JetBlue 665.
So I am currently sitting in seat 10F on JetBlue 665. I am watching “A Very Brady Sequel”. It’s a fun movie to watch.
The big guy is sitting next to me. To his left is Jamie, who is joining us on this trip. Jamie has never been to DisneyWorld and since we had a couple of extra tickets (due to a change in plans), we asked him to join us.
I love flying. I have always wanted to get my private pilots license but self imposed obstacles when I was younger prevented me from pursuing it. It’s never too late, I guess. Once the debt is paid off (very soon!) we’ll be able to afford the lessons. I’m thinking a Cessna 172 or bigger.
We are on an Airbus A320. This is my first JetBlue flight. It’s not my last. Though I love my job, I wish I had a position that called for more travel. I love traveling. I don’t like sitting behind a desk.
I am sitting in the exit row for the first time. I feel trusted. One of my best friends is a flight attendant. He is trusted like this very day. It’s a good feeling to be trusted.
As I look out over the clouds I notice that the flight tracker says we are over Savannah Ga. We’ll be starting our descent soon. The clouds are getting closer.
I’m thinking of putting together a birthday adventure in July. Perhaps it’ll involve flying.
So we are at Syracuse Hancock International Airport awaiting our JetBlue flight to Orlando. We leave in 90 minutes or so. I am taking a few moments to surf the internet because that’s what people do in the airport these days. I see quite a few Macs within eyeshot. That’s a good thing.
I am really looking forward to this getaway. It’s been two years since we’ve been to Orlando and we are pretty much repeating what we did before: flying in, no rental car, onto Disney property and then leaving in four days. No touring around, no scouting out other parks. It’s the total Disney experience for us. I like it that way.
I plan on updating the blog and Flickr account quite a bit. We have a couple of computers, cameras, a video camera and a router with appropriate cabling so we can have the total internet experience whilst in our condo.
I’m such a geek.
Going on vacation always inspires me to make further vacation plans for the year. I have a feeling there are several flights in my near future.
Earl and I are on our way to my Dad’s to drop off Tom in anticipation of our trip tomorrow. We were originally going to drive to Florida but we both love to fly so we are flying nonstop to Orlando tomorrow afternoon.
Even though I went to school to be a highway engineer, I’m really not feeling the “Happy Motoring!” vibe. Maybe I’m becoming crotchey, but it seems to me that people are becoming increasingly bad drivers and no one seems to give a damn. Drivers yak on cell phones, ignore traffic signals and any manner of discipline on the roads these days.
One thing I’m noticing is that people, in these parts at least, seem to be more and more terrified of “Right On Red”. It’s not a difficult concept, really, you stop at the red signal, assure that the coast is clear and then you make your right turn. It’s no different than a stop sign which, ironically, most people run.
Another issue that I have with drivers these days is that they’re terrified of winter driving conditions. Granted, if you live Corpus Christi you’re probaly not used to dealing with snow. But in these parts, where we get an average of 115 inches a year, snow is a given. However, no ice will be found on the road if it’s an early thaw and 50 degrees out, even if there is still snow on the ground. It’s physically impossible. There is no need to slow down to half of the speed limit.
So here I am. Sitting in the passenger seat. The cat is crying an average of one meow every 1.4 seconds and Earl is driving.
I think I might be a little crabby.
When I sit down to write a blog entry there are a lot of variables to be taken into account. Well, before we jump into that I have to clarify. In my head there are two types of blog entries that I write; I think of one as a “blog entry” and I think of the other as a “real blog entry”. I haven’t written what I consider to be a real blog entry in a while; the last was probably the entry about my childhood memory of riding on Bus 49. “Blog entries” contain the snippets of music videos and are like my journal entries. They talk about day-to-day stuff and come skimming off the top of my head. “Real blog entries” come from the bottom of the pot: they cook like a fine stew in my head for a little bit before I sit down and write them and then I occasionally wait a while before I hit the “Send to Weblog” button on my software.
