

Originally uploaded by jp2.0.

Earl and I decided that we should continue our run of home improvement projects around the house. I find it kind of funny that we are doing this sort of thing, as we sold our last house because there were just too many projects to do.

Oh well.

We started out the fun by getting rid of some of the leftover clutter from the building of the rooms in the cellar. We intended on taking it to the dumpster at Earl’s work, but they were good employees and locked up the yard gates per Earl’s orders. This was bad for us. So now we have a load of junk in the back of the Jeep that I’ll have to take to the recycling center tomorrow.

After that run of fun, I decided that the clock in our garage (which is part of my collection of school clocks) needed to have it’s wiring hidden instead of being tacked along the wall. This involved pulling wiring through insulated walls but surprisingly it didn’t go badly and I didn’t end up drilling from the garage into the adjacent laundry room.

The relocation of the clock looks spiffy.

Now I’m currently taking a break of installing new lights in a remote area of the cellar. Earl was impressed with the fact that I was wearing safety glasses, so he snapped a photo.

Tuesday night the landscaping people come to tell us how much it’s going to cost to relocate our dirt.

Fun times in the JPnEarl household.

Retro Time.

I love “Never Can Say Goodbye” as performed by The Communards in 1987. I *always* play this track when I’m spinning (usually the last fast song of the night). Today’s dance music doesn’t come close to the energy of songs like this. Plus, it brings back so many fond memories from my first spin at college and “Doc’s”, the classy(?) bar in Jamestown, N.Y.

Enjoy the video.

Oh Alec.

I’m trying to decide if I like Alec Baldwin these days. This picture of him from years ago helps me sway my decision a little bit, but just a little.

Alec Baldwin.

Of course Alec has been part of the latest breaking headlines from Hollywood, after he left a very ridiculous, sad and unbelievably angry and hostile voicemail for his young daughter, Ireland. Yesterday he appeared on “The View”, in a double segment no less, where he joined Barbara Walters and Rosie O’Donnell to give his side of the story of what actually happened and the aftermath of it all.

Alec is now heading up the cause of “Parental Alienation”. He is trying to bring awareness of this to the masses. He has also written a book which will be released in September. Per his appearance on “The View”, Alec wanted out of his contract with NBC for “30 Rock” so he could focus on this instead. Sources say NBC responded with a “no”.

O.k., he said some hateful things to his daughter on that voicemail message. Let’s face it, you really shouldn’t call anyone a pig and especially not your family. Alec knows that. He lost his cool. He took out frustrations with his ex-wife on his daughter. I think that’s readily apparent. It doesn’t make what he did acceptable by any means, but people lose their cool and they need to learn and move on from the experience. But you know what, that message should have never been made public in the first place. Years ago I went on a rant that rivaled Alec’s voicemail performance. I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted that rant to be seen by anyone in the general public. It’s amazing that I can interact with the target of my venom once in a while and have it be an amicable experience. So in a way, I feel for Alec in that regard.

But what kind of creeped me out was the whole interview itself. Barbara Walters desperately tried to go into 20/20 mode, but Alec wasn’t having any of it and pretty much steered the direction and tempo of the interview. Barbara was visibly uncomfortable with this. Rosie looked like she was a little uncomfortable as well but for different reasons. This style of interview is not her forté and she certainly gets an “E” for effort.

I guess I felt that Alec was trying too hard to do damage control. To me it felt like it was too soon for this sort of thing. He looked like he hadn’t gotten much sleep, he stammered and stuttered a little bit and while I appreciate the scruffy face, he really should have shaved if he wanted to put his best face forward so to speak. People notice that sort of thing.

So do I like Alec Baldwin? I guess time will tell. I’ll download “30 Rock” and catch up on it this summer. I’ll see how he behaves in the future.

For now I’ll keep enjoying his scruff in the proper situations as well.


Today has been one of them days where you think you’re accomplishing things but then you look around and it seems like nothing has been done.

We started the morning fairly early. At 8 a.m. on the dot, a contractor arrived to give us the quote for the new patio we’re having put in. The back deck is gone and we’ve opted for a stamped concrete patio; the contractor gave us two bits of good news: 1. It will be done within two weeks, 2: the price is very reasonable.

Yay! Where do we sign on the dotted line?

With that accomplished, we had hoped to clean up what was left of the deck but April showers prevailed. So I suggested “Plan B”. In an effort to save money, Earl and I have been talking about dropping DirecTV and going with a traditional antenna instead. Several of the stations in the area are now broadcasting HDTV digitally over-the-air, so I figured between these feeds and the AppleTV, we’d be fine with our entertainment fill. Off to Radio Shack we went, where we picked out a moderately priced antenna that could be mounted on the side of the house without looking like we were trying to pick up secret conversations from Telstar.

