The new refrigerator arrived today and it fits like a glove. It’s a bit bigger than the previous refrigerator, which has bene relegated to the laundry room. Having a backup refrigerator for a family of five men will prove to make the marketing easier.

The glass panel is NOT a touchscreen, they’re too prone to bugs and crashing. While the new refrigerator is connected to the WiFi, two knocks on the darkened area turns on the light and shows us what’s inside. If we want to grab something from the convenience shelf, the dark panel opens up like a door within a door.

Later in the week we discover what craft ice looks like.

Good Enough?

We have a new refrigerator on the way. The old refrigerator was small for a family of our size, so we moved that to a different location to be our backup storage solution. The new LG arrives tomorrow.

When we pulled out the refrigerator for relocation we noticed some interesting painting decisions around the refrigerator. Occasionally when making an improvement in the house we find signs of “quick fixes” to make things look “good enough”.

What you don’t see in this photo is the gray changes to a different shade at the line of the cabinet over the refrigerator. Eventually we’ll have to repaint the whole kitchen.

Power Lines.

I’ve always been a power lines geek. It’s part of that whole “everything is connected” motif I’ve had been going for 53 years. Electricity to our neighborhood is delivered via concrete poles before the lines go underground in our development.

Before moving to the desert I’d never seen concrete poles. It turns out concrete poles are more resistant to issues found in the desert climate. Concrete poles are less resistant to fire and the lack of humidity.

Never stop learning.


We are eating lunch in a trendy restaurant. The windows and doors are open, the breeze is blowin’, the booze is flow in’, and it’s quite nice.


It has been quite a week. A high point this week was when our new lounge chairs for the back patio were delivered. Don’t mind if I do.

Very Dark.

Flight instructor Prabesh and I flew from Ryan Airfield on the west side of Tucson to Glendale Municipal Airport outside of Phoenix and back in a Cessna 172. It was all part of my instrument training and for the most part I had a good time.

My eyesight is not what it used to be. It’s hard from me to admit this but when I have my FAA Medical Exam later this month I won’t be surprised if they tell me I have to always wear glasses when in the cockpit. I have the glasses and I wear them. It does make landing an airplane at night a little bit more of a challenge. No worries, they’ll be able to use the airplane again tomorrow.

Here’s a photo of Phoenix at night.


I went hiking with our friend Matt on Saturday. We tackled a seven mile trail north of here, going through some beautiful landscape along the way. It was a great time and I look forward to going hiking with him and others again soon, at least before the weather gets too hot.

We’ve made some great friends here in Tucson. I’m happy to be able to spend time with them outside all year long.