One of my friends was attending grad school (through online courses) while she was working in the same job that I currently have. Our jobs were basically identical. She could write a twenty-page thesis on the socialisation of the Pussycat Swallowtail Butterfly in between incoming tech support calls that would drive a mortal insane: one involved a woman that wanted us to let more wire through her wall so she could move her phone, the other, a man that wanted to know why his computer screen was blank (the power was out). Yet, in between diagnosing issues, fighting with various telecommunication agencies and listening to the inane chatter that she was often subjected to, she was able to bang out a paper in no time. How she accomplished this I’ll never know, but she always cracked an “A”. It’s probably because she’s just wicked smart. I once tried to write a paper for English 101 on the novel “My Antonia” in the same fashion and I just couldn’t do it. I attribute my failure at the task to lack of focus. Or perhaps it was just ADD. Is that the same thing?
When I write a “real blog entry”, many conditions have to be met. The moon has to be full, I have to be in a special garb and incense must be burning. Actually, I’m wrong on those three conditions, that’s for something else that I do from time to time. In reality, when I write the space I’m writing in has to be relatively silent. I can deal with the hum of fluorescent lighting (and electronic goodies) or the ticking of a clock but I can’t have any sort of music playing on iTunes, a television blaring or a conversation taking place within a pre-determined radius (usually 1 to 2 miles). If I can hear it and it sounds intelligible (or bright and shiny in an aural sort of way), it’s going to distract me and then we have that whole ADD thing kicking in again. Earl occasionally gets offended when I sit down to write whilst are computers are back to back and I then choose to move into the bowels of the basement where it’s quite and all I can hear it the drip of the toilet leaking. Ironically, I can write a real blog entry in the middle of an internet cafe when I’m loaded up on sugar and there’s a whole lot of nonsense going on around me. Maybe the sugar helps make the nonsense turn into white noise or something.
Another condition that has to be met is that this all has to take place on the right computer. I have mentioned many times that I have MacBook Pro that’s not even a year old. It replaced my PowerBook G4 that I purchased in 2005. I loved my PowerBook and still use it for my music and sound editing work. I have considered parting with it but then I type on it for a few moments and it feels like an old friend. I feel very, very comfortable when I have my PowerBook on my lap. My MacBook Pro basically looks identical to the PowerBook but it just doesn’t ‘feel’ the same. The keyboards are nearly identical (despite the missing [apple logo] on the command key) but they certainly don’t feel identical. The PowerBook’s keys are robust and feel confident, the keys on my MacBook Pro feel just a bit mushier. I make a lot of mistakes typing on the MacBook Pro, I think I’m going to wear out the delete key much faster. Nevertheless, I trudge along with the MacBook Pro because Apple is slowly killing off support for the older machines. So I guess I’ll have just to keep using this computer to make myself more comfortable with it. I know, it’s a nearly state of the art unit and I’m bitching about it. There are times when people think I’m never happy.
That’s not true at all.
I have read that some writers prefer a typewriter to a computer while others prefer their own penmanship to a typewriter, so I guess I don’t feel alone in seeking out the right conditions for writing a real blog entry.
Just as long as the toilet isn’t dripping on me.
So I have recently become hooked on the fan-made series “Star Trek: Phase II” (which used to be called “Star Trek: New Voyages”). Made purely for the purpose of loving all things Trek, this series takes place about where a fourth and fifth season would have taken place if Star Trek: The Original Series had continued it’s run on NBC back in the late 1960s. One things that I really like about this series is that several veteran Star Trek cast members have made appearances, including George Takai, Grace Lee Whitney, Denise Crosby and Majel Barrett Roddenberry.
I have always been a Trekker. I have even been to a convention or two in my day (I met Nichelle Nichols, “Uhura”, in Providence, R.I. back in 1988) and I even went so far as to draw a storyboard for a new transporter effect for “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” and sent it to Paramount. (It didn’t make the film, but I got a wonderful response back from the studio saying that they’d consider it for future movies. I still have hope.)
