
The unevenness of the week continues. I’m feeling the effects of a head cold, undoubtedly contracted during a visit back east, and I feel the need to sleep. I was scheduled to fly tonight and I felt well enough to accomplish the flight, though I wasn’t at the top of my game. I seriously considered calling off the flight, but I kept myself together long enough to practice a few approaches to the airport under instrument simulation.

I plan on feeling better for next week’s lesson.

I have a goal of completing a couple of the ratings in my aviation plan by the end of 2022. And I plan on doing it safely and confidently. My most conservative decisions are around my thoughts as a pilot, and it took some self inventory to decide to fly tonight. I’m glad I did.

Now I just want to go to bed.


My mood has been a little uneven this week. The weight of the world, the chaos of work, the approaching holiday season; all these things can have an impact on my mental state and I should work to not let things bother me. Plus, the rash from my sudden “pool allergy” is subsiding but is still a little itchy. So much to scratch.

In the grand scheme of things I am most fortunate. I must remember this. But all of these concerns melt away when Mother Nature shares her beauty, desert style, with us. Tonight’s sunset was most rewarding, comforting, and centering.

My mood is now much better.


So my body has decided it’s allergic to the pool. A month ago or so I went swimming and developed a rash all over the swimmy parts the next day. I had showered after swimming, I don’t have particularly dry skin, but I was itchy and it quickly subsided. I went swimming again and the rash came back. I waited a week, tried again, rash returned. I waited 15 days, went swimming for 30 minutes, showering before and after swimming, and I’m covered in a rash again. I woke up in the middle of the night on Saturday and it felt like my skin was on fire.

We’ve made no change whatsoever to the way the pool is maintained. Chris and Mike do an impeccable job of keeping chemicals in balance, bacteria at bay, and the water clear. Our pool looks gorgeous. Everything tests beautifully.

I just break out in a rash after swimming. I spent many summers swimming in the Great Lakes 10 or so miles from a nuclear power plant. No issues. I swam in seaweed, dead fish, and god knows what else. I swim in the cleanest pool I’ve seen in a years and I develop an allergy.

And that’s how life works.


It’s hard for me to understand that it’s less than two weeks to Thanksgiving here in the states. We passed a house with Christmas lights hanging from its edges. It looked festive.

We are having record heat here in Tucson. High temperatures have been in the mid to high 80s for the past couple of days. It’s suppose to cool down by next weekend. The average temperature is in the upper 70s.

That’s still quite warm for this relocated northern boy.

We haven’t figured out how we’re going to decorate for the holidays yet. I’ve been joking that our neighborhood is probably an all white Christmas lights kind of place, so we’re going to wait to see what the neighbors do before we string up the Merry Midget lights.

I’m still looking forward to turkey dinner. Even if we eat it outside.


Truman keeps an eye on the hummingbird in the tree. He occasionally makes a squeaking noise that’s usually reserved for when he’s chasing the laser dot. He’s not happy about having to wear a harness when he’s on an outdoor stroll but he accepts the practice as fact. The harness slows him down just enough that he would be easy to catch if he decided to make a run for it.

He tends to stay on the sidewalk or the patio; he doesn’t enjoy the stone that makes up our “lawn”.


I don’t know if TNSD is a thing. I made the acronym up; it refers to “Traumatic News Stress Disorder”, but I don’t know if someone had the same idea as me to call the constant barrage of bad news inflicting PTSD like symptoms TNSD. Maybe I should patent it. Capitalism.

We have Apple News as part of our Apple One family subscription. Apple touts the personal curation of the news feed, but it’s constant bad news. I don’t trust many news sources; everyone has an agenda. Who to believe? I end up reading something from the BBC. Someone without an investment in the success or failure of the United States.

I’m so very tired of news outlets and social media amplifying stupidity. I’m incredibly tired of the stupidity.

Let’s stop being stupid. Maybe the bad news will simmer down.

Bitchy Fun.

I don’t know why this came up in my YouTube suggestions today, but it looks like some bitchy fun.


The view from the gazebo right now. It’s currently 73ºF two weeks before Thanksgiving and I am really getting used to this. This is one of the main reasons we moved to the Desert Southwest.

Having flights in and out of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base nearby makes the experience all the more sweeter for me.


Jamie took a family portrait. We like we’re ready to play Family Feud.