So here we are. It’s officially been 2008 for nearly a day and all is right with the world. I always welcome the New Year because it feels like a “warm reboot” of my life; a chance to get everything back in order, a chance to lose a few pounds and a chance to focus on new goals and dreams.
Earl and I arrived home from our trip to the Massachusetts South Shore around 2:15 this afternoon. We didn’t get settled into the house until 3:15 or so, because in order to get the car in the driveway I had to hike down to the house through around 10 inches of snow and make my way to the snowblower and clean out the driveway while Earl drove back and forth, up and down the road, monitoring my progress. As I walked up and down the driveway behind the snowblower, cranky because I had to use the slowest gear since the snowblower didn’t like handling all that snow, I dreamed of living in the middle of the Arizona desert in a spacious, sunshine filled house with solar and wind powered dreams and scantily clad men (aside from a collar or something of that sort) feeding me grapes and giving me a massage. It’s the only way to get through snowblowing the driveway.
The weekend in Massachusetts was fun. We stayed with our friends Scott and Mark and partied for a while last night at the Randolph Country Club. We went with the “club package” for the evening; this included a buffet dinner and a live band with dancing and whatnot. They expected over 100, there were only 40 people there. The live band was good but we felt a couple of decades too young for the music they were playing. Luckily, the Randolph Country Club has many bars and dance floors and such so we escaped to the younger part of the bar and danced a bit before heading back to Scott and Mark’s to watch Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark do their thing. We were in bed by 12:30.
I’ve watched a number of people do the “365 days” photo journal on Flickr over the past year; I’ve decided to jump in the fun. I can’t guarantee that I’ll remember to do it, but I plan on taking at least one photo a day to document that day in Flickr. It might be a fun thing to do.
I kicked off the New Year by shaving my head again for the first time in a number of months; I decided to make a photo documenting this for my 365 Days: Day 1 photo.