Last night I watched “World Enough and Time”, which featured George Takai as an older “Sulu” amongst the cast playing the familiar characters on the Enterprise. It was very well written and the acting was very good. There were moments that I forgot I was watching a fan made film!
The latest installment of “Star Trek: Phase II” was posted in December 2008, it is the first of two parts of an episode entitled, “Blood and Fire”. The second installment is expected this spring.
The acting, effects and overall feel to the episodes is quite polished. I would love to contribute to the series in my own way, even if I just wore a red shirt and got killed by a mean alien on screen. Nevertheless, imagine my surprise when we meet Ensign Peter Kirk…
.. and his lover, soon to be husband! And Captain Kirk is going to marry them on the U.S.S. Enterprise!
“Blood and Fire” has roots in an episode originally written for “Star Trek: The Next Generation” that was going to address the big HIV scare of the late 80s/early 90s. The script flows well, the effects are very impressive and the acting is not bad either! Denise Crosby (Lt. Yar from “Star Trek: The Next Generation”) appears in the upcoming second part. I am really excited to see how this all plays out.
If you’re interested, take a peek here: Star Trek: Phase II. Live long and prosper.
With the weather warming up just a little bit for a few days I am really getting in the mood to do some sort of activities outdoors. I really want to get on my bike, but it’s going to be at least a month before I can even think about getting out there and hitting the road. Perhaps I’ll start taking walks.
One of the good things going on though is that Earl and I are going on a week-long vacation beginning on Sunday. We are going to Walt Disney World. It’ll be good to get some sun; there hasn’t been a lot of that up here lately. I’m hoping to stick to my weight loss goals during the vacation though; past experience with trips to Disney say that I’ll gain some weight, let’s hope I can reverse the trend with this trip.
I just confirmed yesterday that I have another trip on the horizon. In March I am going to Oklahoma City for training for work. The classes are on a Thursday and Friday; I am going to take the opportunity to stay out there for the weekend and fly back on Sunday. I am looking forward to the adventure.
Last night Earl and I celebrated my being off-call by going to one of our favorite haunts, Zebb’s, for a casual supper. To celebrate the dry roads we took the Acura out for the first time in two months. It felt good to speed along in my prized rice burner.
And Then The Floor Exploded.
Earl, Jamie1 and I were just finishing up supper last night when I decided to start clearing the table. I got up and picked up a few plates and walked across the kitchen toward the dishwasher.
“The floor feels a little squishy”, my technical talk is always appreciated. The tiles felt a little bouncy when I was walking across the floor.
“Don’t jump on them”, Earl replied. I guess I’m a little bouncy when I walk.
I deposited the plates in the dishwasher and started walking back towards the table. I took one step. On the second step there was a loud “bang” and two rows of the floor tiles were heaved and now shaped like an upside down “V”.
“I didn’t do anything!”, I yelled as I automatically defended myself. I think there’s a childhood trauma buried in that auto-defense mechanism I have. Something about locking the keys to the safe in the safe, but that’s another blog entry.
There we were with our own continental divide going down the middle of the kitchen. Upon further inspection, these two rows of tile were over the water pipes that lead to the dishwasher and sink from the hot water tank. There’s no water leaks or anything, it appears the heat from the pipes being used for the past 13 years finally took their toll on the glue holding the tiles down.
This morning Earl smashed the tiles so we could get them off the floor and we put a throw rug over the whole mess. The continental divide has turned into the continental canyon. It looks I know where the tax refunds are going.
1 Jamie is our friend from Buffalo. He was visiting for the weekend.
One of my favorite songs of all time. Remember when performers would actually sing LIVE on television programs? And she’s using 1970s era technology to do it!
Yvonne gets a w00t! in my book.