Ponderings and Musings

Lying Low.

With this weekend being part of my on-call schedule, Earl and I have spent most of the day around the house. Well, actually the whole day, save for Earl going grocery shopping and a quick stop at Best Buy to buy a microphone for the PC in the basement. (Since my family has adopted MSN Messenger to chat with my sister in Russia and amongst themselves, I resurrected an old IBM computer in the basement so that I could be part of the fun.)

I wish I could say that we have been wildly productive today but in all honestly we haven’t done much except eat and fluff a load of clothes that had been sitting in the dryer for a couple of days. Actually I changed the thermostat in our bedroom in hopes of getting the heat to work in there but that didn’t do the trick. I guess we’re going to have to pay a furnace man. Here’s hoping he’s hot.

With the impending mad rush of the holidays, I really think Earl and I needed today to just sit around and do nothing. I’ve played around in the music studio a little bit, I’ve picked out a couple of cookie recipes to mess around with tomorrow and I’ve put the laundry in reasonable piles, destined for the washer and dryer tomorrow.

I thought about saddling up one of these dust bunnies and taking a spin around the dining room table, but that would have been too much work.

Change Of Face.

Tonight I decided to try something a little different with my beard. I shaved it off. Not to worry, I didn’t lose my mind completely, I kept the mustache.

I’m not liking it. I’m starting my new beard tomorrow.

I would not be a good spokesperson for the Gillette company. While I find the Mach III perfectly suited for my bald head, it does not maneuver well around my mustache.

It’s much easier to have a beard, so that’s what I’ll do.

Such A Gas.

Last night I dreamed that I was doing stand up comedy with Rosie O’Donnell. There we were, both on the stage together, hamming it up and telling the funniest jokes, one-liners and stories known to gay America. Unfortunately, I can’t remember a word I said, but I do remember the crowd roaring with laughter. Rosie found me quite humorous as well.

And it wasn’t even one of those naked dreams.

I like to think that I make people smile. Maybe chuckle. Even laugh out loud once in a while. It’s my contribution to the world.

I have no idea why I had that dream last night, but it’s kept a smile on my face all day today. I hope you have reason to smile as well.

Morning Moonlight.

While quite beautiful, there is just something wrong with waking up by moonlight to start the day. There is something just out of whack with looking out when getting up and seeing the entire lawn bathed in moonlight. When I arise, I want the sun shining beautifully, birds singing their joyous song and gentle, warm breezes carressing my naked body lying on the bed.

Alas, we live in Upstate New York. The sun won’t be seen for days, the birds are vacationing down south and the gentle breezes are most likely the beginnings of a blizzard.

Oh Mighty Isis!

I recently added the last of the three Wonder Woman DVD box sets to our DVD collection, completing our collection of all things Wonder Woman. I am a huge Wonder Woman fan (especially the Lynda Carter TV series) and am one of the few people that actually taped the “Wonder Woman” movie from 1974 starring Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman when WTBS showed it in the mid 1980s. It’s painful to watch, but I still treasure that video tape to this day. I actually transferred it from a BetaMax tape to VHS in order to be able to keep on enjoying it! What gay man of my generation hasn’t spun himself around in the living room hoping to turn into some fabulous superhero, complete with flash, thunderclap and orchestral accompaniment.

While I am the rabid Wonder Woman fan, and a Xena worshipper as well, the superheroine I really dig is ISIS.

“Oh Zephyr Winds which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly!”

For those that are superhero impaired, a brief explanation is in order. In 1976, Saturday morning cartoons were accompanied by some live action shows. On ABC, you had “The Krofft Supershow” featuring Captain Kool and the Kongs and ElectraWoman (featuring Diedre Hall!) and DynaGirl. On CBS, it was the second season of “The Shazam / Isis Hour”. Shazam! featured the stories of young Billy Batson, roaming the streets and highways of southern California in a big white Winnebago with an older man named Mentor looking for those that needed help from falling rocks, stupid decisions, etc. Endowed with the powers of Soloman, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury, Billy would yell “Shazam!” and turn into Captain Marvel, played by an older and much more muscular man. It was kind of like Bill Bixby turning into Lou Ferrigno but without the green and nowhere near as menacing.

Anyways, after Shazam! came “The Secrets of Isis”, featuring Joanna Cameron as science teacher Andrea Thomas. Andrea was on an archeological dig in Egypt and came across an ancient amulet. After reading the scrolls enclosed, she found that she was a decscendent of the goddess Isis and was endowed with the ability to control the elements when she posessed that amulet. She would sneak off to a hidden place when someone was in trouble, pull out this amulet necklace and say “Oh Mighty Isis”. She then would be engulfed in smoke, a few ancient drawings would fly by, the glare of the sun and whoosh, there she was… Isis! Much like Wonder Woman’s Diana Price alter-ego, Andrea kept her hair in a ponytail and wore glasses. No one could tell that Andrea was actually Isis, including co-teacher Rick Mason or students Cindy Lee and Rennie Carroll.

Anyways, even though I lusted after Captain Marvel (especially the second one, John Davey, he was quite hot), I was absolutely mezmorized by Joanna Cameron as Isis. To this day I find that she has one of the most beautiful female voices I have ever heard in my life. It is so even, so calm, so soothing. Small wonder that she once held the Guinness Book of World Records for doing the most television commercials of any performer. And I always found her portrayal of Isis so endearing. Some student may have driven a car off a cliff after hitting a nail in the road or accidently shot a hole in a gas tank near a burning building with the gun he had borrowed from his father, but Isis just did her thing and brought the fool to safety. She usually was creative, using the rain to quench the flames of a menancing fire or the winds to bring a broken-down motor boat back to safety ahead of the typhoon. One of the cool things about Isis is that when she flew (like Captain Marvel or Superman did), her arms and hands were held behind and to her side, so ladylike, instead of in front her like the guys do. Kind of like the way Samantha always side-saddled the broomstick in Bewitched.

