
Autumn in the Back Yard.

Autumn in the Back Yard.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

During this time of the year in these parts you have to wonder if this is the last nice day of the year. Around here snow can fly at any time pretty much after October 1st. Today it’s in the mid 60s and very humid. I think there’s a thunderstorm brewing.

The fall colors are coming along nicely as evidenced by the trees along the back yard. Tom and I took a stroll around the lawn during lunch. He followed the obligatory path he always follows when he does his “rounds”, I just walked around, picked up some garbage that had blown our way and enjoyed the crisp, yet warm autumn air.

I always can feel such magic on the wind this time of year. It does wonders for the soul.

Wrong Way.

I’m taking some comp time from work today simply to catch up on some household chores. I had a whole bunch of ebay stuff to ship, plus I wanted to get caught up on laundry and everything since Earl and I are going to be in Philadelphia this weekend.

So I was driving home from work following my normal route. I am fortunate that we live near one of the local freeways, so aside from a few blocks of “city” traffic, it’s smooth sailing on the short drive home.

Except when someone is driving the wrong way up the freeway.

I had just jumped on at my usual interchange and had BT cranked up on the iPod. I was behind a tractor-trailer when all of a sudden the tractor trailer made a quick swerve to the right, into the shoulder. I immediately slowed down, not wanting risk damage to my beloved Acura (who cares about me, SAVE THE CAR). Then I noticed that there was a mid 90s Oldsmobile headed for me. The elderly driver, a man from what I could tell, was straddling the dotted white line, apparently oblivious to two things: he was headed the wrong way down the freeway and he was headed for other motor vehicles. I jumped into the shoulder, beeped my horn and yelled at him (surprisingly without profanities). I don’t know what I hoped to accomplish by yelling, as if he couldn’t see the car or the tractor trailer or hear my horn blaring, I doubt he was going to hear me yammering away at him from inside the car with the windows closed. He got by us and from what I could tell in the rearview mirror, he proceeded to drive several other vehicles off the road as he made his way up the freeway in the wrong direction.

I have a couple of thoughts about this.

First of all, I don’t believe that just because you’re elderly that you no longer have the privilege of being a motorist. And it’s just that, a privilege. It’s not one of your rights. George Washington did not cross the Delaware to secure a driver’s license for all. And that includes horse and buggies. Older people need to ambulate just as much as their younger counterparts do.

That being said, I believe that all motorists should be tested on their driving skills at least once a decade. Vehicles change, roads are reconfigured and driving habits deteriorate. Now I’m not saying that you should go through a full-blown road test with hand signals and all that, but I believe that you should have to demonstrate to a certified test official that you are able to navigate both local roads and freeways safely and efficiently without causing harm to yourself or those around you, and you should have to do this every ten years.

I also believe that if you drive something bigger than your average Cadillac sized sedan (read SUV) then you should have to demonstrate competency in being able to handle that safely. Yes, I believe that to drive an SUV you should have a special rating on your license. And to get that, you need to be able to drive it, park it in a parking lot, navigate a narrow street and parallel park.

If the requirements for maintaining a driver’s license were a little more stringent then perhaps we’d all pay a little more attention to what they were doing instead of yakking on the cell phone/slapping children/shaving/applying makeup/etc.

I’m Not Really That Cranky Today.

I just reread the previous two entries from today and found that they made me sound quite cranky today. I don’t feel cranky at all, just full of opinions I guess. I’ve been busying myself about the house while covering on-call for a couple of hours for a co-worker, Earl is parked on the sofa (or in old English, Davenport), watching the Eagles game on Monday Night Football. I occasionally hear a loud “YES” or “GO” in a very authorative football fan voice.

Go Eagles!

So while it may seem that I’ve been a little cranky and/or spacey today, rest assured that I was my usual jovial self. And thank goodness tomorrow isn’t Monday.

Law of Rant.

Over the weekend our Fine Folks in Washington tacked an amendment banning online gambling onto a Port Security bill. Can someone please take a moment and explain to me what the hell online gambling has to do with securing the ports of the country? Who does the government think they are in banning online gambling anyway? How dare they decide that they’re my babysitter and tell me what to do with my hard earned money. If you’ve got a problem with my gambling habits, well, quite frankly its none of your business. You mind your business and I’ll mind mine. You don’t like gambling? Don’t do it! And don’t come crowing to me about I’ll end up on welfare, blah, blah, blah. If a person loses all their money gambling then they deserve to be out on the street.

By the way, has the entire country lost their mind? School children were killed at a one-room Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster County, Pa. today. That has to be one of the more tragic things I’ve heard in quite a while. What the hell? The Amish are probably one of the most peaceful people left in these parts and their children are gunned down.

Then we have this whole constant fear thing going on. My sister can’t take a tube of toothpaste on a flight to Russia because she might build a bomb with it. Are you kidding me? They blue chemicals in the airplane toilet are probably more dangerous than a tube of Crest. She’s flying 12 hours and can’t brush her friggin’ teeth. Unbelievable. But I bet you they’re still serving alcohol in first class, never mind that alcohol can be quite ignitable. As long as they have bad breath, I suppose the world is safe.