Just for kicks I installed the antenna in a makeshift arrangement in an effort to confirm that we’d be getting a decent signal. I figured it’s better to be safe than sorry before calling DirecTV and telling them to pull our plug.

That’s when Earl realized that we weren’t going to get ESPN, Discovery, Lifetime, Logo, et. al. anymore.

I think he paled.

So the antenna went back in the box and is destined to be returned and DirecTV will continue to tap our wallets for something that was free back in the day.

After our little Telstar drama, Earl and I made supper together, which was an enjoyable experience. After our delicious meal, he said he’d help with loading the dishwasher, where I was presented with this (images are clickable in this new blog format):


He’s such a kidder.

Blog Maintenance: Here We Are.

Well, I’ve messed around with this blog layout on and off all day today. After a discussion with Earl regarding our website, we’ve decided that we’re going to completely revamp the site, so this is the new look of the blog.

I hope that you find your reading experience in this new format to be enjoyable, please let me know if there are any quirks that you encounter. I’ll still be tweaking here and there as my moderate OCD kicks in, so you might see a few improvements once in a while.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program!

The Panera Experience.

Earl and I are sitting in our local Panera. Oh, by the way, we’re back home from Gettysburg. This is our second Panera stop today.

Earl finished up his meetings this morning around 11, so we checked out of the hotel and hit the road. We were originally going to visit some of the historic sites and the battlefield at Gettysburg, but Mother Nature decided that we should visit another time when it’s sunny, so we headed north to Harrisburg. Earl had a conference call at noon, so I got him situated in the car in The Capital City Mall parking lot. I went and browsed while he chatted with his peers on the cell phone. He then joined me for lunch when he was done.

It was still raining so we decided to head home. To break up the monotony otherwise known as Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, we stopped at a new retail outlet called “The Shoppes at Montage”. By the way, adding the “ppes” to “shops” makes it trés chic.

Actually, it’s a nice place to browse and shop. We picked up a couple of picture frames for the house at The Christmas Shoppe. We also had a quick snack at the new Panera there.

We got home just a little while ago. It’s still raining, but not too bad. Not in the mood to cook, Earl suggested our local Panera where we could surf and dine. So that’s what we are doing right now. Like many of the retail establishments in our area, this Panera has been “localfied” with a strategic amount of wear, tear and disarray to make the locals feel at home.

I find the effect rather disconcerting.

Blog Maintenance: Don’t Be Afraid

I’m in the process of migrating my blogging software to a new platform (WordPress). It should be done by the end of the weekend. You might see some weird messages or changing formats untiI I get everything in place, but fear not, my entries and your comments will not be lost. I would never let that happen.

Update! If you’re using an RSS Feed to monitor this, you’ll probably have to update your bookmark/favorite.

Gettysburg, Pa.

Earl and I are spending the night in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He is here on business and I sort of tagged along. He has informed me that I will not need to refer to myself as the “First Lady of Cardboard” on this trip (he works in the specialty packaging business), as I have not been invited to the local plant he is visiting, I will be installed in the hotel room until his work is done.

We just returned from supper at “The Pub” at One Lincoln Square in the center of Gettysburg. You know, it’s quite historic in these parts. The food was wonderful, the beer was flowing and all is right with the world. Earl asked for a complimentary room upgrade so now we have a two room suite, complete with jacuzzi. I was asked to go fetch some diet pops for the room, so I did and I was not allowed back in until I knocked on the door and announced myself as “housekeeping”. I guess we’re playing the naughty hotel boy tonight.

I love it when we get kinky.

After Earl’s meeting tomorrow we are going tour some of the sites (it’s quite historic in these parts) before heading back home.

I love quick little getaways when it involves an expense account.

Goodly Talk.

I snagged this blog idea from Manhattan Chowder and found it interesting. Apparently my dialect indicates that I’m living in the right place, as I speak as I am suppose to.

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

Personality Test Results

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[Kelli & Rosie]

I guess I asked about a “Hot Topic” yesterday and that’s why my question caught Rosie O’Donnell’s eye when she was scanning through her “Ask Ro” section on her blog.

Rosie was unable to come to terms with ABC to extend her contract (she wanted a one year contract, they wanted a three year), so she has decided to leave “The View” at the end of her current contract on June 21 of this year. She has said on her site all along that it was up to a family vote, and her family voted for a one year contract or none at all.

I stand by my statement yesterday in that I believe she can be a more powerful voice without the constraints of ABC, Barbara Walters (et al) and the FCC through her blog and perhaps a satellite radio talk show or pay-per-view show like “Politically Incorrect”.

Best wishes to Rosie and Kelli and their family. I look forward to keeping up with the O’Donnells through her blog. Call me about lunch.