Here’s a couple of video clips from the show. They are in RealMedia format.
Andrea turning to Isis for the first time
Another clip of Andrea turning Into Isis
Isis Taking Flight

Dreary Driving.

It’s easy to tell that winter is just around the corner here in Upstate N.Y. Everyone’s driving skills have gone from “asshat” to “unbelievable asshat”. Now mind you, it’s not snowing or hailing or anything like that today. It’s raining. While not a torrential downpour, the rain is steady and does warrant some extra caution on the road.

That does not mean slowing down to 35 MPH in the middle of the freeway.

I find it remarkable that some people drive around in a light drizzle with their windshield wipers set to “hysterical”. There’s maybe 50 rain drops on their windshield and their wipers are whipping back and forth as if they’re trying to flag down a funnel cloud or something. It’s crazy. I have noticed that the bigger the vehicle, the more apt the wipers are to be hysterical, so maybe there’s a correlation between small genitalia and fast windshield wipers. After all, the bigger the car, the smaller the dick.

I am not a perfect driver by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am a confident driver. I know what I am capable of and I know what my car is capable of. Regardless of the vehicle I am driving, I consider it an extension of my own body and awareness. It’s not a difficult thing to do; just feel the road and be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be good to go.

And while I’m on a rant, I think the “lights on when windshield wipers are on” law is stupid. The government has no business trying to legislate common sense. However, turning your lights on when your windshield wipers are on is good sense, since its usually darker when its raining outside. If you have to squint to see your speedometer, it’s too dark to be running around with your lights off. If people would think for themselves, the government wouldn’t have to do it for them.

So drive carefully today, regardless of the weather. And more importantly, be confident and drive sensibly.

Workin’ For The Weekend.

Thank goodness it’s the weekend. I’ve been in the mood for it since Monday and now it’s finally here. Earl and I are headed to Buffalo in the morning for the monthly bear night. We’re looking forward to meeting up with our friends Tim and Steve. I think there’s a diner stop in Rochester on the way out there too.

I just received my copy of Motion 2 so that I can get snazzy with my little video projects. I’m really enjoying this creative outlet. I hope I don’t wear out my PowerBook G4. That would mean I need to buy another computer! The horrors!

# # #

Here’s a hottie for your weekend enjoyment. It’s comedian Zach Galifianakis. I haven’t heard his standup, I’ve been too busy finding his pictures on the internet. He’s not on the team but not bad to look at nonetheless.
Zach Galifianakis


I spent most of the night last night doing my on-call duties. I tried to take several catnaps in between the phone calls to, well, a really big, disorganized telephone company that rhymes with Horizon. But several catnaps joined together do not equal one good night of sleep. Thank goodness tonight is the last night of on-call for the next week and a half!

Quick bursts of sleep in the middle of the night are quite fascinating. With each successive catnap, I find that my dreams get more and more vivid. Then they just start getting weird. The final dream last night involved my calling Earl out onto the back deck to watch the new space shuttle land (three times as big as the old one with big bay windows on the side) at the local Air Force Base. We watched it fly over the house. We waved at the astronauts. The dream was in vivid technicolor. I was amused when I awoke. I don’t know where the heck that dream came from but it was the second space shuttle related dream I’ve had this week, the first being that Earl and I went to watch a space shuttle launch in Florida that was subsequently aborted during lift-off. To abort, the astronauts threw it in reverse and landed back on the launch pad. There were even backup lights on the back of the space shuttle. I have no idea what this all means.

Perhaps I’m reading too many sci-fi stories again.

Let The Sunshine In.

After the storms that passed through last night, I was sure that it was going to be a typical cold November day here in Upstate N.Y. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with a sunshine filled sky and temperatures in the mid 50s.

The sunshine has done wonders for my mood.

Earl left for a business trip this morning around 5 a.m. I’m on call through Thursday, so I didn’t have to get up until 7:30 a.m. Usually “sleeping in” like this puts me in a good mood, but not today. I woke up as one surly bear. I don’t know why. I was just cranky. Wisely, I decided to mind my own business at work instead of spreading my bad mood. Thankfully, around lunch time I snapped out of my funk. I guess a good turkey on wheat sandwich will do that to a mood.

Speaking of food, I have rediscovered a delicacy that I haven’t had in a while. Friday night I had sushi. I love sushi! Earl is not fond of it at all, so it’s rare that I have the opportunity to enjoy some sushi, but while we were at the casino on Friday night (with Lady Luck on our side, I may add), I found myself some sushi and gobbled it right up. While Earl was grocery shopping yesterday, he surprised me by bringing home some sushi for me to enjoy while he’s out of town.

Mentally I’m ready for this latest round of on call. Physically, let’s just say I hope I don’t sleep right through my trouble calls.


This morning I awoke feeling refreshed, centered and absolutely excited about the prospect of going to work this morning. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, but I hope the feeling doesn’t go away.

The reason I find this is odd is because I am working the 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. shift today and I usually don’t do well in the morning. I also offered to take a few days of on-call next week for a co-worker because she is working on getting her graduate degree and is a bit swamped in school work.

It could be because of the date I have with my best beau tonight (that would be Earl, by the way). We’re going out to dinner and a movie and then perhaps try our luck at the casino if we feel so inclined. We’ve been going at 1,000 MPH for the past month or so, often in different directions, so this time for just the two of us is a welcomed experience.