Fun and Games Dept


When I was a kid, Grandpa and Grandma City would come up to our home Christmas morning to watch us open Christmas presents and have a small breakfast with the family. I always like those moments on Christmas morning; it felt like they were making a long journey to be with us and I was appreciative of it. After Grandpa City passed on in 1980 the tradition changed, and we generally spent Christmas Eve night in the city with that side of the family.

Since we lived next door or across the street (depending on the year) from Grandpa and Grandma Country, we would spent Christmas afternoon and evening at their house with a good chunk of my cousins and aunts and uncles on that side of the family. We’d always pick a favorite toy or present to show off and share with the cousins. I remember the year my cousin Nathan got a truck with a numeric keypad built in, he could program the direction and length of travel. We tried it out on the floor in the hallway that led to the bedrooms of the mid-century modern home. It was great fun. After dark the cousins would rush out to the barns with my dad and me to see us do the chores, feeding the cattle, and in the early years, the horses Shinto and Sue. Doing the chores was something we did everyday, living across the street or next door, but my cousins didn’t get to partake in the merriment very often and they’d be excited to pet the cows and bulls. Little did they know they’d probably be having them for dinner at a future date. Don’t name the cows and bulls.

These Christmas celebrations revive very fond memories of my childhood and at age 53 I realize how blessed I am to have been such a happy child. As I’ve been known to say, John and Sandi did a really good job raising my sister and me. We were lucky to have close relations with both sides of the family; too many people I’ve known in my adulthood didn’t experience the same type of joy that I’ve described all these years.

Our first Christmas in the desert is different than anything I’ve ever known. It’s not cold, there’s no snow, and the scent of creosote permeates the air after today’s rain. I see icicle lights hanging from the eves of the house across the dry wash that separates our land and I wonder if they’ve ever had real icicles in the place of these lights.

I count my blessings daily. I have a wonderful husband of nearly a quarter of a century and three other men that I call family and love very much. Our home is unconventional and there’s no cattle to feed after sunset, but new memories are being formed every day and they make me smile as much as Grandpa and Grandma City’s visit when I was a child.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Happy Solstice.

A happy Winter Solstice to all. May you find the light in the shortest day of the year. May the sun warm your body and spirit.

Sonoran Dogs.

Before moving to Tucson I had never heard of Sonoran Dogs. Living in Chicago I’ve always liked Chicago Style hot dogs and I’ve always been a proponent of slapping the ketchup off any hot dog around me.

Earl took me out for lunch yesterday and we went to a place on 22nd known for their Sonoran style hot dogs. It was very good and I enjoyed the experience very much. A part of me wonders if one could achieve the same effect with a veggie dog, might have to give that a try.


We attended a small holiday gathering last night as a family. It’s nice to socialize with folks, especially when the hosts require vaccination and everyone maintained social distancing.

Jamie snapped a photo before we left for the party.

Slow Down.

I mentioned the Sears Wish Book earlier this week. Sure, back in the day, the Sears Wish Book encouraged men to buy their wives a dishwasher for Christmas so she would have more time to spend with him, but that was just a sign of the times.

Sears didn’t do well with keeping up with the times, did they. The chain was purchased by Kmart just when they should have become the next Amazon. Yes, Kmart Holdings bought Sears and then renamed the whole thing Sears Holding, it was Kmart that did the buying. Kmart got too big for their britches the moment they dropped the big red “K” with the lowercase turquoise “mart” for a logo.

So many malls all over the country have shuttered Sears stores at one end of a prominent wing and it’s a reminder to all that what was in the world of retail is no more. We spent time at the mall tonight and despite it being the last shopping weekend of the season, the mall wasn’t particularly busy. People point, click, and wait for a delivery. The JCPenney was sparsely stocked and Macy’s was a mess but at had a decent selection of merchandise. Only Dillard’s looked like a department store of the before times.

Remember the before times? They were lovely but they’re never coming back. Despite all efforts to “return to normal” during these pandemic times, there’s uncertainty as to what that normal is or what that normal should be.

I wish the new normal included going to Sears.

Sears was the very first store where I witnessed the use of an electronic cash register. It piqued my interest and eventually led me to a very good career as a software engineer.

I wouldn’t mind seeing one of those old Sears cash registers from the 1970s again. In person.

At Sears.


I’m finding it quite lovely to sit in our “Great Room” and admire the Christmas decorations while drinking a beverage. Earl sits with me and we just enjoy the twinkling lights and Christmas music on the speaker we have installed in there.

It’s helping me get in the spirit.


How I love this song. When I feel a little down at work, I fire up this video and dance around the office a little bit.

Here’s “Grazin’ In The Grass” by Friends of Distinction.

And for clarification purposes, the two ladies in the video are Jessica Cleaves and Charlene Gibson. Charlene was filling in for Barbara Jean Love, who was on maternity leave at the time. Charlene sang leads on “Love Or Let Me Be Lonely”, and ironically, in the video on YouTube, Barbara Jean is lip syncing Charlene’s voice.


I’m writing this 2.2 miles and 900 feet up into my hike today. The weather is perfect at around 65°F and I’m feeling good. This is the final day of my mini vacation and I wanted to try a longer, more challenge hike.

I’m sweaty, my legs are already sore and I still have 2 1/2 hours to go on my plan. I’m challenging myself and I’m loving every minute of it.

Make your life great.


I’ve been wanting to go for a hike in the desert since we moved here earlier this year. Today I hiked 4 1/2 miles in Saguaro National Park East, which is a few miles from our home. The Douglas Spring Trail took me on an enjoyable journey through the Rincon Mountains. I climbed 795 feet along my hike and had a wonderful time exploring all this area has to offer.

The Expanse.

The Expanse returns for season six, its final season. This season is abbreviated at six episodes and Amazon Prime is releasing the episodes one week at a time. I like to binge. I don’t know why we have to do things this way.

I’ve really enjoyed the series, especially the earlier seasons on SyFy and the first season on Amazon Prime. Season five was a little uneven and pulled too far away from sci-fi and to much into Dynasty in Space for my taste, but the trailer for season six shows promise.

I’m looking forward to the experience. I *love* Shohreh Aghdashloo as U.N. General Secretary Chrisjen Avasarala. Her voice commands respect and she’s one of the few characters I know that can give a world of class to the utterance of an F-bomb.