Big Apple. We just ate supper at a nearby restaurant called Cheesburger in Paradise. We’re now getting ready to drive into town so that we can stalk other bloggers at Therapy.

Good times.



Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

The lilacs are in full bloom. It’s currently 92 degrees.

What a perfect way to kick off the Memorial Day weekend.

Off We Go.

I’ve started and abandoned countless blog entries today. I’m not cranky by any manner nor am I depressed or anything like that. Since yesterday’s blow up on “The View” between Rosie and Elisabeth with an “S”* I’ve decided to do further research on The War on Terror and not surprisingly, it’s not pretty. None of it. I look and look and nowhere do I find anything encouraging. Lots of money, lots of dead soldiers, lots of dead civilians. Six human beings, six soldiers have died in Iraq in the past 24 hours. I’ve watched the news shows and I’ve seen several “important” stories: Rosie vs Elisabeth with an “S”*, Anna Nicole Smith’s sister wants to look like her dead sister and Jordin spelled wrong Sparks won American Idol.

It’s seems kind of silly or rather trivial to write about the woman in line in front of us at Panera last night taking almost ten minutes to order, after demanding all vegetables be removed from the tuna “salad”.

On the bright side, Earl surprised me with a little tidbit of news: we’re spending two nights in New York instead of just driving down for the day on Saturday. Let’s hear it for the Hilton Honors Reward Club! So we’re going down tomorrow afternoon and staying until Sunday for GB:NYC4. Now that’s something to get excited about.

*I’ve referred to Elisabeth with an “S” as ‘Elisabeth with an “S”‘ since her Survivor days back when I cared about such shows. She’ll always be the little tramp that stayed on the island far too long in my book.


If you want to view paradise,
Simply look around and view it,
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it.

As performed by Ford on the dance track “Pure Imagination” and cranked up on Route 5S today.

Me. Me.

Michael at Manhattan Chowder has tagged me for a meme so now I get to write about Me. Me. Shocking!

So here are the rule of the tag:

* Post a similar post like this one and add a linkback to the person who tagged you.
* List down 5 reasons why you blog about the things you blog on your blog.
* Choose your 5 tag ‘victim’ and tag them nicely 🙂
* Write a comment on their blog letting them know that you tagged them. Voila!

And away we go:

5. I think it’s important to give the world the opportunity to see into the lives of your normal, everyday, low drama gay couple.
4. I like writing. I ain’t so good at it sometimes but nonetheless I love throwing words on a computer screen, arranging them in a sensible manner and making them stick.
3. I like the geek aspects of blogging, making everything look nice, arguing with my webspace provider on what I want to accomplish, keeping the software running.
2. People in my real life have grown bored of my bitching, now I can just bitch out loud to anyone that will spend a few moments on my blog. I have an opinion on anything and everything and it’s good to be able to share that.
1. I love making people laugh, giggle or at least chuckle. Hopefully some of my blog entries do that for the reader.

So now I get to tag someone else. As we spin the wheel of bloggers, we land on:

Sean at Idle Eyes and a Dormy
Séan at pretinama
Karl at Adventures in Gastronomy
Pete at It’s Just Nothing
Jeffrey at Allogenes

I’m not a big fan of leaving comments tagging people, as I feel like I’m trying to push viagara or something when I’m doing it, so don’t be surprised if I don’t mention it. Does that make me a bad meme-er? Gosh, I always feel so dirty with the tagging part, like I’m passing a chain letter or something. If this is a chain letter then I wish nothing but happiness for those that receive it, regardless of what they do with the meme.

Now I won’t feel as guilty.