Babbling Brook.

Posing at Hillside.

Originally uploaded by bluemarvel.

Earl and I spent the weekend at Hillside Campground in the mountains of Northeast Pennsylvania. It was a very relaxing weekend, giving us the chance to catch up on some sleep and hang out with old friends.

Hillside is situated on the side of a very steep mountain (surprise, surprise). Back in the day, we would stay about 3/4 of the way up at a friend’s permanent site. The past year or so, we’ve stayed 1/2 way. This trip was our first experience at the bottom of the hill along the babbling brook.

I burped, frogs jumped. It was kind of cool.

The rain tried to dampen our spirits Saturday afternoon with an impressive thunderstorm, but it didn’t slow anyone down. The rumbling of thunder through the mountains just added to the excitement and by bonfire time, the sky was clear and the party was on.

A good way to spend the weekend.