DL 1987.

I am aboard Delta flight 1987 from Syracuse to Atlanta on my way to North Carolina. I am visiting friends in the Raleigh-Durham area this weekend; it’s our annual holiday gathering. 

I’m in seat 3D aboard this MD-88. The mood in the cabin is jovial. As the airplane was loading at Syracuse I noted that no one was wearing sweat pants this evening. The flight is not quite full. I was originally scheduled to fly from Syracuse to JFK and then to Raleigh-Durham, but that flight was delayed and I wouldn’t have made my layover, so I rescheduled with some assistance from the Delta app and then speaking with Todd at Delta Customer Service.

Delta Customer Service always impresses me. It’s a nice change of pace in today’s world.

I can see the very last remnants of the sunset off on the horizon from 35,000 feet. That’s just one of the many awesome things about flying. I always feel bad for folks that don’t feel the thrill for flight the way I do. I can understand being a nervous passenger and the like, some people are just not wired to soar above the earth, but I learned the joys of flight at a very young age and I am a better man for it.  Ten years ago or so I would get nervous on airline flights for the simple reason that I didn’t know the pilot. As a kid I always knew the pilot, it was either my father, my grandfather or a friend of the family. Flying on an airline back then felt weird because I couldn’t observe was the pilot was doing, and that made me hesitant about flying the airlines. I have never, ever been nervous in a single engine airplane, even that summer afternoon in 1985 when the engine in my Dad’s 1940 Piper J-5A suddenly stopped while we were on downwind to land and my dad had to do a dead-stick landing. We pushed the airplane from where we stopped on the runway to the hangar. My dad’s reaction to the event was simple. He said “huh”.  We were back in the air the following weekend. 

I’ve practiced many dead stick landings in the Cherokee. I did several as a student and I’ve practiced them from time to time as a licensed pilot. It’s good to keep one’s skills sharp. I figure that airline pilots have to do the same thing, though they probably don’t dead stick a real, live MD88 very often. That’s what simulators are for.

I look out into the dark sky as we skirt the tops of the haze. It is so awesome. If I was 10 years younger I would definitely be changing my career to become a professional pilot. My plan is to become an instructor so that I have something to do when I retire. I love the idea of sharing my joy of aviation.

There are some bumps here and there on this flight, just enough to keep things interesting. I know some folks think airliners bounce all over the sky in turbulence but it’s rare for the airplane to move more than a few feet in the sky at the very, very most. Airplanes are built to withstand much more than they’re ever subjected to. 

Just sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.


In my never-ending quest to be a super smart superhero, or at the very least be as healthy as I can be, I am trying a supplement called CILTEP. A Nootropic, CILTEP is an all natural “smart drug” that should improve focus, long term memory and motivation. It’s goal is to help one reach Optimal Mental Performance.

I tried it for the first time yesterday. tl;dr It really helped me find my “zone” while working yesterday.

I didn’t feel any sort of caffeine rush, the colors around me didn’t get more vivid (like in the television show “Limitless”), but my mind was clearer than it had been in a long while. The noise that my brain usually goes on with was kept at bay. I was able to concentrate and honestly, I wrote some amazing code yesterday. I didn’t feel like I was on a drug or stimulant, I just felt centered and motivated. Interestingly, my tendency to stammer a bit was significantly reduced. I didn’t expect feeling that articulate.

I had a check-up with my primary physician today so I opted to not take another round of CILTEP this morning. The visit with my doctor was to address my high blood pressure which is controlled by medication. I monitor my blood pressure here at home on a routine basis and I did not see any increase in blood pressure yesterday as a result of taking CILTEP, so that was good, but I didn’t want to mess around with being a science experience during this routine checkup. I did tell him about CILTEP and he didn’t seem too worried about it, but my blood pressure still wasn’t where he wanted it to be. While much lower than it was a month ago, he deemed it to be too high and he increased the dosage of my blood pressure medication. I went with the increased dosage this morning and I’m not noticing any weird side effects, just a very slight headache, which could be expected. I’ll probably hold off on trying CILTEP for a day or two so I can identify if I’m suffering from any side effects from the BP med.

All in all, from what I can discern from one experience with this Nootropic, I think CILTEP gave me the kick for motivation and focus that I was looking for. I hold hope of becoming that super smart superhero.


