
Flashy Camping.

Earl and I are situated at site 23 at Hillside Campgrounds. We are here until Sunday. Mother Nature is currently treating us to a spectacular lightning show, complete with thunderous accompaniment, but she’s decided not to rain on us. The light show is breathtaking, especially sitting in the middle of the woods in a popup camper.

There’s much that could be said about these escapism weekends we love so much here at Hillside, but I’ll save that for another time. Tonight we’re just going to hang with friends and more importantly, relax.

After all, Frankie says RELAX.


I’m not usually a fan of drag performances, as I’ve DJ’d one too many dragathons in my time, however, I saw this video on Joe.My.God and was absolutely stunned at the ingenious entry the performer makes. It’s about 30 seconds in. The whole routine is choreographed to the teeth and is absolutely fantabulous.

Update: the right to embed disappeared, you can find it on YouTube here.


Pride Fountain.

I recently discovered another blogger, Kelly Stern, by way of Pete and Sean (and others). Kelly is challenging bloggers to celebrate diversity by posting a picture of this naturally occurring rainbow. I think this is a wonderful way to “spread the idea of diversity” and so I have joined in on the challenge.

Camping Recap.

Rest Area.

Well Earl and I are back from our first camping weekend of the season at Hillside. This weekend’s theme was “Bears In The Woods 1”. We’ll be back for the sequels this season.

We survived the planned power outage just fine by groping our way through the woods with wild abandon. The relative lack of light actually made the campground feel a little more “tribal” which I find to be a good thing when you’re camping in the woods.

The weather was picture perfect for most of the weekend. Today was the only day of rain, when Mother Nature made her presence known with an impressive thunderstorm. Earl and I had the camper packed up in just in time; we were able to keep everything relatively dry. We have our set up and knock down procedures down to a science.

Last night we had dinner with 1st Earl and our friends on “Utica Way”. There’s not a lot of people from my “past” that I would give the time of day to, let alone sit down and break bread with, but we enjoyed dinner with 1st Earl. He’s a good guy, plus he makes a fierce Chicken Marsala.

Our friends Sean and Jeffrey are no longer “Hillside virgins” and seemed to have had a delightful time. Sean can rip up a dance floor like few I’ve seen before. We made a lot of new friends (hi guys!) this weekend and hung out with old friends (hi guys!) as well. It was good to be back in the groove again.


NYC picture from JMG
Picture from Joe.My.God. blog

Earl and I have decided to join the festivities for GB:NYC4 – Gay Bloggers in New York City 4 (links to JMG’s blog entry about this) this weekend. We’re going for the day on Saturday. For more details, follow that link to Joe.My.God or this link to Zeitzeuge Mark’s entry on the subject. Actually, Mark is the one that’s organizing this.

I’ve wanted to get to one of these events since I first heard about them well, four years ago, and I’m excited that we finally have the opportunity. I have to admit I’m a little nervous about meeting up with other bloggers for the first time; I’ve only met a couple to date, including Thom, Pete and Karl.

I think this is the first time I’ve ever considered loading up Sprite bottles with white wine spritzy stuff. Such challenges lie ahead.

School Candy.

View From A Desk.

Originally uploaded by jp2.0.

Every once in a while I tell Earl that he has to come on campus with me and do some sight-seeing before the end of the semester. He’s only been to school with me once and that was on a Sunday afternoon when I was working on scouting out the quad for a map project for my drafting class.

You see, Earl and I have very similar tastes when it comes to gazing upon men. I tend to go for those a little beefer than he does, but for the most part we agree on what we find attractive and will often “woof” in unison. And we both appreciate the fine art of looking at men we find attractive. I think this is where outsiders looking in get nervous: because we are both guys who like guys, we can agree on who is attractive and then have a conversation about it. The other thing that people occasionally don’t understand is that we don’t have any jealous fits about this sort of thing. I guess we’re just not wired that way. Beautiful is beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with admitting we find others attractive.

Anyway, with this fine weather the campus has been populated with hard working, bearded, furry students who wear shorts. And I ain’t complaining. I just hope that I can take Earl for a tour before the end of the semester.


I occasionally comment to Earl that I think when future generations look back at our time in the history books, it’ll be noted as the “Idiocy Age”.

Case in point: An anonymous television viewer wrote a complaint to the FCC about Prince’s performance at this year’s Super Bowl half-time show on February 5. It goes like this:

“It was obscene to show Prince, a homosexual person, through a sheet as to show his silhouette while his guitar showed a very phallic symbol coming from his below-midriff section. I am very offended, and I would prefer not to have showed it to my four children, who love football. One of them has hoped to be a quarterback, and now he will turn out gay. I am actually considering to check him for HIV. Thanks, CBS, for turning my son gay.” [Reference from The Advocate, April 10, 2007.]

Sweet Jesus I think we seriously need to do some thinning of the herd. While this person has the American right to think and say whatever they wish, it boggles my mind to read something as idiotic as that letter and it floors me even further to think that there are people that actually think like that living in the United States.


I stumbled across the video courtesy of Mark’s blog, I’d like to share it with you.

It’s from the television of “Boston Legal” and the ‘ex-gay’ movement. It’s fscking brilliant.

Woof 1980.


I was watching an episode of Match Game on YouTube this morning and came across this prime hunk of beef.

How I miss the mustaches of the early 1980s.

Sick Of It.

While working on homework this afternoon, I had the local NPR station on for a couple of reasons: I like to hear what’s going on in the country and we get extra credit in Sociology if we keep a log of when we listen to NPR. I’m always a sucker for extra credit.

I listened to the program “Talk of the Nation”. Today’s topic of “How The Christian Right Hurts Democracy” somehow jumped over to a discussion about homosexuality. Again.

Color Me Shocked.

I am so sick and tired of people going on and on about gays and lesbians. What is the friggin’ preoccupation with the sexual orientation of others? We’ve always been here, we’ll always be here, there’s no true way to “change” us so why waste all the hot air debating gay men and women like they’re some sort of lab rat.

I am tired of it.

The way I see it is this: I’m gay. I always have been. I always will be. I grew up in a well-adjusted home from a morally “normal” family. Truth be known, the values instilled in my sister and I were probably five to ten years behind the times. My family leaned conservative, though my city bred mother made us appreciate the more open-minded view of things. My mother didn’t make me gay. My father didn’t make me gay. Nothing made me gay. I’m just gay. That’s it. It’s the way I’m hard wired and the only way to make me not gay is to shut me down completely. No chemical or psychological therapy, no other barbaric means of treatment or self-denial is going to “cure” me. There’s nothing to cure and I would fight to the death to protect myself or any other gay man or lesbian to assure that they are respected for who they are. I was made this way. God, Buddah, Azna, The Universe, dancing chromosones, whomever or whatever added gay to my genetic equation and that’s it. Would I want to be straight? Absolutely not, because then I wouldn’t be who I am. I would be another person and I quite happy with myself, thank you very much.

So to all these religious bible beating freaks that want the world to fit into their narrow minded view, listen to me. Shut up. Just shut up. If you want to dance around and get sweaty and live your life by a book that’s been folded, spindled and mutiliated six thousand ways from Sunday then go have yourself a ball. That’s your right and I will never question why you believe what you believe. It’s quite frankly none of my business. Just do me the same honor and let me be and leave me alone. If God wants a change, he/she/it/they will come down and swoop me up and we’ll go from there.

By the way – have you ever thought what would happen if a UFO landed somewhere prominent, and a young alien came out and scooped up a Bible and said: “So that’s where I left that book of nursery rhymes.”