September 20, 2006


On Monday I was speaking with one of my work associates in Syracuse when she had mentioned she had seen my name in the local newspaper, The Syracuse Post-Standard. Now I haven’t been arrested lately nor have I done anything more erratic than usual that would cause a public stir so I couldn’t imagine why my name was appearing in the newspaper. She couldn’t remember the article, just that she had seen my name and said “I know him!”.

It turns out I was mentioned on page A-2 of the *Sunday* paper this past weekend, in reference to my roadgeek website, Upstate New York Roads.

Apparently, I have been named “York Stater of the Month” for my contribution to Upstate New York.

I have to admit that the recognition makes me feel good.

My work associate sent me a clipping of the article via interoffice mail, where it will now be displayed on the refrigerator, next to the printout of my first CAD drawing I did in my first class at school last night.