December 10, 2012


So Earl and I are back to the work grind today after our vacation in Houston and New Orleans. I stepped on the scale yesterday morning and discovered that I maintained my own during our getaway and this was encouraging. I keep worrying about exercise and working right, but everything is still according to plan so I feel really good to go. Tonight we’ll be back to the gym for the first time in almost two weeks.

I am trying really hard to maintain the relaxed feeling I had over vacation during my day at work today. I had over 1000 emails awaiting my delete button when I started up my computer this morning and to keep it interesting, the folks in IT were kind enough to migrate my account to a new server (which we now outsource, apparently) and that process added to the merriment by including emails I had deleted way back to August, so the 1000 or so new emails had a few hundred others around to make the crowd of messages seem more lively.

All in all, though, the morning has been good and I’m getting done what needs to be done. I was happy to note that my iced tea was waiting for me at Dunkin’ Donuts just a few moments ago. It’s the little things that count.

After returning from vacation I always feel extra philosophical. It was back in 2004 or so that I raised my hands on Interstate 40 outside of Oklahoma City (we were in the Jeep and the top was off) and I yelled to the world that I was going to find a new job; two months later I was in a new job. I tend to reevaluate my life path after a vacation and today is no different. I’m pretty happy with where things are and it would be chilly to take the top off the Jeep in December so I don’t have any grand declarations to make. Overall life is good as we get back to the daily grind.

Let’s see if I can keep this kick backed attitude through the holidays.