My mom called to chat this evening. She was “Granny Nanny” this evening; she was baby-sitting my seven-year old nephew this evening as my sister went out for a night on the town. My nephew had a friend over; they were watching a wrestling movie. My nephew then apparently decided to relocate the cat’s bed while she was eating in the kitchen. My mom had to pause our conversation to ask why the cat’s bed was being relocated. There was no real response except my mother let out a little bit of a noise that resembled what I would have heard at my nephew’s age when I relocated the cat’s bed. It was good to hear that even though it was 40 years later, the old girl still has that feisty kick.

I mentioned in a blog entry earlier this week that my family didn’t really talk about politics when I was growing up. My mom apparently still reads my blog (hi Mom!) because she thanked me for recognizing that she made thought out choices when she votes. This spurred a conversation about the upcoming Presidential elections. We actually talked politics. She’s the more liberal minded of the family. My social awareness, such as it was when I was growing up, was definitely influenced by her. I remember her telling me that Anita Bryant was a very mean lady that didn’t like some people when I saw her on the news with a pie in her face. She didn’t get wicked upset when a distant cousin came out as gay in the late 1970s (others in the family kind of had a freak out). We talked about taxes and our impressions of the New York State Welfare System and both agreed that it is way too easy to abuse. It was a great conversation. When talking about the Presidential elections, we both agreed that neither of us were thrilled with the choices that were shaping up for November but we further agreed that we didn’t think it would be a good thing if Trump became President (I really can’t see that man with access to the nuclear codes). We would vote for whomever we thought was the least damaging to the country as a whole. I told her I would have a gun in the house if the wrong choices were made and chaos insued. That sparked a conversation about my dad teaching me how to shoot all sorts of guns when I was a late teenager and that I was still pretty good at it. There were other points of the discussion that were quite nice and refreshing. I’m happy that I can talk to her about these things as an adult. It was a great conversation.

I can’t imagine living in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina right now with the barrage of political ads that they must be enduring. With the GOP beating the war drums of fear in an unprecedented fury, Bernie Sanders yelling about his far-left social ideals and Hillary doing her thing again, I don’t know if I would be able to watch any media in those influential states without quivering in fear that another attack ad was going to grace my television screen.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that my ideal candidate just ain’t gonna happen in November. The best we can hope for is to weigh all the points and plans and elect the person that is going to do the least amount of damage by respecting majority opinion, the Constitution and the recognition that “all men are created equal”. I want a Patriot, not a Grandstander.

I want us to move forward again. And I look forward to talking to my Mom about it.


Every year we get warm tidings from my inlaws. The card or text or email or whatever will say something like “We hope youses have a wonderful Christmas”. Not only is the sentiment much appreciated and well received, I am also fascinated by the pluralization of a word that is not part of my regular vocabulary, and that’s “youse”, Philly speak for “you guys” or “y’all”. 

When I was first acquainted with my in laws, it was pointed out that I have a very distinct accent that places me well above the New York City limits. The similar sounding words in the sentence “Mary was merry when she got married” all sound the same. Mary, Merry and marry are all the same word as far as I’m concerned. Apparently my face is very wide when I say “dollar” or “collar”. “Wallet” sounds similar to “dollar” not “wall”.  A big wide “ah”. 

Having grown up right on the soda/pop line, as I kid I would hear both, especially if we were getting a treat at Westons Department Store, in Oswego (20 miles to the west) the cashier rang up a “pop”, but in Watertown (30 miles to the north), the cashier rang up a “soda”. Living in the Southwestern corner of the state for several years solidified “pop” in my vocabulary and I never bothered to change it. When I was in California a couple of years ago I asked for a diet pop and there was much discussion amongst the counter staff at Chipotle about what I had just said.  They were amused as they sipped their Evian. 

I lived in the greater Boston area for a few years in the late 1980s but I don’t think it affected my accent all that much.  Earl and I were in New England a few years ago and I was talking with some of the natives. I mentioned that at one time I lived right outside of Worcester, which I pronounced “Wooh-steh” like a native and it caused Earl to give me a second glance. The only holdover I really have is the use of “wicked” for emphasis, but that was common where I grew up as well.  “He was wicked angry about the toll about the Thruway”. Just this week at work I said, “she’s wicked smart”. My manager, originally from Maine, agreed that the woman we were referring to was wicked smart. 

