May 18, 2024

Colby, Kansas.

Today I drove from Los Lunas, New Mexico to Colby, Kansas. At about 475 miles on Interstate 25 I was ready for a change of pace and turned northeast at Trinidad, Colorado. This mixed up the view a little bit and gave me a chance to enjoy the beauty of the older U.S. highways. It was a lovely day for a drive.

I wasn’t really expecting today to be a chase day; the plan was always to get into position for chases Sunday through the end of the my chase-cation. I have achieved that objective.

I stopped by “Twisters Bar and Grill” here in Colby for a beer and some supper. The bartender was very kind and we had a good conversation about storms and what it’s like to live in Colby, Kansas. I feel very comfortable in this city, though I have no idea why. Perhaps it’s familiarity; I believe I’ve been here for the past three chase trips.

After Twisters I stopped at Walmart and bought some Rain-X to apply to the windshield. Having the rain whisked away by Rain-X is super helpful when you’re chasing a storm.

I’m headed to bed. There’s a line of thunderstorms passing through tonight but they’re mostly disorganized and don’t really carry a severe threat. Tomorrow looks very promising to the southeast of here, and I want to save my strength for that chase. It may be intense.

Here’s some shots from my drive today.


Truman and I had some bonding moments this past week. Here he is looking at me wondering when I was going to dispense a treat.