
I am desperately trying to be excited about the impending holiday season but I’m not really having any success at the exercise. It’s not that I don’t like the holidays; I enjoy getting together with relatives and doing that sort of thing. I guess I’m just not feeling any joyous feelings or something, probably because it has become way too commercialised.

One of the local radio stations switched to non-stop Christmas music the moment they turned the porch light off to discourage any further trick or treating activity. Since then they have been “ChristMix”. Personally I find the first of November to be entirely too early for a non-stop litany of Christmas music. I’ve never enjoyed non-stop Christmas music on a station, let alone starting so early in the season. It irks me to the point that I won’t even scan the radio dial anymore, I just play it safe and avoid the radio all together. Perhaps I could consider that a Christmas gift – traditional radio proving that it has truly turned into a steaming pile of crap and we should listen to the music of our choice via iPod or some reasonable derivative. And while I’m on the subject of holiday music, and I know I have mentioned this before, but when did “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music as sung by Babs become a Christmas song? Is it because she sings “bright coloured packages tied up in string?” It is not a holiday song, so please just knock it off.

I think another reason that I’ve become rather soured on the holidays is because of the crap of “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas” versus whatever that started a few years ago. When I saw a mimeographed 8×11 sheet of paper that simply said “MERRY CHRISTMAS” in bolded helvetica taped to the windows at Sears a few years ago, in an effort of the retailer to try to save themselves from sort of weird boycott, I figured society had completely lost it’s mind and everyone had lost sight of what the season is suppose to be about.

Then I decided that I had no idea of what the holiday is suppose to be about. After all, Christmas is where it is on the calendar because the Christians decided to compete with the Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice. Going to church creeps me out for a number of reasons and quite frankly why should I celebrate the prime holiday of a religion that is trying harder and harder to impose it’s values on me and make me believe that I am a mistake or damned to eternal hell because I am honest about who I am? (Admittedly, it’s the more extreme members of society that are the cranky ones.) No thank you.

So here’s the deal. I’m not listening to holiday music. I’m not drinking egg nog. I will be relatively festive and I’ll buy presents for those that I truly want to buy presents for and on December 21 Earl and I will have a beautiful Winter Solstice Feast to celebrate the shortest day of the year and the rebirth of Mother Earth.


The big guy is out of town on business tonight. The house feels lonely.

I am off to help a friend with his computer. Full on geek mode with a beer or two on the side. To fully prepare I’m not like other geeks, I don’t watch episodes of Xena, I crank up “Remember” by BT. Every available mix, loaded to an iPhone. Brian Transeau, he has initials too, a classically trained musician that took his art and gift to the electronic world. I know a boy that could have done that but Fredonia State crushed his dreams and threw them away.

“Can you do me a favor?” There is a sucker born every minute. I agreed to three hours of on-call to help a friend out on Saturday. It’s o.k., I like my co-workers and know that they have my back. I have their back too, and many other backs.

I love my world. I love my existence. Sometimes it’s hectic and other times it’s not. Typing incoherently seems to relieving some stress that I’m feeling. Electronic communication is a beautiful thing. Just don’t abuse it. I am able to keep in touch with the ones I love, even though they are miles away.


I think I’m happiest when I am in a creative space. I passed an on-call night tonight by working the music studio. It has been too long since I’ve put together a mix in the studio. It felt good to listen to the finished product.

I put a little more time than I have in the past in the post-mixing phase of the production. I think you can hear my roots in radio in some of the production elements in this mix.

If you’re interested, you can download it here or you can subscribe to the podcast version here here.



I was told late last night that I looked tired. Personally I thought I was holding up pretty well but since I’ve been told this by a couple of people over the past week I guess there must be some truth to the observation. I must be tired.

Why is it that I’m awake at 3:21 a.m.?

This week of on-call has been relatively tame. I haven’t had a lot of middle of the night crises; the work has been steady but not crazy. Sleeping with the pager on never really allows me to let my guard down enough to sleep through the night soundly, though. I end up sleeping in this quasi-alert sleep that creates completely incoherent dreams. I just woke up from dreaming that it was the 1940s and I was coordinating the renovation of a very old office building. The doors were too big for the rooms they were in and would swing too far into the room. From there it gets weird, I was looking for wall tile that sung when touched. Musical walls for the bathroom. Bizarre.

I think part of the reason for my insomnia is frustration. I’m not one for the eat-sleep-work-repeat way of life, I need to get out and experience whatever I can. This week has been more about the regimented order of things. I suppose I’ll be ready for some adventure come Monday morning when on-call is over for a month. It’s a shame that I’ll be too tired to do anything about it.


It is no secret that my favorite television show of all-time is the classic comedy “Bewitched”. I found this fan made clip on YouTube and thought I would share it. It contains several rare clips that Sony inexplicably won’t include on the DVD releases.

Start The Day Right.

I had been in my cubicle for approximately 23 seconds when I was informed that the telecommunications service for an entire section of the city was down and more importantly, I needed to print out my time sheet immediately so that it could be sent to payroll by noon.

It was 9 a.m.

Still charged from the weekend and not really feeling the moment, I let out a low, rumbly growl that came from somewhere deep inside this bear. Everyone that was talking to me scattered and went back to their desks.