Working with folks based in South Carolina finds its share of “y’all”s but I try not to use that phrase because I think I sound like an ignorant Yankee when it comes out of my mouth. It’s easy to pick up, though. We don’t really have a second person “you” word up here in Central New York unless it’s “you guys”. It perfectly normal to hear “what are you guys doing tonight?”  As I’m typing this I’m saying that sentence out loud with different dialects and “you guys” and the Pittsburghese “yunz” feel the most natural to me, though the Philly “youse” feels quite natural to me as well.  “Y’all” brings up the ignorant Yankee bit. I think some “yunz” might have snuck into Southwestern New York, or at least people I knew, maybe because I used to DJ in the thriving metropolis of Erie, Pa.  And by the way, we never went to Erie, we always went to Erie P-A. 

I find the varying dialects and such in the Northeast and Midwest to be quite fascinating. New York (City) and Philadelphia are just a couple of hours apart but the accents are nowhere close to each other.  Boston is in a league of its own (“use yah blinkah”). And Pittsburgh has its own Pittsburghese, which I’m trying to figure out how it influenced my speech patterns because I say “let it alone” instead of “leave it alone”.  I’ve never lived in Pittsburgh. My friend Matt in Williamsport says “slippy”. When asked by Earl how many beers I had after flying with other pilots, I usually say, “I don’t know, two, tree”.  The “tree” is not a drunken slur.

The one term I have always said that catches people off (though I don’t know why) is when you’re at the office gossiping around “the water bubbler”. I was 19 when I first started working in a corporate environment and I remember a glance or two when I asked where the water bubbler was. 

I was thirsty.


Though we never talked politics, I grew up in a Republican family. It’s kind of odd that we never talked politics, because my uncle and grandfather were tax assessors, my mother collected the school taxes, my aunt was a town clerk and my father served on the tax assessment grievance board. Voting day always seemed like a big deal; my parents never missed their opportunity to vote. We’d head to the fire department where volunteers went through the voter registration ritual. My mom and dad would take me and my sister in the voting booth with them we were little. My mom made slow, calculated choices when she worked the levers in the voting booth. She told me not to tell my dad who she voted for. My dad found the row marked “Republican” and just clicked every lever on that row. Click click click click, done. As small business owners, my family was fiscally conservative and socially “moderate”. I put the moderate in quotes because it’s a compromise; my dad was right of center and my mom was left of center when it came to the social issues. Politics, religion and the gay were very rarely discussed, so I can’t really speak in depth about how they stood on the issues, but as their only son who happened to also be gay, I never felt anything but loved and accepted.

When I lived in Boston in my early 20s I was told that as a gay man I had to be a Democrat and vote nothing but Democrat. Republicans were evil, evil people that wanted to destroy the world and send the gays to concentration camps. To this day, many of my gay friends think that ALL Republicans are evil, vile creatures that are out to do nothing but destroy the world and throw us all into concentration camps. This troubled me, not only because I came from a Republican family that was quite loving and friendly (I would never, ever trade my childhood in for anything other than what I experienced, I was a very happy child that grew up to become a happy adult man), but labeling people that these declarations addressed seemed just as bad as crazy people labeling all gay men as swishy cross dressers that only worked in hair salons. Rarely is anything that black or white and as I started to make my own decisions and come to terms with my own feelings about society and financial matters and where I stood on the political spectrum, I realized that I was different than most others that I associated with at the time. And as I learned from my family, I kept my mouth shut and talked about things like the weather and other safe subjects. When I voted, I took a cue from my mother and made careful, calculated choices and never told anyone who I voted for. I was concerned that I would be outcast because I didn’t always vote the “gay way”.

In a recent conversation I described myself as “not gay typical”. I’ve also used “I’m more guy than gay” (I really don’t know what that means but I’ve been told on a number of occasions that I dress quite boring and that I don’t match colors well). Quite frankly, to borrow from a relatively recent entry of a fellow blogger, I’ve come to the realization that it’s really not my business what people think of me. I used to worry about this and this is why I kept my mouth shut when certain subjects such as politics came up in conversation. But with the dawning of the New Year, I’ve been thinking about my goals and dreams and my place this world and have been going down through a punch list of where I stand on various subjects.