I am so sick and tired of all this fear mongering going around. Be afraid of the terrorists, they could get us at any moment. You know what? Someone please tell the current administration to shut the fuck up and go stand in the corner and don’t open your mouth until someone asks for your opinion. I’m sick of all this chatter about how something bad is going to happen. When is something good going to happen? Why doesn’t anyone tell us that? By the way, as it stands right now, the *American* death toll in Iraq is higher than the number of Americans killed on 9/11. This number does not take into consideration the thousands of Iraqi civilians killed. You know what they say about “two wrongs”.

Everyone has flipped their lid? The news media is jumping for joy because gas is at $2.50 a gallon. “Oh look, gas is so cheap now.” Are you kidding me? Two years ago it was half of that. What in the world are these people thinking? Has everyone turned into a mindless zombie?

I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening.

In Too Deep.

During a particularly agitating phone call with a customer today I decided to let my mind escape for a few moments while the customer ranted and raved about something quite trivial in the great scheme of things. What I find insane, quite frankly, is I daydreamed about singing a cover version of Dead Or Alive’s “In Too Deep”, complete with cowboy hat and chaps with my ass hanging out for the video.

Thank the Universe I’m not trapped in an episode of Ally McBeal or I would have found myself sitting at my desk in that very outfit.

Oy. Where the hell did that come from? Shockingly, it’s just another Monday in my book.

Maybe I need my own theme song or something.


Dj PiperCub.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

Since I’m DJing in Buffalo two weeks from tonight, I thought I should get some practice in using nothing but the PowerBook to spin up the tunes. Notice in the picture that the dual deck CD player does nothing more than provide a stand for the computer. My, how technology changes.

When I first started out I used nothing but vinyl, since compact disks were a very young technology at the time. I’m quite proud of my mixing skills when it comes to vinyl but I’m not happy with how I do with CDs. I’m finding that I can adapt to using the computer and USB DJ console much more because it gives me that “vinyl feeling”.

Ah, the good old days. But here’s to the good new days!

In And Out.

Obligatory cat picture.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

I’ve mentioned before that Tom likes to play a game with me during lunch. There’s two parts to this game. Part one is to see what brand new, never heard before obscene, shrieking, loud, deafening noise an eleven year old cat can make while standing in front of the door. This is a subtle request for immediate egress, and if not answered promptly is accompanied by claws on the door casing.

Part two is to do exactly two 360 degree rotations just outside the door, sniff the air a couple of times and then stand in front of the door waiting to be let back in. He will not start part two until the door has been closed and I have been seated back at the kitchen table. Then it’s show time.

So here’s a picture I took as part two comes to an end. He’s waiting for a bite or two of kibble (I usually wish him a ‘bon appetit mon chat’ as he walks over to the bowl), then he’ll race around the house like his tail is on fire and then park in front of the door again to make another heinous noise.

I sometimes wonder who has the more rigid schedule.

Pizza Day.

When I arrived at work this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see two apple pies sitting on the community table in our work area. My friend (and co-worker) Shirley had made apple pie for everyone on her day off yesterday and was kind enough to share with our little group at work.

Strike one on eating healthy today.

Around 10 a.m., the director of our group announced that he was buying everyone lunch today and to decide what we wanted. We all agreed on the tried and true in our group – pizza and wings.

Strike two on eating healthy today.

So I had a piece of pizza, well, four small squares of pizza, for lunch at 11:30 a.m., while I continued to work at my desk. I’m trying really hard not to eat something now while I’m at home doing my usual hour routine.

I don’t know what it is about Fridays and pizza. In elementary and high school, we either had pizza/green beans/peanuts/apple crisp or fishburgers(?)/french fries/cole slaw/peaches for lunch on Friday. The peanuts were due to the fact that Jimmy Carter was president at the time, they were replaced by something else during the Reagan administration. I don’t know where we came up with the term “fishburgers” but it sounds a little odd now that I think about it all these years later.

I’m not a huge fan of pizza. I never have been. I suppose it’s alright to enjoy from time to time, but I’d rather dive into something else like Chinese food or something if I’m going to waste some calories away. The one form of pizza that I really do enjoy is “tomato pie”, which is tomato sauce on a doughish crust with cheese sprinkled on top. It’s usually enjoyed cold. I think it’s only found in this area, but I could be wrong on that.

Earl thinks I’m nuts (which I usually am), but there are two varieties of pizza that I do enjoy – Hawaiian Pizza (pineapple, cheese, ham) and BLT pizza (bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese and mayo). Now those are tasty.

Let’s see if I can at least eat healthy tonight!

Happy Friday!

How To Blog.

While at work today I stumbled across this article that gives ten tips on how to be a good blogger. I found it quite interesting and thought you would too. Maybe I’ll even take some of the advice and incorporate these points into “Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity.”