Easter 2006.

Trail Bridge.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

A few years ago Earl and I began a tradition for our Easter celebration. Every Easter we have our first picnic of the season, regardless of the weather. In Upstate New York the weather could vary wildly; there could be three feet of snow on the ground or it could be 80 degrees. One never knows.

Normally we go to a state park for our picnic, but this year I was on call, so that meant staying within 20 minutes of the house. Luckily, we live a stone’s throw from the famous Erie Canal, which has a recreational trail that runs the length of it. This trail will eventually go from Albany to Buffalo. From what I understand, it’s about 3/4 of the way complete. The portion near our house is relatively new.

So we took a nice walk along the trail, clocking in at around four miles. There were a few people out on the trail as well, mostly fishermen and a couple of families getting some fresh air.

After our little walk, we settled down to the small park at one of the canal locks. It’s a beautiful park, maintained entirely by volunteers. It’s very well kept. While there, we had our traditional ham and mustard sandwiches and assorted picnic salads. For dessert, Earl had cut up some fresh strawberries.

I guess I realized you don’t have to travel a long way from home to have a good time. Sometimes there’s good things right in your own backyard.