So here I go… It is my belief that the media is way too involved with the direction of political campaigns. The media has drifted so far away from their role of informing the public that we are basically turning the 2016 Presidential Campaigns into reality shows. The more outrageous the statement, the more outlandish the candidate, the more coverage they get because it brings in more ad revenue. I believe that the media is damaging our political landscape and ultimately is heavily contributing to the destruction of the fabric of our society. Idiotic voices that would never be heard in the past, as they would have been dismissed as sheer lunacy, are now being brought front and center, all in the name of grabbing more advertising revenue. I believe that a person should give more to society than they take. It is our job to build, not to see what we can grab. I think the federally mandated drinking age of 21 is ridiculously high. I think the fallout from the “war on drugs” has been an incredible waste of money. I think law abiding citizens (as determined by a background check) should be able to own whatever guns they want to own. I struggle with the TSA and find much of the what they do as simply an effort to lower unemployment numbers. I hate the name “Department of Homeland Security” and I doubly hate it when a politician refers to the United States as “The Homeland”. I believe that there should be term limits on welfare for those over 21 and I believe that those on public assistance should be drug tested, just like I have been for the last three employers I have worked for. I have a problem with a system that rewards reckless procreation from those that can’t even take care of themselves. I struggle with the fact that adults between the age of 21 and 27 are covered under their parents’ health insurance, as I believe that young adults should be supporting themselves by their mid 20s. I don’t like the fact that buying health insurance is now mandatory else I receive tax penalties from the government. I don’t believe that fast food restaurants should be paying $15 an hour. I still believe in the American dream of owning your own business and I believe corporations should pay their share of the tax burden. I am very concerned about how much debt our country has amassed. I don’t believe that those that are successful in their career should be penalized by paying a higher percentage of income tax simply because they make more.

I don’t consider myself to be well informed but I am always working to improve that. I listen to moderate talk radio. I follow blogs and Twitter feeds from folks all over the political spectrum. Some of my best friends are solid Republicans, others are solid Democrats. I know a LOT of people in the middle. Learning has never hurt anyone and I am reading, thinking and forming my own opinions. I won’t be told what to think. I drink in any information I can find. The trick is to find unbiased news sources. This is why I follow outlets from many different angles.

I recently read “No Hope: Why I Left The GOP (And You Should Too)” by former GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia. I found the book to be a very good read. As a gay Republican, I have seen Jimmy’s name came up on a good share of gay-oriented blogs over the years and vast majority of what I have read on those blogs has been quite unkind. So many catty remarks because Jimmy didn’t tow the prescribed gay agenda like a good homosexual. It was good to read about his political path in his own words. So many in both the gay and straight communities have been so unkind to him. I have never agreed with attacking him because of his opinion and I was eager to read his book when I read of its announcement. I found his words to be inspiring because he wasn’t afraid to think differently. He makes a lot of valid points. I haven’t always agreed with GOProud, but I get what they were trying to do and I understand that they were trying to bring about change to the GOP. Truth be told, the GOP has some big problems in its party. I really think they’ve lost touch on who the U.S. is today and that they spend way too much time catering to the lunatics on the far right. On the other hand, the Democrats seem to be spending money like a sailor in a whorehouse and not really caring how the debt is going to be paid. Both parties have flung themselves to the extremes. Neither party really seems to focus on the middle.

I’m eager to see how this 2016 Presidential Election shakes out. As a good U.S. citizen, I will do my best to be informed, think for myself and make what I feel is a rational, well-thought out decision come voting day. I urge everyone to shut out the noise, from the media, from the blogs and from people who think that they can tell you what you should think, and for you to be yourself and vote for whom you believe in.


I started a new Google account today. I now have two accounts, one for my aviation adventures and the other for everyday use. There has been a healthy refresh of Google apps since I last had an everyday account; Google+ is especially enjoyable to use now. I’ve started following a few familiar faces there and have dipped my toes in some other communities of interest: politics, various aspects of technology, wet shaving, etc.

The restart of Google is part of my new approach of 2016, using the best tools for the task. It’s a small improvement but one that I think will give me a better peace of mind.


I am making an effort to convert our standard household lighting over to LED bulbs. I can’t stand CFLs, or Compact Fluorescent Lights, because they give off a weird color light, they often need to “warm up” and they can flicker when they’re turned on. This is especially startling when you’re trying to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you find yourself with a rapidly blinking light breaking the darkness. LEDs are better behaved in this regard. However, if you’ve browsed Lowe’s or The Home Depot lately, you’ll see what LEDs are quite expensive.