I am not a morning person. I am not a Monday person. When I was in a managerial role at a previous job, everyone that reported to me knew the golden rule: give me five minutes to get my bearings before bombarding me with the business of the day. I can handle the stress, I can handle fires, I can handle the crisis; just let me make sure my caboose is on the track so I can head in the right direction.

Now they know.


I am going to use very strong language in this post. If this offends you, please feel free to disembark this ride and find the bumper boats or something instead.

Earl and I went to one of our local haunts for supper tonight, where we couldn’t help but overhear a tirade of someone sitting close by. He was obviously upset about the results of the presidential election and he was sharing his dismay with the others in his party. To this man I say: Shut The Fuck Up. Just Shut Up. You have a right to free speech and you have the right to think what you think but my God, to hear you say that the only reason President-Elect Obama won was because “those blacks” were bullying “all the blacks” to vote for him on Tuesday is absolutely ludicrous. Here’s the thing. On Tuesday, like many, many, many of my fellow Americans, I voted for the candidate that I thought could handle the task of reuniting and rebuilding out country. I didn’t care if he was black, white, green, blue or chartreuse. I am sure that there are many that voted for our President because of his race and if that’s their choice then so be it. By my God, if you truly cared about your country, if you truly cared about the world, then you would just Shut The Fuck Up and support the new administration. If he starts to fail us, then you can open your trap again. Until then, sit down, eat your supper and think happy thoughts.

And while I’m ranting, to all the people that think that “Pro Choice” is the same as “Pro Abortion”, why don’t you Shut The Fuck Up as well. I am sick and tired of you walking back and forth in front of the local Planned Parenthood intimidating the hell out of the scared people that are trying to visit the clinic in an attempt to get a foothold on their life. I am pretty sure there are not a lot of people out there who exclaim “Oh, I’m pregnant now I can get an abortion! Whoo hoo!” A woman’s right to say what can or can not happen to her own body does not mean that she wants to run out an get an abortion. And while you’re at it, after you Shut The Fuck Up you can take the horrific posters down that terrorize the street passing in front of Planned Parenthood. I don’t care if you’re old, young, male, female, a priest, a nun or a bag lady – if you want to take the rights away from people to suit your own cause then just Shut The Fuck Up until someone asks for your opinion. And why is it that you “Pro Life” people are usually in favor of the death penalty? Do you enjoy celebrating contradiction?

You know what else? For all you people in California, Arizona and Florida that voted to amend your constitution to define marriage to be exclusively between a man and a woman, here’s the thing: you need to Shut The Fuck Up. I believe the founding fathers set up this whole United States thing so there would be NO mingling between church and state. If a CHURCH does not want to marry two men or two women then so be it. That’s your choice. But here we are again with the whole “let’s take their rights away” concept. If you voted “yes” on these amendments then I see you as uneducated, scared sheeple that are doing their best to impose your beliefs on everyone. Taking away my legal right to marry my partner is not going to make me go away, and I can tell you that you’re not going to make the other millions of gay men and lesbians go away either. You’re going to make us louder and madder and more determined than ever to gain the legal right to marry the person we love. So until someone asks for your opinion, just Shut The Fuck Up. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE ever tried to stop me from visiting Earl in a hospital or any other time of need because we aren’t legally married then the only way to stop me is to kill me. I will smash and trash everything in sight and make my way to my partner’s bedside if it is the last thing that I do. So you can just Shut The Fuck Up and save us all the hassle.

And to the woman on the tinny AM radio who was going on and on about how this was a dark time in the United States because of the election on Tuesday, you can Shut The Fuck Up too. It wasn’t that long ago that you were bare-footed, pregnant and had no means of making your voice heard or your vote count. It is the liberal, progressive thinkers that got your ass out of the kitchen a century or so ago so just thank your lucky red, white and blue that you’re seen as an equal in our country and not stowed away wearing pearls and making cookies all day.

Thank you for your attention.

National Anthem.

I stopped singing the National Anthem after Bush Lite was re-elected in 2004. Where I used to stand proudly and sing the National Anthem at ball games and such, heck, I even performed it for local sports teams on a couple of occasions, I didn’t feel like I fit in with the whole American thing we had going on during the second term of the Bush Administration.

Last night’s victory for President-Elect Obama changed that feeling considerably last night. However, there is a bittersweet element to the news today: California’s apparent vote to constitutionally ban gay marriage kept my “good vibe” from going all the way to the finish line. Because of this there is still a part of me that feels like an outsider. I suppose as a loud and proud gay man I will always be an outsider. I won’t stand for being merely ‘tolerated’. I don’t even like the word ‘acceptance’; I don’t choose to accept heterosexual people, why should they choose to accept gay men and women? It’s just the way it is. I am who I am and I’m not going anywhere, getting any quieter or going on the “down low”. So I guess that makes me a bit of an outsider. I know that my personality and assorted quirks will also make me seem somewhat eccentric, but even eccentrics should be granted the same rights as everyone else. At least I’m in good company.

Don’t get me wrong, I am once again very excited about the future of our country. I believe our new President is able and willing to fix the mess that the last administration has created. Will it happen quickly? No. But it will happen. I have no doubt about that.

And I will once again proudly sing the National Anthem.

Thank You.

Thank you, America. We have reached the light at the end of a long, long tunnel.