February 3, 2007

Saturday Night Jam.

When I DJ (which is very infrequently these days), I almost always include “Baby Love” by Regina in my “retro” set. Co-written by Regina and Stephen Bray, this song was originally written for Madonna. She turned it down, leaving Regina to record it for herself.

It reached #10 on the Top 100 in 1986, topping the dance charts in June and July of the same year. I still love this song to this day.

Geek Space.

New Workshop and Geek Space.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

I’m just full of photos today! Here’s the other room we moved into last night. This is the “workshop and server room” where I have way too many computers and none of them running Windows. The Mac Mini I’m sitting at will move into my office tomorrow.

Behind me we will be putting in a new workbench for the few projects that we like to busy ourselves with.

Almost Time.

Almost Time.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl and I finished up the ceiling tile and laid down the carpet today in my new office and music studio. The contractor comes back on Monday to put the doors on and then it should be complete. We are moving my furniture into the room tomorrow so that I can clean the newly christened “back bedroom” upstairs during the week next week.

The project has come along really well. Today I melted my electrical tester to two wires and made some fireworks for everyone to enjoy in the basement, but there were no hysterics, fires or calls to 911.

In this photo Earl is using this vacuum cleaner that I like to suck with. It’s his first time using it. His response, “Where the hell did we get this thing?”