Hence, my “effort” to slowly convert to LED lighting.

Like their CFL counterparts, the color (or temperature) of LED lighting can be a little wonky. LEDs tend to be a little more cooler, or blue, in their light, which can be especially harsh in the home environment. Manufacturers are getting better at providing bulbs with a warmer glow but we’re not quite there yet when compared to incandescent lamps or even sunlight.

A couple bulbs in different ceiling fans throughout the house blew out, so I decided to convert one ceiling fan lamp to LEDs and move the working incandescent bulbs to the other ceiling fans. The new LEDs would be in the kitchen over the kitchen table.

The chosen LEDs were marketed as “warm white” and dimmable. The dimming ability was important because the lamp in question has a two-stage switch: low and high. I installed the new bulbs and flipped the switch to the first setting.

No dice.

I flipped the switch to full power and after a fraction of a second the lights came on. I’d love to say that I heard a shriek as Earl and Jamie ran for cover or at the very least in search of a strong pair of sunglasses, but that would just be dramatic. But it would not be inappropriate.

The “warm white” glow I was expecting from these frosted LED bulbs turned out to be a very harsh white and very, very bright. The lamps were suppose to approximate at 60 watt bulb, but it felt like we were standing in the middle of a baseball stadium. No peanuts, no popcorn, no seventh inning stretch, just very white, harsh, bright lighting flooding our kitchen table.

We ate one meal under the new bulbs. Jamie asked for sunscreen. Earl’s photogray glasses darkened. I think I sunburned.

I rearranged the bulbs and moved the incandescents back to the kitchen and the new LEDs into the spare bedroom. The white light will accent the white walls quite nicely. I would really hate to see what the “cool white” light bulbs put out.

I don’t think my Irish skin can handle it.


It’s a new year and to celebrate, I am getting my yearly cold out of the way by getting it over with right at the beginning of the year. I woke up with the sniffles yesterday morning, but I wasn’t really feeling sluggish until later last night. This morning I woke up with the cold at full tilt; I slept for about 14 hours and haven’t done much throughout the day today. I’m not really complaining as the downtime is just what the doctor ordered.

Earl and I watched quite a bit of television today; we’ve been catching up on the first season of “Mom” via AppleTV. It’s a fun show to watch. This evening we watched “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation”. With the advancements in entertainment technology there’s really no reason to go to a movie theater to deal with the buffoonery found amongst the audience in your typical American cineplex. Maybe I’m getting old and cranky.

I don’t really have any resolutions to share for 2016. I have a few goals that I have set: become an instrument rated pilot, lose a few pounds, ride at least 100+ mile bike rides during the warmer weather. The goals will never be reached without milestones, so I have set up some milestones to hit and I feel comfortable that I will do just that.

I’ve been reading up on my family’s genealogy a little bit over the past couple of days. I think one can build a better future if they know the past. I’m definitely a mutt pedigree. It explains a lot of things.


Earl and I were reminiscing about previous Disney vacations last night. It is moments like that where having a blog for nearly 15 years has been helpful; if I have forgotten something I can look it up on the blog. Living life out loud like this has been very helpful.
 Looking up the 2005 trip led me to reading entries from that era. I realized that I haven’t changed a whole lot in a decade, aside from some middle aged crotchety-ness that has set in since my mid 40s. I need to calm down on that front and smile more.
 Though personal blogs have long ago faded in lieu of quick belches of Twitter and Facebook entries, I still enjoying capturing moments of my life from time to time.
 My words keep me grounded. And that’s a wonderful feeling.


The civil engineer in me always appreciates the designs on Disney properties. 

The castle say Magic Kingdom is lit up with thousands of white lights, similar in design as the icicle lights found on residential buildings everywhere. 


I immediately noticed that the individual icicles weren’t swaying in the wind, even though it’s been fairly breezy the two nights we have been here. Swaying icicles would break the illusion and that is something that Disney Imagineers try to avoid at all costs. 

Upon closer inspection, the icicle lights are attached to a grid of metal netting. While the lights are irregular in shape and placement, the grids are not, they are large rectangular pieces that can be assembled off site, installed and removed quickly and most importantly, maintain an illusion of rigidity like a real icicle out in the wild. 

Simplicity is sometimes the best answer.