Fun and Games Dept


The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico makes me sick to my stomach. This morning on the drive in I heard discussion about the merits of using a “nuclear detonation” to seal the hole off to stop the leak. There were doubts as to whether this would actually be done, however, the merits were being discussed. That approach can’t be too healthy for any living things around the spill site.

I tweeted yesterday that I thought that any person that goes to a BP gas station is a fucktard. (I’ve been using that word a lot lately). I stand by that belief.

BP’s approach to stopping the spill is to make sure they can tap into the same oil by drilling close by. While we are an oil dependent nation, it’s probably not going to do us a lot of good if we don’t have a planet to live on.

I need to buy a hybrid.



It is a picture perfect day here in our little corner of the world. The sun is shining brilliantly, there is a slight breeze and the temperature is in the mid 80s. The humidity is bearable.

As I mentioned in the previous entry, we have been working on our patio this weekend and I think we are finally at the point where we can enjoy it. Earl and Jamie are off to Lowe’s again as I type this; it is the third trip there today. We need a couple more parts for our new privacy fence along the side of the patio that is closest to the neighbors’. I plan on taking the car to the car wash tonight and getting that cleaned up for the week. Otherwise, I have ramped down for the day and am just enjoying the nice weather.

I am off from work tomorrow; it’s my first on-call week for the new job and because I have to work regular hours next weekend, I get two days off in compensation, so I’m taking tomorrow off and then I’m taking the following Friday off. Sandwiching on-call between two three day weekends is a beautiful thing. Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy the new gig?

Earl has pulled pork cooking in the crock pot and baked beans in the oven. We are going to enjoy a full on barbecue tonight.


Earl, Jamie and I are sitting in the back patio with a blazing fire in the fire pit. We are sitting on our new patio furniture as we just finished putting together the dining table for our “beach view set” from Lowe’s. The landscaping has been cleaned up and relit courtesy of new solar landscape lighting. We are officially ready to entertain this summer. I encourage folks to come up to our neck of the woods for a visit.

We were originally going to head to my Dad’s tonight for his annual Memorial Day weekend bonfire, but our projects took up more time than anticipated, so Jamie fired up the fire pit we’ve only used once in four years. The fire is quite nice. All that is missing are S’mores.

We went to the local BBQ joint for dinner tonight but they closed (at 8:00 p.m.) just before we arrived. I found this odd; they are a bar and supposedly a North Carolina style BBQ place. I find closing at 8:00 p.m. to be a little much. I now consider them fucktards. It’s a nasty word but the description is apt.

We ended up eating at the Chinese buffet that I affectionately call “China Nazi”, because they bark at you as the seat you, “YOU SIT HERE!”. We ate 90 minutes ago. I’m already eager to graze through the refrigerator. I don’t know what it is about Chinese food but it’s not North Carolina BBQ. I really wanted barbecue tonight. The fire is a good substitute.

I think we might purchase a few more things for the rejuvenated patio before the weekend is done. I’m happy it’s the unofficial beginning of summer, because it’s relaxing moments like this that make me smile.


So I have been shuttling my new laptop back and forth to work so that I can use it during my lunch hour whilst taking advantage of the city-wide wi-fi that is available courtesy of the company I work for. It’s a nice arrangement and now that I have settled on Linux (again!) on this laptop, I am quite content.

I am using the duffle bag that I used for my MacBook Pro and it’s predecessor, my old PowerBook G4 back in the day. All three of these computers have or had 15-inch screens so using the same bag has been a no-brainer. The bag is quite comfortable and roomy and I like the way it feels. Plus, we’ve been geeks together for a long while and it feels like an old friend.

I have gotten in the habit of not using the strap inside the case that secures the laptop down. I figured that if the case was zipped up the laptop was safe. So last night after pulling in the driveway from work I pulled my duffle bag out of the car and slung it over my shoulder like I always do.

That’s when I heard a crash on the pavement of the driveway.

I looked down and saw my two-week old laptop sitting on the pavement, DVD-ROM popped with the cover to that strewn aside.

My heart sank.

I picked up the new laptop, dusted it off, noting the new chinks in the cover and brought all the pieces into the house, where I assembled everything back together again.

Like a trouper, my new laptop fired up right where I left off at lunch. It survived.

I’m not happy about what I have done to my new laptop but I feel like we have bonded. And more importantly, it’ll always be tucked away safely in my duffle bag.


I am sitting aboard a Continental regional jet looking out the window and admiring the tops of the moonlit clouds. The date of this entry is inaccurate and moreso unimportant and the same goes for the destination. What is important is that I know I am the luckiest man in the world and I count my blessings everyday.

I have been desperately trying to shake the cynicism I have learned over the years. I looked at an old yearbook the other day and noted that I was referenced as a complainer, even back in 10th grade. That’s just awful. I don’t want to be known as the guy that was forever complaining, and while personal blogs sort of enable this behavior there isn’t a mandate that I have to be that way. So I keep conscious of these things.

The internet has afforded me the opportunity to meet some amazing people over the years. I have met those with a really positive outlook and I have known those that are having a hard time at it. I joke with Earl about the fact that we got together before the whole dot com thing and here we still are all these years later. This shows me two things: what is meant to be will be and life is what you make of it.

I mentioned earlier that I know I’m the luckiest guy in the world. It’s because I invited that luck in and was showed how to nurture it.

And then when I looked out, I noticed that the clouds had dissipated.


So last night I worked my first overnight at my new job. In addition to the usual graveyard shift workers, I joined two of my colleagues to do some very technical-like testing that could only be done during a very important sounding “maintenance window”. Yes, I’m trumpeting it to be much more than it really is. It’s all quite routine in the circles I tend to hang out in.

Because I worked from 11 to 7, I have had most of the day off today. It’s been a while since I’ve been home during the day and the change of pace has been quite nice. It wasn’t needed, mind you, but the change has afforded me the opportunity to get a lot done around the house. Laundry might actually be caught up when all is said and done tonight and now I remember what the kitchen counter looks like!

I also took the opportunity to go to my old workplace and see how all my friends are doing. Big changes have taken place in the past two months so I left but it was good to see everyone. I miss them. I don’t miss the job, but I do miss the people. I look forward to seeing them when Saranac Thursday nights start up.

Guilty Pleasure.

In an effort to kick the Monday blahs, I played one of my favorite songs from the 80s on the ride home and it perked me up considerably.

This song is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, because I don’t recall it being overly popular in the states back in the day, but it is one of my favorites. Bonus points to whomever can name the group these ladies sang backups in prior to the release of this song. (They’re even on a couple of this group’s videos).

Here’s Pepsi and Shirlie with “Heartache”.


One of my coworkers just bought eight pizzas for lunch for the entire office to share. That’s kind of cool. I hope to do the same with tomato pie in the near future. In the meantime I have managed to get some hooked on pistachios.

I am using my new Droid to write this entry and it is not nearly as cumbersome as trying to do it on the iPhone. I have already sold the iPhone and am quite content with my mobile technology. Some may shun me for dropping my Apple affiliation but I am more concerned with functionality vs being one of the cool kids. I don’t wear pretention well, though at times I try. If I was in school today I’d probably wear a purple slushee a la “Glee” on an occasional basis.

I have always been one to do my own thing. I’m happy that that aspect of my personality remaind constant and I continue this quest called life.

Time Flies.

Has it really been 14 years since that first date that forever changed my life?

My heart soars and I still see fireworks when he walks into the room.

I am a very lucky man.